Day Of The Dead 2: Contagium (2005)

Cr@ppy “infected” flick that’s completely unrelated to Romero’s ‘Dead’ series.

Haha…interesting dining room scene, I must say. Around 1:27:55.

There’s an ‘Evil Dead’-ish funny moment or two, but pretty much everything else is a waste of your time.

Actual length: 1:39:09

Inspirational Quote: “I always hated your food.”

Grade: D-

Twilight Zone: The Movie (1983)

Four “Episodes” after a decent intro segment.


A pissed-off, outspoken racist man has some extremely unpleasant experiences that alter his views on people in general.
1 – Pretty good
2 – Obvious/Cliche, and
3 – Obvious/Watch out for snakes!

The ending doesn’t get maudlin, thankfully, in the true spirit of the original series.


Boring and cliche take on aging and the desire to be young again.

Fresh young minds. Nom nom nom…


Modern update of sorts on ‘It’s A Good Life’, one of the best TZ episodes ever.

Definite creepy feeling when you realize (if you hadn’t been prepared for it) what’s up and wonder where it will take you, as the upside is definitely enticing.

I won’t ruin that other than to say that it delivers, at least somewhat. I was pretty impressed, actually.

Worth a watch.


(Singing) “Only (an inferior and unnecessary ‘Nightmare At 20,000 Feet’ remake) pads the film…”

Decent extro segment.

Quite frankly I think only the intro/extro, first-of-the-first and third are worthy of viewing.

Grade: D+

Birdemic: Shock And Terror (2010)

I couldn’t imagine a dumber opening, given the title of the “film”.

Main Street field, walking as a robot trying to be a human (Phantom Creeping), creepy waitress scene…

I’ve got a good idea of my grade, barring a miracle…now, to relax and enjoy with the occasional comment.

– A riveting response to Tracy Chapman’s “Fast Car”.
– Imagine random out of place printouts
– The Clap
– Rotting Carcass
– Calm panning shots
– The Bird Blitz

Then it gets BAD.

Truly horrendous in every way.

A must-see.

Inspirational Quote: “Congratulations!”

Grade: F-

Joker (2019)

A borderline-great movie. And I’m a d@mn harsh critic.

Basically it’s one man’s descent into madness…though to be fair there’s not *all* that much of a “descent” here…he’s pretty far gone not too far into the movie. It just gets more and more extreme, harder and harder to overlook.

Joaquin Phoenix is brilliant, which is no surprise, he’s a great actor. I’m gonna go out on a limb and suggest that he drew at least in part from painful life experiences to create Arthur Fleck.

It’s very well done. You can easily get lost in the despair that permeates the city/movie. Really fcken depressing, actually.

May profit from repeated viewings, if you wanted a better understanding. But I was too fcken depressed after one watch to plan for any more, and even now I wish – in a way – that it didn’t exist.

Misfortune leads to several incidents that aren’t Arthur’s fault…then again, those aren’t be-all excuses for everything he eventually does.

Visually disturbing and creepy. It’s difficult to know everything that is real and everything that is not.

NOT for the weak of heart. Scenes of graphic violence.

Gets a little slow at points. but I think (and will give the benefit of the doubt based on the rest) that this is intentional, in a way at least. Meaning, yes, here are some horrific and disgusting and terrifying things…and here’s something dull and slow as a real-life contrast. *shrug* Maybe, maybe not. In any case, I like my interpretation enough to enjoy it as such.

The vast majority of people are selfish, insensitive, rude a$$holes? I can’t really disagree with that.

Connection to ‘Are You Being Served?’ = Gary Glitter

Culmination near the end: Terrifying.

Inspirational Quote: “…you wouldn’t get it.”

Grade: A-

Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II (1987)

I’m just here for the shower scene, basically. (Around 1:04:15, if you’re interested).

But hey, I am an unprofessional critic, and so I will of course watch the whole thing (and review it, vis the words you’re reading now) in the spirit of FAIR USE: CRITICISM.

Hey, Michael Ironside younged pretty well.

Hahaha…I wonder if MST3K got the potato power idea from this.

It’s actually not that bad, all joking aside. Creepy, pretty well acted, some cool one-liners…nothing special but fairly decent. Sort of a poor man’s ‘Nightmare On Elm Street’.

Inspirational Quote: “The music’s too loud…this rock and roll will never last.”

