Diary Of A Cannibal (2007)

A quote and a comment open this movie.  Both are creepy-interesting.

Then the movie begins.

Is it creepy?  It’s about a girlfriend eating her boyfriend…so yeah.

But it’s ALL mood.  I mean ALL.  Dark, creepy mood.  Bad (infrequent) dialogue, bad acting, bad arty attempts, bad SFX (the gore in any zombie flick is more “realistic” than this).  And after a while dark, creepy mood becomes dull, monotonous repetitive mood.

To close, two guest reviews:

Larry: “Let’s pluck him, and see if he’s ripe!”

Monty Python (paraphrased):

*Derek Hart* “Nude man, what did you make of that?”
*Nude Man* “Well, don’t you see, that was exactly the kind of explicit…reference I’m objecting to. It’s titillation for the sake of it. A deliberate attempt at cheap sensationalism. I don’t care what the so-called avant-garde, left-wing, intellectual namby-pambies say…It is filth!”
*Derek Hart* Bishop.
*The Bishop* Okay, don’t anybody eat!

Grade: F

Author: Puppy

Semper Puppy

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