‘First – What is an atheist agenda (and why capitalize atheism)?’
Because that’s proper English usage.
‘If you think that atheism means something other the disbelief in deities’
Ummm…no offense, but…”than” disbelief. Actually…I take back the “no offense” part. I say that in an a-offense way.
‘and/or evidence for such you need to reconsider your definitions rather than create strawmen to knock down.’
I’m not a rich man, I’m not a handsome man, I’m not a smart man, I’m not an educated man, I’m not a well-dressed man, I’m not a tall man, I’m not a straw man, I’m not a milk man, I’m not a gingerbread man…
‘Second – Atheism ‘purports’ nothing of the sort, another strawman.’
Hey…why did you capitalize “atheism”? (See Above)
‘Third – If you want to assign particular beliefs to groups that hold them while also not believing in gods feel free to do so.’
‘Atheism in itself have no more opinion on homosexuality than on ice cream flavors.’
I HATE to be nitpicky, but…”has”.
10/24/12: JUST TO CLARIFY…AGAIN…I am NOT poking fun at this person BECAUSE of their use of language. As was made clear to me by comments he made regarding my “ganglion”, which I sorta know the definition of but not precisely, his position was this…although he’d never come out and SAY it: “You’re an idiot, I’m really really smart. Therefore, you are inferior and I can mock you and if you don’t understand, that’s your own fault for being an idiot. BUT…if you make fun of my incorrect English usage, you’re being mean…”
Even though ignorance of proper English usage is EXACTLY THE SAME as ignorance of the exact meaning of “ganglion”.
Point: Intelligence does not grant license to be a jerk. Noone is “better” because they’re smarter…contrary to what supra-intellectual elitists might WANT you to believe, there are plenty of perfectly reasonable, sensible, intelligent people that are NOT inherently inferior because of their lower IQ’s. It’s about morality, not MENSA scores.
Or, to quote John Cleese regarding outrage felt by my mocking of ignorance, after I was…mocked…for…ignorance (???!!!): “Do I detect the smell of burning martyr?”
-Puppy >.< Yip!