Survival Of The Dead (2009)

The vast majority is generic zombie sh1t that’s been done a million times before by many different people (Romero included).

And just when you think that FINALLY the movie has moved beyond that, that Romero is going to make another “statement”, this time regarding existence or some other deep thought, it stays exactly the same.  Maybe all of his “statements” all along have been purely accidental, because this sucks.

Labour of Worthlessness.

Grade: F

9/16/13: While pruning my F List, I came across this.  I thought maybe I should take it off.  The reason I don’t is because, with all the sh1t that’s come out in the zombie vein since ‘Night’, the fact that Romero seemingly is stagnant enough to make something so unbelievably redundant and meaningless in the very same genre he himself sparked (if not created) is deserving of nothing less than a big fat stamp of failure.  Well done, George.  Grade: F

Author: Puppy

Semper Puppy

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