In my endless quest to make Grimmsy Grimmling, Escort Of Souls ™ R (c) (A Subsidiary Of ConHugeCo) by Puppy Comics, Ltd. better and better (well, when it eventually gets posted and all) some general comic research turning up the following:
“Okay. When the character was created, Wally Wood was the artist that drew Power Girl, and he was convinced that the editors were not paying attention to anything he did. So, his inker said every issue I’m going to draw the tits bigger until they notice it. It took about seven or eight issues before anyone was like hey, what’s with the tits? And that’s where they stopped. True story.” – Jimmy Palmiotti
Learn something new every day!
Oh, and to all the wanna-be-super-a$$holes out there:
Comic book villains and villainesses are a HELL of a lot more interesting, attractive, intelligent…pick your adjective…than 99 percent of you.
So…yeah, if you’re a villain/villainess, or fancy yourself one: you’re probably just a boring, ugly, dumb-a$$ fckhead prick/twat.
But thanks for playing. NEXT?
– Puppy >.< Yip!