Grade: C-

Trilogy Of Terror (1975)

70’s clothes, 70’s hair, 70’s deco, 70’s rotary, etc…blech.

And these stories aren’t terror-ifying.

First one, mildly interesting. *shrug* Not worth it.

Second, not even that. Tedious.

Third, ummm…gimme a break. Laughable. And not intentionally.

BUT…it does have an interesting ending of maybe…a minute or so.

That saves this from the garbage heap.

Grade: D-

X (2022)

Cr@ppy graphic horror movie with obligatory sex.

Is it meant to be scary, truly scary? Or is it meant to be a sort of grotesque, over-the-top parody?

…Cuz it’s dull and/or laughable as often as it’s “OUCH!” or “D@MN!” worthy.

Direction, acting, dialogue, pacing, believable gore, actual “message”…all lacking.

Best timing: The alligator.

Off Netflix on 6/30/24

Grade: F

Popcorn In Bed – First Time Watching – Unforgiven (1992)

Very good movie, so that’s a good start.

The commentator is laid-back, and provides some interesting commentary but also plenty of bland commentary, which can be a distraction from the movie.

I find that terrible movies (‘The Room’, ‘Birdemic: Shock And Terror’, ‘Manos: The Hands Of Fate’, etc…) tend to do better in first-time watchings, because you don’t miss anything in the large bits and pieces that you miss (darn copyright).

Grade: B-

Creep 2 (2017)

SO redundant…wait, no, it’s a *female* being “hired” this time. “Really threw us a curveball there!” (Thanks, Jen!!)

Mark Duplass is actually not bad at what he does here. But what he does is talk like a genial total sociopath and never show the tiniest bit of real emotion. There’s a certain fascinaton to it, yes…but when you get down to it, there are plenty of other movies that present extreme aberrations in human beings, and actually have *more* to them than simply that.

It’s not exactly Joker and Harley Quinn.

27:38 – And they’re off!

Inside the mind of a serial killer? Not really sure if it’s creep(y) or laughably bad…I lean one way, then the other, grumbling at the notes I have to take for this review.

There is some actual tension and uncertainty near the end.

I’m at a bit of a loss. It’s not dark enough for the truly demented, but it’s not laughable enough for MST3K fans.

An interesting…attempt.

Grade: D

Reel Reviews With Jen! – First Time Watching – 8MM (1999)

Jen seems like a very decent, genuine person at heart, so it’s easy to buy her surprised/shocked/horrified reactions at the goings-on in this film.

The goings-on are pretty horrible and I’m reminded again that there’s so much potential for this to be great, but unfortunately every time I have hope Nic Cage (thankfully without bees) shows up on the screen.

Jen! rambles a bit too much at the end, but has some interesting tidbits.

Grade: D+

5/1/24: Re-watch before post. *shrug* I have different moods.

Jen’s commentary is much more a friendly-Canadian intrusion every time you feel the power and darkness of the film.

Don’t watch this…watch the film yourself, or with people that don’t talk a lot during movies.

Inspirational Quote: “Oh my God, he’s a monster…he’s a monster…”

Grade: D (lowered a notch to clarify how much better it is by itself, and full-length).

Crocodile Dundee II (1988)

It’s not horrible, but it’s kinda…sad, in a way.

I mean, it’s a somewhat-hollow echo of the original, inspiring more nostalgia than amusement.

And the serious plot element is strictly functional. And, well…so are the jokes.

It’s just a relic, hanging on for dear life. Not horrible, but not really worth your time.

14:22 – Smuggler’s Blues?
17:01 – Pachanga?
28:49 – Now *that* is what I call a phone.

Grade: D

Just SUMM Reactions – First Time Watching – The Room (2003, listed in YouTube as 2005)

One of the worst movies ever. There are so many that I won’t hand out the title that easily, I’ll let you decide for yourself. But this is definitely one of the best worst ever.

I think watching a reaction video is perfect for ‘The Room’, because it shows only the worst of the worst, so you waste less time being awed by just THE worst of one of THE worst. Good job by Emily guiding the room-virgins through it; it’s DEFINITELY better watching it with someone else.

The intro and outro are the only subpar parts.

Grade: B+

Ashleigh Burton – First Time Watching – The Thing (1982) Movie Reaction

I like Ashleigh’s reactions in general, she’s laid back and also interesting; seems natural.

Nothing really *special* here, but a solid entry.

