Zombies. En Francais.
There’s a very brief set-up, then it gets really violent and gory…for a little while, at least. But even if you like violent and gory, you probably won’t like this.
Since this movie has pretentious (unfulfilled) aspirations to be serious and meaningful, there are long lulls between the violent scenes. But unlike, say, ‘Land Of The Dead’, they’re dull, boring lulls, serving to alienate and frustrate gore fiends and those that make the mistake of reading the subtitles looking for a good story equally as much.
Usually the reason I don’t like watching foreign-language films is that I have to worry about missing some nuance in acting or emotion while I’m reading the subtitles. Here, since the dialogue is just as bad in French as a generic American zombie flick, the only thing the subtitles do is take up screen space.
Lots of head-butting, too.
Grade: F