Excerpts from FB’s ‘Anti-theist Propaganda’ page

‘Hi Aaron, thanks for sharing.’

Ummm…you’re welcome, Joel.  You know, I expected something really nasty in response…

‘On behalf of everyone on this page, I’d like to cordially invite you to f#ck right off.’

Like that.  And since we’re supposed to be about TRUTH and FACTS, why do you say you “cordially” invite me to fck off?  You’re ANGRY…you’re DENYING the truth. You are LYING.  How is that promoting “truth”?

‘If you know anything about Pol Pot, you’d know that his motivations and actions are so far removed from anything we endorse that your comparison is beyond ridiculous.’

It was an extreme example used to promote thought and education.  Worked, didn’t it?  So…what’s the problem?  Extreme “examples” are great when they serve your agenda, but they’re horrific when they don’t?  I don’t get it…’splain, please.

‘We…promote education for the benefit of the human race.’

So I just educated hundreds, perhaps THOUSANDS of people who, before my post, did NOT know that Pol Pot was a crusading atheist who tortured and killed people for refusing to NOT believe.  So…why aren’t you promoting me?  Isn’t that for the benefit of humanity, to show that you can be anti-theist and still be a total scumbag?  How can you not understand this?

‘Although as anti-theists we are in a position of vehement opposition to religious belief we would never condone violence,’

So you’re saying that, even though you encourage freethinking, NOONE who likes your page/agrees with your anti-theism would EVER commit an act of violence?  Please…now who’s spreading fairy tales?

‘believing that a freethinking individual is entitled to make their own choices’

Ok.  So what you’re saying is, by this direct, unedited quote…is that you think everyone should make up their own mind.  Great.  Point made.  So why do you keep making the same point over and over and over and over again?  Your page makes sweeping generalizations about how everyone that is religious is “brainwashed”…that’s as absurd as saying that EVERY anti-theist is a fanatical POS like Pol Pot.  Oh wait…how is the second any worse than the first? 

WAIT…I’ve got it…because I refuse to be brainwashed into thinking I’m brainwashed…I’m brainwashed.  Got it.

‘and that our duty to our fellow humans is not to force them to share our beliefs but simply to empower them to make up their own minds.

This stands in stark contrast to the Khmer Rouge regime of death
which sought to destroy all educated people and force an entire
country to serve one man’s twisted vision of an extreme socialist state.’

Well, I’ve made up my own mind.  But I’ve got a strange feeling that you WON’T leave me alone…I’ve got a strange…call it a “superstition”…that you’ll send ANOTHER message to me, or someone else will say something really nasty.  Which sort of goes against what you just said, huh?

‘Your earlier statement likening our opposition of religion to “skinning nonconformists alive” is equally absurd, not least because in the countries where most of us are from, religious belief is the norm and atheism is seen as the nonconformist position.’

I was referring to Pol Pot, atheist/anti-theist.  Pol Pot DID, in FACT (since you insist on facts, why don’t you accept them and applaud me for providing them?) skin people alive (among other forms of torture) as well as force them to dig their own graves before being beaten and thrown in, often buried alive by the Khmer Rouge.  The POINT is…your little dream of “doing away with religion will make the world a happy, peaceful wonderful place and everyone will be shiny and happy” is just as absurd as any other fairy tale taken seriously…and Pol Pot is a FACTUAL example of  how your “perfect world” can go HORRIBLY wrong.  But what do I know…I’m not an anti-theist.

‘Many of us either face or fear discrimination on the basis of our lack of religious belief. So maybe you should re-check your perspective.’

You live in Australia, do you not?  I wasn’t aware of the fanatical religious groups that dominated the Australian sphere of influence. Ummm…see below:

“Australia has no state religion, and section 116 of the Australian Constitution prohibits the federal government from making any law to establish any religion, impose any religious observance, or prohibit the free exercise of any religion” – Wikipedia

‘Religions suck.’ – Wow, that’s really profound.  Who wrote this, Anton LaVey?

‘One thing we know is clear- NOTHING should be above ridicule or criticism.’ – Including your page.

‘You are the enemy’ – I thought you meant only to educate/enlighten…”enemy” sounds very…what is the word…dangerous.  Hey, see ‘Pol Pot’ above.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Author: Puppy

Semper Puppy

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