At BEST, that’s totally imprecise and only somewhat accurate. And totally sexist.
I mean, what about the heterosexual female and homosexual male ones? Not to mention the asexual ones, the lesbian/heterosexual male ones with headaches, or the ones that aren’t just mostly dead.
But here’s the deal…the “setup” (idea one) features nice costumes/scenery/most of the budget and tolerable acting and lasts until about the 15 minute mark, then the ultra-soft-core porn (necessary to add “NUDITY” to advertising) part turns into cr@ppy “horror” plot point (idea two) which eventually leads us to the actual movie (idea three, at around 25:30).
Actual movie lasts about 45 minutes and sucks. FX are sad, acting is poor, dialogue is really bad.
Only misogynists and people that want to see Eric Roberts embarrass himself will enjoy it.
Nice fireplace, though…too bad they didn’t just show that for 1:14:05.
Inspirational Quote: “I’m a big fat cowboy!”
Grade: F