Hark the fictional creatures invented by man sing,
“Glory to the newborn male child who is NOT the son of God so stop kidding yourselves!
Peace on earth and mercy mild,
Barely possible only on a strong 6 with 7 equaling impossible degree of likelihood “being” and pointless outdated term that is meaningless because there’s no such thing re-con-ciled”
Joyful, all ye nations rise,
Join the triumph of the skies although that doesn’t make sense because the sky is merely sky
With the meaningless adjective because of almost certain non-existence of factual existence of noun proclaim:
“Christ is born in Bethlehem, although we remind you he was just a man and actually his very existence is open for debate but that’s another story and this verse is getting too long”
Hark! the fictional creatures invented by man sing,
“Glory to the newborn male child who is NOT the son of God so stop kidding yourselves!”
And so on, and so on…