Deep Puppy Thoughts (Part 258 – Humanity)

So the vast majority of people are greedy, selfish, insensitive a$$holes who act according to their own best interests.

And when this happens to coincide with acting good to someone else, that’s not really being “a good person”…it’s doing what makes you feel good.

If you happen to – for whatever reason, including simply just BEING BORN THAT WAY – gain enjoyment from being an incredibly nice person, you’re not any better than those that happen to – for whatever reason, including simply just BEING BORN THAT WAY – gain enjoyment in the inflicting of suffering upon others.

What matters, when it comes down to it, is what you truly believe…and what you do, REGARDLESS of how you feel.

If you believe in being Good not because it makes you feel good – though it does – but because you BELIEVE in it, and you BEHAVE that way, that’s truly Good.
And good for you.
If you believe in being Good despite how you feel – good or horrible, or anything in between – and you BEHAVE that way, that’s truly Good.
And, in a way, even more admirable and deserving of happiness.
And good for you.

If you don’t believe in sh1t, on the other hand…well, if you don’t believe in sh1t, but merely act “Good” in order to obtain desired reactions for yourself, then you’re not “bad”…but you’re not really “Good”…you’re a greedy, selfish, insensitive a$$hole.

And of course there are those that don’t believe in sh1t AND ACT THAT WAY…hideous monstrosities that delight in doing wrong. I’ve known SO, SO many of them.

It takes me by surprise when I meet a truly GOOD person…they’re very hard to find.

Please…BE ONE. And if you find another, treasure and appreciate them.

– Puppy

Author: Puppy

Semper Puppy

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