Perkins’ 14 (2009)

’28 Days Later’, cooked up in some lunatic’s basement.  Only it took 3622 more days and it sucks.

I’ve been trying to find the next great “horror” film (If I haven’t seen it yet, it’s new to me) in the vein of ‘Land of the Dead’ or ‘Seven’…this ain’t it.  It starts mediocre enough and then descends into one of the worst pieces of sincere(???) filmmaking I have ever seen, including MST3K.

I think an old (future) exchange said it best (regarding my search)…and I paraphrase:

“This is disgusting…this is absolutely, completely horrendous.  I hate this.  I HATE this!”

Grade: F-

Author: Puppy

Semper Puppy

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