Infection (2010)

Cr@ppy attempted sci-fi/non-scary horror preceded by cr@ppy attempted drama.  And liberally interspersed with it.

OR: The rants of a crazy old woman.

You can watch it if you want something to make fun of that safely promises never to interest, scare, or emotionally involve.  There are VERY brief flashes of competence, and sound failure. 

Should you choose to watch it, there is a point where a flashback occurs as an explanation of a semi-revelation.  You might, like me, wonder to yourself: “Why didn’t I notice that when it happened?”  The answer, I think, is “Because it wasn’t any dumber than the rest of the movie so I chalked it up to sh1tty writing.”  The advantage, I suppose, of being horrible – you can disguise plot points with layer upon layer of stupidity until the viewer just doesn’t care anymore.

Featuring a sliding-door walk-in police department.

Alternate Title: ‘Invasion Of The Mouth-To-Mouth Flattened Mutant Corndogs’

Grade: F-

Author: Puppy

Semper Puppy

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