Propaganda (n): Intellectual Fascism
Redundancy (n): This definition for most people
Rat, sleeping (n): While admittedly NOT ideal, a whole lot better than a wide-awake rat.
Dissidenti Seer (n): A great idea for a Magic card.
Ahman Fyre (Proper Name): A wistful true romantic.
NOMAD (Proper Name): A highly sophisticated computer from ‘Star Trek’.
PC Crusading Atheist NOMAD (n): Slight alteration on NOMAD (See ‘NOMAD (Proper Name)’)
Example: “I am NOMAD I am perfect everything which is imperfect must be sterilized…ERR educated.”
Mensa (n): Table.
Alternate definition: MENSA(Acronym)= Membership Entails Nonstop Snarky Arrogance
Illusionist (n): One who deceives others for a living.
Fate (n) 1: A hypothetical concept of questionable validity.
2: A combination of chaos and those things that are made to
happen by people who do not believe in Fate while those that
believe in Fate bemoan its cruelty.
Atheist, Crusading (n): One who insists on “informing” others of their “delusions” despite the fact that 1) With every single moment that goes by, we know more than we did the previous moment 2) We use or even fully understand a mere fraction of our own intellectual capability (“The Brain”) and 3) *Insert your own barbed witticism here, I have too many to decide on just one*, we can somehow scientifically/intellectually disprove or even SLIGHTLY discredit the idea of a Higher Power (Higher Power in this case refers to ANY possible existence of any form of deity or higher level of existence or higher plane of existence or anything else in any way beyond our understanding and not completely scientifically “proveable”)…AND who must therefore force everyone to “see” the “truth”, even in such instances when said individual is a good, decent person living a good, decent life who simply finds comfort in their faith and is not IN ANY WAY infringing upon anyone else’s rights and when the only possible result if said “truth” is “seen” is that said good, decent person becomes really depressed. BUT “enlightened”!
I mean, the end of ‘Men In Black’ and ‘MIB II’ are each far more
profound than every treatise on disbelief ever written.
Think of an ant farm. Or a hamster cage, complete with wheel. Or a fish tank.
Now…to each of these creatures, THIS is their “world”. If you
sat down and tried to politely explain to an ant that it is just
one TINY little creature on a much much bigger world, it would not understand. It’s not the ant’s fault, it simply lacks the capability
of understanding the level of thought possessed by Humans, which
allows us to realize that for everything we know and for everything
we THINK we know, there is SO much more we don’t have the
SLIGHTEST idea about. We understand our own limitations. To a
limited extent, and excepting the truly arrogant.
4/22/16: Silly me. The “fully understanding a mere fraction” part, I’ve since discovered (education!) is not accurate. The popular “Human beings use only 10 percent (or whatever) of their brain” doesn’t mean 10 percent TOTAL, it means that, at any given time, only 10 percent of the brain is being actively “used”…depending on what you’re doing.
5/25/16: “Gee, the lack of humility before nature that’s being displayed here, uh… staggers me. ” – Ian Malcolm