Bri said: 3/14/2012 12:59:02 AM (GMT)
Awesome site! I love the puppy and LOLcat pictures! Your reviews are very useful! Just wanted to say hi!
stacy said: 9/12/2011 11:05:37 PM (GMT)
nice work, lets do this! :) Stacy
Puppy said: 1/15/2011 2:12:35 AM (GMT)
If Puppy’s favorite Pixies song = “Rock Music”, and Puppy = Great, then “Rock Music” = Great. Yay! :)
Bunny said: 11/11/2010 5:42:14 AM (GMT)
You Rock!
God said: 10/17/2010 3:29:05 AM (GMT)
You sir, are going to Hell.