Well, it’s simple really. Just like any other group, their first response to dissidents is to attempt to overpower them/their arguments with sh1t that comes naturally to them. You know, the basics…the sh1t they’ve said so many times they’ve got it memorized, down cold.
Like: “Ok, this person is *insert suspected flaw in belief structure here*. So let’s go after that…Ok, that’s a number 23A. Roll it out”.
If that fails, more will join with different but very similar sh1t. It’s a pack effect…they’re not doing it to educate, they’re doing it because their rep isn’t doing so well (rep: first person spoken to regarding a given subject). Then the rep shuts the fck up cuz they realize they weren’t good enough, and the real heavy-hitters come in. (I know, I know…sometimes it’s “the closest they have to-“, but still).
Different methods are employed: The “talking to someone else who feels exactly the same as if dissident isn’t even there”. The purpose of this is to insult said dissident for being “left out” or “ignored” so they will get angsty and say something stupid. Also, talking to a fellow tends to give you a bit of renewed confidence: “No, I am NOT wrong…”, etc…
If THIS doesn’t work, maybe their ultra-super-high-mucky-muck comes in and slams the door shut with their best outro. Or maybe they just completely ignore you…but they still know you’re there, so don’t give up hope. They’re reading every word you type.
Then there’s the optional “send in a rational neutralish guy”…this is where someone talks to dissident with at least SOME degree of respect, in an attempt to shut them up. May turn swiftly into step one if they sense imminent failure.
THEN…and ONLY then, do they call upon outside powers. Why? Because that makes them feel weak…to NEED someone else to defend you from words. It’s absolutely INFURIATING to a self-styled educated person to feel like they’re LOSING to some random loser on the net. :)