AFTER complaining about my posts, here’s a post made on ‘Anti-theist Propaganda’ that was not only completely non-“reprimanded”, but was liked (at last count) 41 times:
(Setting: Job application, man sitting in chair, man behind desk interviewing him)
Interviewer, glancing at “resume”: “It says here that you raped 20
Interviewee, smiling: “And counting”
Interviewer, smiling broadly: “WELCOME ABOARD!”
Sign above office revealed: CATHOLIC CHURCH
Now, by the logic *I* was given, that I was supposedly suggesting all anti-theists are supporters of mass murder and genocide when I was in fact using satire…THIS would suggest that the poster believes that EVERY member of the Catholic Church is a child rapist, or, at the VERY LEAST, supports the idea of child rape.
So, AtP admins…where’s the outrage here? Or are you tacitly agreeing with that suggestion?
When one of them does it, it’s humor and if you don’t “get it”, you’re stupid or “out of touch”
When someone who doesn’t fall into step with their (self-proclaimed) propaganda DARES to do something that is much more clearly satire, but NOT in support of their agenda, they invite them to, and I quote “fck right off”.
-Puppy >.< Yip!