Cargo (Zombie Short Film, 2013)

Available to watch on YouTube, here are the vitals:

Tropfest Australia 2013 Finalist, Directed by Ben Howling & Yolanda Ramke, Length: 00:07:03.

Now, the story…

Husband wakes up from a car crash to find his wife a zombie but his baby still alive and alright.

The film is basically the father’s quest to keep his child not only alive, but happy and well.

He does his best, and it’s fairly touching and also fairly sad…with a twist and ending that’s rather unique.

Not to diminish it, but it’s a lot easier to make an emotional moment/statement when you only have to sustain it for a few minutes as opposed to an hour and a half.

But that being said, this does that. Recommended to people that like zombie films with characters and character.

Grade: B-

Author: Puppy

Semper Puppy

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