Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Rebel Set (1992)

Short: ‘Johnny At The Fair’ – Not as good as ‘A Day At The Fair’, but still good.

Really bad movie that tries to be really serious with really bad actors and a really out-of-place and out-of-his-league wannabe-ringleader.

Really good choice. They don’t waste their chance, either…really good riffing.


The Hole
The Priest Chase
Merritt Stone(?)

Inspirational Quote: “In the hole!”

Grade: A-

9/12/12: I wanna add movies to my A list so bad I can TASTE it… :( Grade: B+

2/15/13: The short pushes it over the edge, and the movie holds up the standard. Grade: A-

Author: Puppy

Semper Puppy

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