Crimson Tide – The Extended Version (Part 1)

Now I really like the movie ‘Crimson Tide’ just the way it is (despite the best efforts of Simpson/Dreckheimer), but I wonder if anyone’s considered the enormous dramatic possibilities that would be gained by lengthening the wait time at the end.


Like, instead of 3 minutes, have it be…

Oh, I don’t know…let’s say 36 hours.

It would really prolong that period of dramatic tension…and hey, as we all know, the longer something goes on therefore the better it is, right?  (This is for my live-to-1000 fans).

Here’s a sample of just some of what you might get in the “extended” version:

Obviously yeah that stallion bit, but then SO MUCH more!

00:02:30 – “Captain!”
*Denzel and Gene* “What?” *sideways half-glance at each other, maybe a WUH WUH WUHHHH in the background*
“Turns out there was an error in our calculations.  Russians will not have launch capability for 36 hours, Sir!”

00:03:01 – “Well, Mr. Hunter…this is where normally we’d have this resolved by now.  It’s a good thing we made a miscalculation, so we have more time to talk.”
“Yes Sir.”
“Yes Sir, you agree that this would normally have been resolved by now, or Yes Sir, you agree that it’s a good thing we miscalculated so that we have more time to talk?”
“Yes Sir I agree this would normally have been resolved by now.  Yes Sir, I agree that it’s a good thing we miscalculated.  It’s a good thing because now we both have more time to listen, Sir.  And those horses are from Spain, Sir.”
“Huh…I didn’t think of it in those rather philosophical terms, Mr.  Hunter.  *short pause*  But they are from Portugal.”

Author: Puppy

Semper Puppy

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