SOMAD – The First Antitheist (Episode 1 – The Greeting)

“So…SOMAD…what’s up?”

*SOMAD* “”Up” is an adverb.
Meanings are as follows in order of relevance: 1) Away from the
center of the Earth or other planet; in opposite direction to the
downward pull of gravity. 2)Thoroughly, completely. 3) North.
4) Louder. 5) Higher in pitch. 6) Traditional term for the direction leading to the principle terminus, towards LAUNCH POINT EAR…*PAUSE* towards milepost zero. 7) A preposition indicating pos…”

“Ummm…no, I meant…like, how are you doing?”

(Really…interesting!  He’s mad as non-existent fictional location created by mankind, and he’s not gonna take it anymore!!)

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Author: Puppy

Semper Puppy

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