Interesting To Watch Before (Or After) ‘Glory’

SPOILER: Movie Quote Below The Clip.

“Tell your men to set torches and prepare to fire the buildings.
I will not.
That is an order. You will do it or face charges for disobeying your superior officer.
It is an immoral order, and by articles of war I am not bound to obey it.
Well, you can just explain that at your court-martial…after your men are placed under my command.”

So learn some history, Shaw-haters.

Deep Puppy Thoughts (Part 70)

Ok, so if you’re attacked by a zombie and it rips one of your arms off, admittedly that’s not good. But you can do one of two things: You can be a Debby Downer and think “Oh, no…I just lost one of my arms to a zombie attack, and it didn’t even beat me to death with it”…OR, you can think positively. I mean, it’s up to YOU to decide whether your arm sockets are half empty or half full.

Shaun Of The Dead (2004)

Finally, I spotted it. Saw it a LONG time ago (when it came out), and had to re-watch it to review it.

I like the zombieness allusions to the life of the main character.

The quick cuts are well done, it’s witty, and it’s pretty funny.

I think it’s a bit overrated, but still good.

Inspirational Quote: “We’re coming to get you Barbara!”

Grade: B-

Book Seven, Chapter Two

You Tyr… glance place gesture stay gesture.
Here mind walls touch you they? images.
“Them” gaze answering one… pause MY- knowing.
Here glance they? you investigator sort disappearance.
Disappearance new tea recommended… work… smiles shrug.
Amateur amateur professional… fun- professional miss really?
Towards deliberately scatter worst- it really bloodshot.

Book Seven, Chapter One

Ultimate Prize Gone As All Crumbles Down

Shrill gone white boney glows glow then.
In back unfettered covered close smile M.?
Now- down two nothing Mynril inside! wait!
Insane! men insane! fury wall sees end…
Speak emerges see screams down later afternoon.
Quickly? doing? them? out there… it? requests?
Charcoal enters walls fingers reality silence There.

Invasion Of The Body Snatchers (1978)

Remake featuring a cool cameo from the star of the original.

Definitely some cheezy parts, with Donald Sutherland as the obvious acting highlight.

It’s cool to see Leonard Nimoy in something else, too.

Gets better as it goes along…although I have to say it’s not really an improvement over the original, more of an interesting slight alteration.

“The function of life is survival” – Wow, this movie was creepy enough when I thought they just turned you into an emotionless thing…but a LaVeyan??? Oh, the inhumanity.

Inspirational Scream: Wait for it…

Grade: C

That Guy… Who Was In That Thing (2012)

A bunch of semi-famous actors talk about the lifestyle of being a non-STAR actor: the ups, the downs, the weirdness, the motivation, and so on.

It’s not exciting but it’s somewhat interesting, fairly informative, and occasionally amusing.

Inspirational Quote: “I had a job for three months…in a law firm…stapling.”

Grade: D+

7/14/18: The Great Grade Update. Grade: C-

Deep Puppy Thoughts (Part 68)

So on my online radio station, there’s an ad (which I fully support despite the joke coming) in which people talk about giving blood to help save lives, and how important it is. And all through it I’m having this naughty tingle in the back of my head, and then at the end when the guy says very emotionally and seriously – “Save Lives…Give Blood”, I can’t help thinking “Yeah, that’s cool…but it would be so much cooler if, right after that guy’s plea, they inserted Eric Idle from the ‘Blood/Urine Bank’ sketch of MPFC saying “Alright…I’ll give you some blood.”

Tombstone (1993)

Finally…after watching endless clips on Youtube, tis on Netflix Streaming.

Unfortunately the bits I’ve watched endlessly are the best bits.

Basically it’s a mixture of really good scenes and hokey, overly dramatic ones. Should have been cut down to about 1:45 and Wyatt’s immortal vengeance toned down JUST a bit.

The good scenes are enough to make it worth a watch, but it’s far from a classic.

Best acting by a longshot: Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday.

Inspirational Quote: “…I don’t.”

IQ2: “…I wasn’t.”

Grade: C+