Creepy, at the very start. But that’s the problem: it never gets any creepier, like they shot their wad on a compelling intro to pull in the viewers.
There are some nasty visuals throughout, but not as many as you’d like in a movie where that’s the only thing of real interest. And if you struggle through movies with nasty visuals because you want to hang in there for the acting and storytelling and character development…yikes. Never, never, never watch this.
Starts getting pretentious and unbelievable not too far in.
Character connections and conflicts and just interactions in general seem a bit forced; done out of necessity.
Lots of overacting – especially the cop. And the characters’ personalities seem to shift rather than maintain or evolve.
It’s poorly written and – for the most part – poorly acted.
Lowered a notch for screwing up such a simple horror concept.
Canada, what happened to you?
Inspirational Quote: “It’s ASTRO-NOMICAL!”
Grade: F