Wish there was much more footage and commentary *shrug*

Inspirational Quote: “Was John Carpenter OK?”

Grade: D+

Just SUMM Reactions – First Time Watching – Birdemic: Shock And Terror (2010)

The movie is a horrific piece of trash that is ripe for mockery.

It’s a husband and wife duo doing the reaction.

The wife, Emily, is at times adorable and at times out of her mind upset; and right on point with her commentary and physical reactions. Some good lines, some repellant physical shielding (to no avail).

The movie pummels you into submission and just doesn’t let up.

Nice post-movie rant also.

Inspirational Quote: “Anyway, I hear a mountain lion…”

Grade: B

Reel Reviews With Jen! – First Time Watching – Birdemic: Shock And Terror (2010)

I like Jen overall: she’s affable and she doesn’t seem to be trying too hard.

Interesting and intelligent commentary at times, I think.

Very few painful moments from her, and she’s good at pointing out the numerous painful moments in the movie.

About the movie…yeah, it’s bad. Really, really bad. Goes from a really bad setup to an even worse EXPLOSION of SHOCK AND TERROR!!!

Just…cr@p after cr@p after cr@p. Really nothing to salvage this. I wouldn’t say it’s QUITE as bad as ‘The Room’, but it is pretty darn horrific.

Inspirational Quote: “Oh. Oh…oh, no…ohhhhhh noooooo…..”

Grade: B

Nikki & Steven React – First Time Watching – The Thing (1982) Movie Reaction

Man: Boring /annoying
Woman: Loud, too much d@mn swearing, but the occasional cool line.

Not worth it, especially given all your available FTW choices.

Inspirational Quote: “Is that the Millennium Falcon?”

Grade: D-

Natalie Gold – First Time Watching – The Thing (1982) Movie Reaction

Want an emotional watch-partner? Well, she certainly qualifies for that. If, on the other hand, you hate screams, avoid at all costs.

She’s also emotional in gentle, pro-dog ways, which is cool.

Her analysis is a lot more basic than it is deeply analytical, so take that into consideration as well.

Grade: C+

The Media Knights – First Time Watching – The Thing (1982) Movie Reaction

A fairly-dynamic duo that works well together at watching and interjecting watches ‘The Thing’ and doesn’t skimp.

Some good commentary on the intellectual aspects and different hypotheses.

I could do with a little less overall moviemaking commentary near the end.

And I wonder how much of the camaraderie is genuine. But assuming it is, this is worth your time for both “watching partners” and good critical analysis.

Inspirational Quote: “Let alien dogs lie.”

Grade: B

High On Music – First Time Watching – The Thing (1982) Movie Reaction

Love her nails.

But on to the reaction…

She tends to ramble, sometimes about the subject at hand and sometimes about irrelevant mush.

But since the whole point of these is watching (part of) movies “with someone else” that hasn’t seen them before, then their quirks could potentially just make them more interesting to watch along with.

However I think there isn’t enough charm and too much mediocre-level analysis (as well as too many superior versions of ‘The Thing’ reaction videos) for this to be worth your time. Maybe give it a quick peek and decide for yourself.

Grade: D

Sinister Southernbelle Reacts – First Time Watching – The Thing (1982) Movie Reaction

I was about to set this aside for the day or even dismiss it entirely, when I found that the host had some wit and natural brassiness to her. Still wasn’t sure how good it’d be, but worth a chance. *shrug*

I think in some cases (like this one, for example) the camerawork in a movie is a bit chaotic and imperfect for intentional reasons of tension, chaos and such, mostly re: horror movies…so we’ll agree (her and I) to disagree about that.

White Girl Dance Party
Alternate Ending finally made clear
Complex mathematics
More complex mathematics

Plenty of jokes/clips fall flat…not horrific, just dull.
The movie itself is shown backwards. That is, right to left.

It has enough interest points, IMPO, especially as a new entry in the ‘First Time Watching’ genre, to be given a chance. But it’s just too flawed to rate it any higher.

Grade: C

Centane – First Time Watching – The Thing (1982) Movie Reaction

On the plus side, she seems intelligent and rather natural in her reaction. Like, not going overboard for viewers.

Quite frankly I find her a bit on the clinical side…I could go for a bit more emotion. But the only way to really know if this (and if her personality) is a good co-watch with you is to give it a shot.

She also speaks Norwegian, which is good if you want to know what the Norwegian man with a rifle is saying at the beginning.

