This Is Spinal Tap (1984)

I’ve seen this way too many times so it doesn’t amuse me nearly as much as it originally did, but I think that’s more because the observations on pretentious, stupid Arena-Rock bands and their inevitable descents were more cutting and applicable in 84 (or even 94) than they are today.  Bands seem, to me, to have learned to have a bit more of a sense of humor about themselves (with some exceptions) and the jokes hit home a lot more when you’ve been listening to the same pretentious and/or declining bands that the jokes apply to so aptly (Yes, Aerosmith, AC/DC, etc…).

A lot of people who didn’t grow up at or around the heyday of Arena Rock will probably just see this as a completely absurd collection of nonsense…but the fact that this was, at least at one time, VERY close to reality is just as sad as it is funny.

Nevertheless, it’s a must-see if you haven’t already and from what I hear it’s pretty d@mn accurate as pertains to a lot of its targets, according to some of the targets themselves.

Inspirational Quote: “You can’t really dust for vomit”

Grade: A-

Author: Puppy

Semper Puppy

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