Fawlty Towers – Episode 10 (The Kipper And The Corpse)

lumbered with the people
breathing attempts
managing to struggle down
Basil’s lightly-buttered kipper rant
woman’s work never delegated
Basil’s breakfast delivery rant
hitting guests
Basil’s kipper rant
death celebration
a bit of it
BLOODY final
Basil’s hotel rant
recurrent kipper
cheerful over guest’s death
recurrent kipper
2 dead, 25 to go
noisy cupboard
fortunate key
Basil’s crush/Manuel’s dance
“Oh, I know…”
off guard
fly attraction
screaming radio
bothersome corpse
Doctor wanting sausages
explaining to Manuel
women doing it
not much
Manuel in a basket (part 2)

dog FX
unusually nasty Polly
Polly’s stalling
Basil’s stalling

Grade: A

Author: Puppy

Semper Puppy

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