Forgotten Kingdoms – Odds and Sods (SATIRE…SATIRE…SATIRE)

1) FK – The Mediocrity Watch

After a brief challenge of Armageddon, FK’s current 3rd is now closer to 4th than Arm’s 2nd. Triumph of substance over well-meaning dreck.

Don’t get me wrong…I love the well-meaning.

But sweet, gentle, polite, cheerful cr@p is still cr@p.

2) Wanna know why FK is ranked 3rd on TMC, and Harshlands 71st?

FK cares about being popular.

Harshlands cares about roleplaying. Demands it, actually…mediocrity could not survive there for long. Hence, a mass migration.

That’s just my opinion, of course.

3) Memo To Ireland

You rock. Can you please export FK to some much cr@ppier country?

4) Oh, and the final and best example of JH-level roleplay:

Almost all characters, when faced with an opposing viewpoint, will – instead of discussing, arguing, listening, speaking directly to the opposer – almost inevitably and robotically turn to another player and talk about the opposing player and their viewpoint as if they weren’t there.


Lawful, Neutral, Chaotic, Good, Evil…identical.

I’m not joking.

Like covering their eyes and ears and yelling “NANANANANANANA I CAN’T HEAR YOU”.

Try it, if you don’t believe me.

The clique leaders do, the clique followers laugh and/or agree.

It’s…sad. THIS MUD is challenging Armageddon! There is no justice of quality in the world.

Author: Puppy

Semper Puppy

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