The jig is up, the news is out, I finally watched thee.
From Renegade, why was it made? Oh woe-oooo-oe IS me…
Etc, etc, etc…
It’s a lot like ’28 Days Later’, except it sucks. Lots of extreme over-drama. And lots of British and British-esque accents and slang, cuz everyone knows people dig that.
Also, there’s no gore. Apparently the disgusting special effects were scrapped over budgetary concerns.
1:02:35 – Vicious, completely unprovoked toupee assault.
SAME-DAY EDIT: I can never listen to “Forever Autumn” again…too depressing a thought.
Despite being listed at 110 minutes, the actual “zombie” part doesn’t start until around the 56 minute mark, inspiring the quote below.
Inspirational Quote: “This is gettin’ stupid…”
Grade: F