Not to be confused with ‘World War Z’. There are a lot of streaming movies that need a tag to that effect regarding some other (major) movie.
People become infected by a space germ and start eating other people.
There’s attention paid to trying to develop characters that you care about, but it’s not done very well so you really don’t care all that much. At least, I don’t. Seems shallow emotionally, superficial; just as bad as if they hadn’t bothered and just gone with all gore.
It’s completely serious, not camp. And it’s just good enough that you can’t really laugh at it, you just have to tolerate it or – maybe, if you see something I don’t – enjoy it mildly as an infected/zombie flick.
The actors seem to do their best, but that doesn’t stop the acting from descending often into B-Grade.
Ok…there’s one moment of REALLY bad gore FX about halfway through, but where it loses my consideration for anything above a D- comes when an infected tears a woman’s arm off and then beats another woman to death with a REALLY bad prop. Maybe that’s not how I wanna go.
About an hour in: bad infected behavior continuity. Lazy, lazy!
The ending drama might do something for you if you’re in the right mood. And you won’t be missing anything if you skip to it to find out.
Grade: D-