Bint Alshamsa: (Responses in parentheses)
“X, Y, Z, and all of the other butthurt white people on this thread:”
(How very Christian of her…obviously she means “butthurt” in the non-pejorative sense)
“Racism against white people never occurs. It is, in fact, impossible.”
(I see…)
“Racism is power plus prejudice”
(Mathematical equivalent: Racism = X, Power = Y, Prejudice = Z. Therefore, the statement is: “X = Y + Z”)
“there are people of color in positions of power”
(Mathematical equivalent: Y is present in (some) people of color)
“Prejudice is simply the prejudging of a person without knowing them.”
(So, in order to make the mathematical model above NOT apply, you would have to say: no non-white person has ever, in any way, shape or form, prejudged a white person without knowing them, while also being in any position of power in any way, shape, or form. Oh…I don’t know…)
“Arabs can’t ever be racist against Black people”
(See Above)
“Chinese people can’t ever be racist against Japanese people.”
(See Above)
“Japanese people can’t be racist against Chinese people.”
(See Above)
“Aaron, I’d let you remain ignorant and sit back and laugh. However, because I love white people, I’m not going to do that.”
“If I hated you, I’d just let you remain ignorant and sit back and laugh.”
“Who do you think it was that made it necessary for people of color to bring the case before the Supreme Court? I’ll give you a hint. It starts with “white” and ends in “people”. LOL”
“You lose. LOL”
“By the way, I can’t stop laughing…”
“@Aaron it always amuses me when white people like you try to blame people of color for your racism.”
(“White people like me”? That sounds a bit…oh, nevermind. But anyway, moving on…ummm…first of all, I’m not a racist. Second of all, I didn’t try to blame anyone for me not being a racist. Third…your argument is inventing itself and fulfilling itself, but is completely false.)
“You’re a racist”
(Well that’s just not true…and it’s certainly not a nice thing to say in a public forum.)
“you want to be one”
(I do? I didn’t know that…)
“Adults take responsibility for their behavior.”
(And, since you’re an adult, your statements are your responsibility, by your own argument.)
“They don’t try to blame other people.”
(So, again, by your own argument, you won’t blame me for pointing out what you did, in fact, write in a public forum. Great, thanks.)
“White people don’t get to decide what’s racist.”
(Wow…who does? Everyone else? Sounds a bit…oh, nevermind…)
“white people don’t get to decide what’s racist, even when they get really butthurt because they can’t make decisions for the rest of the world any more”
(Wow…what’s with the butthurt thing? And you’re suggesting that ALL white people want to make ALL decisions for the entire world? That sounds a bit…oh, nevermind…)
“As I told Aaron, the kidnapping and trafficking and enslavement and rape and torture and lynching and genocide of millions upon millions of people of color is far more than just rude, but you have no problem remaining complicit in that.”
(You suggested that, because someone disagreed with your definition of racism, that they “condone…kidnapping, trafficking, enslavement and rape and torture and lynching and genocide of millions upon millions of people of color”. Hmmmm…sounds like someone needs a nap.)
“…you just don’t want to hear if from a woman of color…”
(Yes, white people would completely accept BS statements if only a white person had made them…that’s why white people never argue with each other, because it’s a vast conspiracy…???)
“…Japanese and Chinese people ARE the same race.”
(Wow…I did not know that. I still don’t.)
“Slavery only went away when enough white people started dying on plantations and it stopped being a sustainable way for lazy people to get rich.”
(This is my favorite: Slavery did NOT go away because the Union beat the Confederacy. The Confederacy was going to immediately end slavery regardless of the outcome of the Civil War. Don’t laugh at me, I’m just trying to translate into non-fanatic here…)
“…folks like you thought it was a-okay to call us your slaves.”
(To someone else, but basically directed at white people. Yeah…I feel the guilt, really. I mean…folks like me. You know, people with the same skin pigmentation, who otherwise have nothing to do with me.)
“…you don’t get to decide who can be rude.”
(Do you?)
“I can’t force any white person here to let go of their racist attitudes.”
(But you gave it a DARN good try.)
“Aaron, actually, I still don’t coddle racists like you.”
(So, again, you’re calling me a racist in a public forum. Very Christian.)
“Aaron’s pro tips: 2. Assume that ignorance is a valid excuse for being a white racist.”
(WAIT A MINUTE! You said “white racist”. Why did you say that? Since, according to everything you’ve said before, ONLY whites can be racist. Therefore, to say “white racist” is, by your own definition, redundant. Unless of course you mean there can be other types of racists…but that goes against everything you’ve said previously. You SEEM too eloquent to be TOTALLY redundant…Hmmmm…)
“By Aaron’s logic: Rapists should be the ONLY people allowed to decide when raped women have a right to get upset.”
(All levity aside, that’s INCREDIBLY insulting and, of course, blatantly untrue.)
“Aaron, feel free to sue me.”
(Well, you never know…)
“Aaron 2: white people should be allowed to rape, torture, enslave, and lynch people of color, since sometimes people of color are rude to them”
(I have no response to this…I would just suggest looking up “libel”)
“Aaron 3: Jesus is totally cool with Aaron defending the rape, torture, trafficking, enslavement and lynching of people of color, but he will smite anyone who is rude to those who defend these atrocities.”
(See Above)
“Aaron, you’re offended? Aww! You know what else is offensive? Being a racist. However, that doesn’t stop you.”
(It doesn’t make me happy at all to be the subject of potentially libelous statements, Bint. It actually offends me deeply. But if you want…)
Finally, to close, a question and answer…question asked by another person, and answered by me:
“Aaron…..are…you willing to say/type/admit that racism, whites towards minorities, in this country, is an ongoing, real and major problem?”
Yes, I am. Yes, it is.
-Puppy >.< Yip!