Brain Dead (2007)

More of an “alien invasion” movie than a zombie movie…it’s very aggressive (the) stuff.

At the beginning (and let’s be fair, before it even started) I thought it was gonna suck.

But the scene cuts show a basic level of directing competence, there’s lots of gratuitous nudity in the beginning to lure you in (if you like that sort of thing), they spent the money on some gratuitous gory shots sprinkled throughout (if you like that sort of thing), and it seems to at least KNOW that it’s stupid and try to have a little fun with that in mind.

And, surprisingly, it does. It’s fairly witty/amusing/enjoyable, for what it is.

Featuring some fishermen who don’t catch any fish, BUT they do manage to snag a Forestry Service official briefly.

Recommended mildly to horror/gore parody fans.

Inspirational Quote: “Lick me, c@nt-biscuit!”

Grade: C-

Author: Puppy

Semper Puppy

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