First, an explanation/warning of a problem I encountered on Neopets.
Second, a general NeoPets review (Hey come on, I put seven/eight solid days of work into this!).
Fifth, a description of screen shots I have and how they’re relevant. No, I’m not going to upload them. Why? Because I don’t care if you believe me, and because you probably are bored by this enough already.
Well, let me just use mostly email quotes from me and TNT (That’s an acronym for The Neopets Team, for those in the know).
8/9: Timeline event – Neopets account created.
8/13: 1st place overall score, listed in BIG LETTERS on a game page, held by me, vanishes. Now, and this becomes important later on, notice the month of creation and the month of high score gaining. YES! They’re the same!
8/13-8/14: Mentioned problem, got this response: “We will look into it Thanks!”
8/16: Wrote to ask about progress of looking, since score still gone and no info given. Received this response: “Thank you for contacting us via the Feedback form. If, in fact, you have an actual support issue regarding your account, please submit a ticket here:”. No, I don’t have an actual support issue, I’m quite deliberately wasting your time. Well, except for the deleted/vanished score support issue, there’s that.
8/19: From me: “It’s been four days, my ticket has been closed without resolution, only reopened when I suggested I was considering writing about the state of Neopets customer service, and still I’ve received absolutely no idea whatsoever why my number one score in Lost City Lanes was deleted, after having been delayed acceptance to VERIFY legitimacy, and then approved. And posted to the high score list, giving me a trophy I still have even though according to the game itself, I have NEVER played it.
So, just letting you know I’m working on my piece. If you’re not going to do anything about it, the least you can do is tell me “We’re not going to do anything about it” instead of just…nothing. Let me know, thanks.”
8/21: …As for your score, High Score trophies are awarded only once per day, sometime in the early morning Neopian Standard Time. In order to receive a trophy you will need to be in a qualifying position in the High Score Table at that exact moment. If you send
a qualifying score after this time you’ll need to maintain your top spot to qualify for the next day’s trophy.
Please note that scores being reviewed are NOT posted until the score has been approved by our moderation team. This means that it will not post to the High Score table, no matter how awesome your score was, until it’s approved. By the time it is approved
the score may no longer qualify for a trophy but this is not a bug, just how the system works…
8/21: My response: “Hello. The fact that I have a 1st place trophy in Lost City Lanes is proof, by your own words, that I MUST have achieved a top three score, this month (since this is my first month of playing), in Lost City Lanes that was accepted and posted to the high score table. I have screen shots to verify this.
My score was reviewed, and accepted. And I have screen shots of this as well. A few days later, it was deleted, after I received the proper trophy for having the number one overall score, which I worked very hard to get. The deletion came without any explanation whatsoever, and after nearly a week there is still no explanation. I can only infer from that that Neopets does not thoroughly investigate such matters, for if you did you would certainly have a reason for the deletion of my high score, or at least could have been able to tell me what you just told me, which is nothing I didn’t already know, almost a week ago when I first mentioned the problem.
I will no longer be using Neopets, and I will be posting a message concerning these events to inform anyone who may be playing/thinking of playing of what can happen to something that you work very hard to get, using the screen shots and information I have gathered.
Thank you, and goodbye.”
Part Two:
Suggested new NP ad slogan:
Neopets: Your home for more ads than Live365!
OR, you can pay 8 bucks a month and they take away the ads. And that’s about it. Really…the “extras” are inconsequential except for the SSW (Super Shop Wizard), and if you think you really NEED that, just remember: It’s a GAME…”Neopoints” don’t actually exist. It’s a bunch of pixels on a screen that you’re paying 8 bucks a month to see slightly altered.
In all honesty, the games (a lot of them, at least) are top-notch as far as simple online goes. But that doesn’t get any better for 8 bucks a month, and when your number one score in a game can get mysteriously deleted by a HUGE company that should have software that excludes the “random deletion” effect, it takes away a bit of the fun.
Part Three:
ScreenShot 1: My adorable sweet cute lovey-dovey sweet little first-place trophy!
SS 2: My account info, showing I started on 8/9 and had been playing for 3 days.
SS 3: My “High Scores” list…Lost City Lanes not there! :(
SS 4: Ticket submitted on 8/14 explaining problem IN DETAIL
SS 5: This is my favorite…it’s a screenshot of the game Lost City Lanes, and it shows that my high score for the month is “N/A” and my high score OF ALL TIME is “N/A”. So, basically, I have a 1st place trophy for a game I NEVER PLAYED. That’s just priceless.
SS 6: Screenshot of my ticket being “Reopened” VERY soon after I wrote and complained and mentioned that I might complain publicly about bad CS…now ain’t that a coincidunce! Nyuk nyuk nyuk…
SS 7: Ummm…just a later copy of 6, with nothing being done after 4-5 days.
SS 8: Ummm…see above. Redundancy, you know, Mr. Hunter.
SS 9: Screenshot showing the “My Support” section, which vanishes conveniently whenever I REALLY want to look at it, or if I complain (for a while). Naughty me!
SS 10: Screenshot showing the entire “Help” section after I complained again, which is mysteriously completely blank (see above).
Hope you enjoyed this! If you did, I’m Puppy! If not, I’m Penn and Teller!
-Puppy >.< Yip!