Me, I find that her translation takes away from some of the mystery of the film. And that’s what it’s all about…who is who is it and when and where and how (and sometimes why)?

The movie being watched gives it its quality, but there are several other FTW examples of it that I prefer.

Inspirational Quote: “Checkmate…checkmate…”

Grade: C

First Time Watching – Reaction Videos

A great way to watch ‘The Thing’ fifteen times in the same day and have each watch vary at least slightly.

Basically, “First Time Watching” videos are for when you’re lonely and want to watch a movie with someone but noone else is into it.

A very useful purpose, I think, at times. The trick is finding the co-watchers that you enjoy co-watching with. So to that purpose, there are a lot of possibilities.

I would recommend giving each a try, and finding out which you like and which you don’t, simple as that. I’ll be watching and reviewing a lot of said reaction videos, with a review of the first-timers typically as well as the subject. That’s a very important part of the enjoyment here.

SPOILER AND NOTE: For copyright purposes, they DO NOT watch the entire film in their videos. So it’s more for re-watching an edited version of a film you know you like (‘The Thing’, I’m lookin’ at you) with someone you know you’ll enjoy watch discovering and reacting to for the first time.

The Sleep Experiment (2022)

Full-length film inspired by ‘The Russian Sleep Experiment’, a famous Creepypasta.

Obviously, they had to flesh it out (ha ha) to make it feature length.

It’s about what happens when five men are placed in an isolation chamber (decent room size) that is then filled with a gas designed to keep them awake for as long as the testing scientists want, in exchange for a promise of freedom at the end of the “test”.

As a whole I find it touch-and-go but never dismal; I think it’s worth a watch by itself (it’s good enough on its own) as well as for fans of the original CreepyPasta ‘Russian Sleep Experiment’ (at least for comparison).

It’s well made enough to hold one’s interest, but it doesn’t come near the graphic horror and grotesqueness of the “origin”.

Grade: C+

The Kentucky Fried Movie (1977)

To make it quick, this was written by Zucker/Abrahams/Zucker. They went on to write ‘Airplane!’, among others.

But this is minor-league baseball – where even the best stars first need to work out the kinks and learn the ropes.

Sometimes painfully.

So unless you really (REALLY) can’t get enough of ZAZ, stick with something else.

Grade: D-

The Metamorphosis (2012 Audiobook)

1915 story by Franz Kafka.

Incredibly creepy, right from the start.

From there, it just seems – from the main character’s reaction/narration – that it will be the same boring story of a traveling salesman with little attention paid to the fact that things have changed JUST A BIT as he’s now a huge insect. I mean…that would make selling a bit difficult, wouldn’t you think?

Fairly quickly, though, things seem to change…but very slowly in terms of how the narrator views things and thus describes things. Like a brain that is slowly turning from human to insect. I didn’t expect that, actually, and it’s an object of curious interest. CREEPY interest.

Everything just slowly and inevitably starts to collapse. Depressing.

Depressing because it is seemingly completely without reason; someone destroyed in an instant for no good reason, doomed to simply die slowly.

Inspirational Quote: “…simply have to overcome a slight indisposition for business reasons.”

IQ2: “It’s not fair it’s not FAIR!”

Grade: B

The King In Yellow (1895): The Complete Collection (Horrorbabble Audiobook, 2017)

Do you like pretension and open-to-any-interpretation? You’ll love this. No? It is then worthless to you.

Fine, the first four “Volumes” have some connections. Enough to maintain interest. But interest based on hope for something MORE, hope that these building blocks will pay off later. But they don’t. They are just LEFT THERE, as the author moves on to confusing insane writing *WITHOUT* connections.

I would try the first four, just to be sure, but trust me on the next six.

When I consider the year that this was published, it makes a LOT more sense. I mean, very few people probably had a then-current chance to read the work, so I imagine it encouraged clever people to gather together in groups with their majestic rare book and dwell on how all the common schmos had no idea this even existed…a shared, rare secret. But it’s not rare anymore. Anyone that wants to know whether they are sufficiently stoned or not could probably determine that by listening to a bit of this. If it sounded brilliant, “It all makes sense to me now!!!”, then you’re plenty stoned. Or plenty high. *riff riff*

If you have interest in this sort of thing, if you have interest in weirdness, if you have interest in H.P. Lovecraft, if you have interest in weird a$$ sh1t….if you WANT to like this, and KNOW it, and what it means, you may very well listen to EVERY line for any hint of anything it might (eventually) give. Oh well, I can’t stop you.

