Deep Puppy Thoughts (Part 155)

Ah, praise Jesus for the “Reason Rally”:

Dick Dawk advocates intellectual assault, Penn Jillette talks at length about truth as climate change DOES NOT OCCUR!!!


“The withdrawal of philosophy into a “professional” shell of its own has had disastrous consequences. The younger generation of physicists…may be very bright; they may be more intelligent than their predecessors, than Bohr, Einstein, Schrödinger, Boltzmann, Mach and so on. But they are uncivilized savages, they lack in philosophical depth – and this is the fault of the very same idea of professionalism which you are now defending.” – Paul Feyerabend

“Holes In the Foam
Yet, it seems to bother a goober like you enough to have to comment ad nauseum about it with absolutely ridiculous drivel. Funny how that is. Shut the fck up loser. :D” (edited for naughtiness)

Your “yet” has no basis, since in my extreme mockery of the pointless waste of time that is the Redundancy Rally I am quite clearly trying to show how incredibly stupid and pointless it is. “have” is used improperly, I LIKE pointing out horsesh1t. I know you have no actual basis for saying “absolutely ridiculous drivel”, so I’ll NOT ask “what do you mean by…”
etc, cuz who gives a fck anyways, who the Hell are you you attention whore. Ummm…to finish, no, it’s not funny in a funny sense or in an ironic sense. But to finish, my two favorites before I post this and your best twaddle on my website (TOP OF THE WORLD!!!): 1) You using the phrase “ad nauseum” of course INSTANTLY makes your opinion, whatever it may be, correct, and anyone else’s incorrect. 2) Well yeah, I’m a loser, baby, so why don’t you kill me? *Dundun DIN dunDIN…*… and so on, and so on…

Jesus H. Christ!

It’s so great that, like…there are so many weaknesses you probe for…
so many you’re accustomed to, so many you have so many pre-programmed scripts for, etc…but I have ABSOLUTELY NONE OF THEM. I mean…you’ve got nothing. I…think I just might orgasm. Maybe that’s because of Hitchens though. No, wait…there is ABSOLUTELY no necrophilia in the British Navy. Absolutely none. And when I say none, I mean there is a certain amount.

And I close, of course, with a quote from The Three Stooges:
“You too, rain-in-the-face” – Moe Howard

Author: Puppy

Semper Puppy

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