First Time Watching – Overview

Are you bored and lonely? Looking to watch a movie with someone but also by yourself?

This is a category on Youtube where you can do pretty much that.

The quality varies wildly of course, and you’ll have to go through a lot of different “fellow watchers” before you find a Fav.

It can be enjoyable. Just remember – it’s cool to “watch with someone” at times, and in this case you can stop any time you want, and not have to interact in any way. So it’s good for semi-loners and/or really shy and/or depressed and/or socially awkward people.

BUT…they’re not really your “friends”. So avoid unhealthy obsessions. And keep your money in your pockets.

Word that will sear itself into your brain before too long: “Content”.

– Puppy

Linda Ronstadt

Greatest Hits, Vol. 1 & 2 (2007)

Buying individual “albums” of hers is a waste of money.

Everything you need is here, not that there aren’t other nice/pleasant songs out there, but the appeal is so similar that it’s just not worth it.

Lots of nice, pleasant melodies sung by a really, really good and impressive voice. And the fact that she was pretty gorgeous doesn’t hurt the enjoyment.

So basically just get it started, and don’t worry about being too distracted. You’ll get a nice, pleasant feeling that won’t interfere with anything important you actually have to do. Because there’s nothing “important” here.

Once in a while a song sticks out and is a bit more enjoyable than usual, and there’s nothing embarassing here, which is nice.

Then again, I’m so hopelessly out of date that this should be taken mainly as nostalgia.

(“Long, Long Time”, “You’re No Good”, “Hurt So Bad”)

Grade: B

Pupdate – 7/27/23

I’m back. As you can tell, I’m super excited. I will of course be adding more content. If you somehow stumbled here and read this, great. Have a look around if you like. Or don’t, I don’t care. It’s really for me. A nice permanent recording. If you like what you see and want to support this website and help me add even more quality content, then…well, don’t do anything, I’m not linked up to any support sites. “But seriously, folks”, if you came here on occasion and if you left a cute little sweet little lovey-dovey comment every now and again (like now…and again), I would actually genuinely appreciate it. You may love me, you may hate me, but I hope you at least find me mildly interesting…with an idol like The Dean Of American Rock Critics, Robert Christgau, this makes a lot of sense. Except that he’s extremely interesting.

– Puppy