But don’t underestimate this: If you’re of sound mind and don’t wanna get a little freaked or laugh in wondrous surprise, it’s not for you.

Don’t let anyone tell you there’s anything brilliant to be discovered here, because there’s nothing brilliant being *SAID* here.

It’s brilliant nonsense rambling, and if you discover a meaning for yourself, it’s completely by accident…’ll try, of course, that’s only natural. Those that like trying and thinking odd, unbidden images will keep on with it, those that do not will stop pretty d@mn quickly.

I have no idea and don’t care enough to look into it, but does this have ANYTHING to do with King Crimson, the obviously much-later-on prog-rock band?

H.P. Lovecraft supposedly read this (and *LIKED* it, yet!), thus justifying its existence.

“Volume One”: A great moment in the history of insane first-person “narration”…At this point, without reading further, it seems as if the entire volume is meant to be a story written by a lunatic, and while it seems pretty insane, I was expecting (hoping?) for something a bit more “important”. A bit of mythos, in the vein of Cthulhu, to get really weird freaky things going.

“Volume Two”: Less varied and weird (less, still very)…not as “good”(?) as one but don’t even *THINK* about skipping chapters, this is a WORK, of art or cr@p or insanity, in any case a work, and it won’t do to pick-and-choose. A beautiful woman is at the center of this buried amidst the now-usual borderline-insane ramblings that go here, there, and/or everywhere.

“Volume Three”: Interesting musical ramblings and/or musings…(more) impressive insane ramblings.

“Volume Four”: Official ‘King In Yellow’ chapter of the Boston Red Sox! Vague reminders of 3 on occasion…and a vague resolution to the supposed theme that’s not any more or less meaningful as any independent ramblings thus far.

“Volume Five”: The origin of the fabled snipe? Love, birds, endless vistas, other weirda$$ sh1t…adding intermittent French has no effect whatsoever. I mean, you know it doesn’t mean anything more than the rest of the nonsense here. Sounds nicer, though…French is such a pretty language.

“Volume Six”: Repetition and sub-sub-titles…I was very thankful when I realized it was short.

“Volume Seven”: Puss? or Puss?…meh or calming, or both. I don’t remember, already.

“Volume Eight”: Oh God this is starting to make my brain bleed. War is – confusing and boring?

“Volume Nine”: Mocks itself at least once, very welcome and normal…French, American, (ew!) Latin…oh Dear God this whole thing is the worst audiobook I’ve ever listened to. Allow me to quote a hero of mine on something completely different: “For a long time I thought this was the worst rock band in history simply because it was the most pretentious, but sometimes pretensions are (at least partially) earned.”…painting tends to be a somewhat common mention…fish FISH a FISHY requisite t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t…”an ecstasy of trill”, now *that* is a cool description – finally. Crossdressing. A miracle. Lots of Rue…faster, faster…

“Volume Ten”: “Crimson, nor yellow…” Is this more evidence that King Crimson took this cr@p and tried to make it sane? Or did they try to keep it insane and go full-on pretense? Or is there no connection? Or who cares?…art teacher…longggggg smile…intermittent French as it builds to a CLIMAX. (No, not really…)…multitudinous love…greater than normal attention, hoping for and waiting for (but not expecting) an actual, meaningful ending that somehow sums things up in some small way at least. NOPE.

Inspirational Quote: “What?? What about the chicken?”

IQ2: “…(passages) that made (‘The King In Yellow’) such an admirable (audiobook) to fall asleep to.” – A Hero

Grade: C- (Upped three notches for inspiring talented writers)

First Time Watching – Overview

Are you bored and lonely? Looking to watch a movie with someone but also by yourself?

This is a category on Youtube where you can do pretty much that.

The quality varies wildly of course, and you’ll have to go through a lot of different “fellow watchers” before you find a Fav.

It can be enjoyable. Just remember – it’s cool to “watch with someone” at times, and in this case you can stop any time you want, and not have to interact in any way. So it’s good for semi-loners and/or really shy and/or depressed and/or socially awkward people.

BUT…they’re not really your “friends”. So avoid unhealthy obsessions. And keep your money in your pockets.

Word that will sear itself into your brain before too long: “Content”.

– Puppy