How Did I Know This Would Happen On VampireFreaks?

“Alyssa is a super kewl girl .. she is in jail and i wanna make a cult so every one can make her a sign and I will be posting her poems and
updates about her .. please help her by making her signs or writting
her poems ,, i will then forward them to her.”

Cult on

Oh yeah, goths are harmless.  Unless they list their hobbies as cutting and killing people.

Again, there are some “real” goths on VF, and this isn’t meant to denigrate them…but the majority are angst-ridden adolescents or post-adolescents (Or in some cases VERY-post-adolescents) with tendencies toward psycopathy, sociopathy, serial killers, and other warm and fuzzy subjects.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

10/16/16: I don’t know who “Alyssa” is, I don’t know what she’s allegedly done, I don’t know if she’s guilty or not. And there are certainly plenty of decent people on VF. But there ARE a large amount of fcked up scumbags. (housekeeping)

Author: Puppy

Semper Puppy

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