I have a feeling of Deja Vu…

If theists are sheep, then CA/A’s are Borg.

I’ll take organic, thanks.

Question I asked AT LEAST half a dozen times on Atheist Group Pages and received only one response, which was worthy of (see below): What exactly does Wicca support/do that is harmful to the world in general?  Or to anyone, at all, individually?   *Crickets*


“If it harms none then do as you will.”

That is really, really funny…because it’s basically The Wiccan Rede.  Wicca is a religion.  This is in the mission statement of a CA/A group.  So…they want to do away with Wicca, even though they agree with it?  I…can’t wrap my mind around that logically.  Unless it’s a hidden appeal to Wiccans, or a softening of the hard-line stance that has been softening actually for quite some time:  Most anger dispensed with, most CA/A’s are now trying a more “friendly” MO.  Which is GOOD…but are they doing it because they’re suddenly friendly?  Or because they know it’s a good PR move?

PUPPY NOTE: Since erased.  Minitrue!

J.J.: You’re terrible at writing.
Puppy: It wasn’t all that terrible…
J.J.: “,,,Completely unreadable. Like a highschool banged it out in an hour.”
Puppy: Unreadable?  But…you read it. And how many highschools can, themselves, write?
J.J: (Edited for mistake, understandable given the angst involved (I’m not joking)):  Completely unreadable. Like a highschool girl banged it out in an hour.
Puppy: HAHAHA! A forced edit. +1 for me.

2/4/14: Puppy: Well, since I’m not smarter than a 5th grader, that’s actually somewhat flattering.  I mean, I’m writing FOUR GRADES (at least) above my potential.

Moral of the story: Never send a 9 when you need at least a 6.  (That’s not a sexual reference).

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Puppy Edit: 2/12/14 – The SCARY thing is…I have a very strong feeling that there are a considerable number of CA/A’s actively HOPING for a Wiccan to go insane and do something really evil, just so the CA/A’s can include (somewhat accurately) “Wicca” as a dangerous religion.

10/16/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – The clip I included…is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen. At no point in its rambling, incoherent playing did it approach anything resembling a rational thought. (housekeeping)

Author: Puppy

Semper Puppy

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