The bird is still in flight, position and the way it’s drawn indicate a slow, leisurely pattern. Type is one common to park settings or suburban areas with lots of trees. (i.e. it’s not a seagull).
Man hasn’t moved position, but his head has lowered slightly. His eyes have narrowed, very slightly, and his brow is a bit furrowed; though his head has yet to turn to HIS right, his eyeballs seem to be leaning slightly in that direction and down, as if something is on the very edge of his vision/sense in some way and his eyes have taken notice but his head hasn’t realized and followed suit yet. The eyes indicate, along with his brow, both a slight change in mood (more attentive) and a bit of confusion.
Cloud pattern is normal, fairly generic. Formation, appearance, and speed of movement of the clouds is obviously different from strip one, though that is not made prominent: it’s there if “studied” but not designed to attract attention.
Partly sunny, a nice day, nothing particularly good or bad: neutral background of grass…again nothing of it made prominent (the bird is drawn/moving in an obviously peripheral manner) or exaggerated, but if studied closely obviously a different day.