Grimmsy Grimmling, Escort Of Souls – Number Three – Frame One

Slightly larger box than the normal ones for strips one and two. Things are drawn in such a way to indicate that the larger box equates to a larger area in scale than before.

Scene background obviously altered from first two…there is a tree on the far right of the frame, drawn showing that it’s “back” just slightly from the “front” of the frame. Tree is fairly generic in appearance, leaves on it indicate spring or summer.

There is a small, plain wooden bench on the far left of the frame.

Distance from the tree to the bench and height of the tree seem approximately the same.

The background is drawn in such a way (besides the solitary tree) that it suggests a somewhat foresty area; perhaps a park, some land set aside for aesthetic purposes, etc…

Daytime is indicated by the Sun, random clouds (no discernible “match” with strip one or two) which seem to be still.

(clouds stillness remains during the course of the strip).

If one studies very carefully, the cloud formation at one point would appear to very roughly and vaguely (and naturally) look similar to a “J” next to a “G”.

Author: Puppy

Semper Puppy

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