Total Retribution (2011)

The intros from a couple of the companies that joined forces to make this are cool.

It maintains the illusion of competence until people start talking.

Badly written pretentious sh1t with a slight zombie presence.

Wretched. Kinda fun to watch in a cheezy sci-fi way, though, at times. So I’ve upped the grade.

And the, umm, special FX. Really…interesting. Wow.

Inspirational Alteration: FUBAB

Inspirational Quote: “That’s for robots only!”

Grade: F

Safely In The Warm Embrace Of Finality – An Homage By Puppy

Book One: Come To Home, Thou Cast Outwards Before

Chapter One:
Music music man man man man greetings.
Door man man man man man Mynril?
Put bound Gods man one hold no!
This door do chatter pause… humanoid this.
This you head images he third he.
How pause do that’s things stops nod.
Just door third both Mynril? give Mynril.

Coming Soon – Details By Puppy, 8/21/14

An homage to D+D, the GOOD parts of FK (just to be clear), Lovecraft, John Carpenter and Michael De Luca.

The reference should be obvious when it’s done, if not now. This is a work of fanfiction, an homage to a movie I have a weakness for.


Please consider this when reading, and I hope you enjoy.

The movie’s better, of course. But it’s fanfic…give me some slack here.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

The Master (2012)

Post-WWII Joaquin Phoenix, obviously traumatized and attempting to find a life for himself, makes several bad stops on his way to the eventual premise of the film.

It’s interesting, at first, especially wondering where exactly it’s going to go and knowing Phoenix will be there for 2 hours. And he
is, and he’s good as always – welcome back, JP.

But it never truly takes off beyond the pleasure of watching him act, and to a lesser extent watching Philip Seymour Hoffman.

It’s just too generic, too scattered, too unfocused to be the triumphant return I had heard it was for Phoenix. I mean, his PERFORMANCE is up to it…but he picked the wrong film. He just doesn’t get enough help.

You might disagree at first, but I found the more I watched the more disappointed I became in everything except JP and PSH.

Basically it’s another example of a hopeless, vulnerable, sad and tremendously damaged person being taken advantage of by a prophet of false hope. And I don’t mean that religiously; cruelty and abuse of that kind are very mortal, simple, basic human things…for some people.


Grade: C

Memento (2000)

I saw this a long time ago and I remembered it as being: pretty good, odd in terms of sequence, and with a twist. So I watched it again before it went off my NF list:

Watch a man with short-term memory unravel things, often many times, in a very unusual order and with an interesting method.

Basically the story unfolds backwards, and semi-repeatedly…so if that sounds interesting you should watch and if it sounds annoying you shouldn’t.

The conclusion is disappointing to me, I expected better. But it was interesting to watch until then.

On Netflix Streaming until 8/15/14.

Grade: C+

3/20/17: Back on Netflix Streaming. I had a feeling I had underrated this…and I think I did. A little.

Better than I thought; creepy and weird, weirder as it goes along.

Some parts still don’t fit (even knowing what to expect), and it might test your patience at first, but overall I think it’s worth it.

Inspirational Quote: “Do I lie to myself to be happy?”

Grade: B-

Demonic (AKA ‘Forest Of The Damned’) (2005)

Don’t look this in the eyes. Or with the eyes.

Awfully bad.

Yes, it’s really Tom Savini. He brings with him the moon from NotLD and some bad acting to go with the rest. He leaves behind his gore fx/writing abilities, which could have helped.

As it is the gore fx can be described best in one word: Snausages.

Grade: F-

8/5/14: Alternate Title: “Forest Of The Naked Hungry Hissing Chicks Some Of Whom Aren’t All That Hot And Make Angels Seem Sucky”. Rip courtesy of some Horror Movie Chick whose horror-movie-review website I can’t remember but who wrote a decent review of this flick. Grade: F-

Headhunter (2005)

This should have starred Joe Estevez. Or Frank Stallone.

It tries to be creepy, but since the acting and script are really
mediocre at best it’s mostly just silly.

On the positive side, the painting reminds me fondly of ‘In The Mouth Of Madness’ (gotta watch that again…) and the FX that don’t suck are creepy. The one that inspired me to write this bit in particular – you’ll know it when you see it. It actually gave me some hope/interest for the rest, that actually endured.

It’s bad, it’s cheezy, it’s absurd…but it’s sorta…fun? A definite level of interest for weirdness and cheeze-enjoyment. But you MUST like cheeze.

If this was re-written, with good actors, and a good director, and good music, and everything else except (some of) the fx…it would be pretty darn good I think. Or would it ruin what little charm it has? We’ll never know.

See if you can spot the grammatical error and spelling mistake.

My GOD does it get cheezy at the end.

On Netflix Streaming until 8/8/14.

Grade: D+

Clay Pigeons (1998)

No idea til recently that Joaquin Phoenix was in this, which made it much more intriguing to me.

Overall it’s very dark but it’s not really gloomy or depressing; more creepy-cool/morbidly funny (when it works).

Phoenix is the focus, thankfully, and is good throughout.

Vince Vaughn is good too (only not as) as the instant friend.

Supporting cast is solid, believable…except maybe Janeane Garofalo, who is miscast as an FBI agent.

Weird, good direction, some interesting images. No real meaning, but worth a watch if you like Phoenix, Vaughn, or generic weirdness a whole lot.

I was gonna compare it to ‘Fargo’ and/or the Coen brothers but then I realized “Nah…probably stretching your ‘knowledge'”. But then I read it was inspired by ‘Fargo’. So hey, I’m a fcken movie genius.

On Netflix Streaming until 8/1/14.

Inspirational Quote: “Promise you’ll stop findin’ dead people.”

Grade: C

Deep Puppy Thoughts (Part 64)

To the tune of Alannah Myles’ “Love Is”:

“Carnivore’s Ode To A Cow” – By Puppy

Two lines from it:

“Tell me…where you want me to chew,
Cuz flesh iiIS…what I want from YOU-Ou-Ou…”

And there’s gotta be a moo rhyme in there somewhere.

And so on, and so on…

4/14/16: WTF is wrong with me??? I forgot “Cud is…”!!!

Site Review –

Having had the number one grunge station on this site for a LONG time before abandoning it due to the problem described below, and having (NOW) the number three grunge station (and climbing as I’ve just started it) on this site, I think I’m qualified to review an annoying aspect of this site that I’m sure all non “Premium” (i.e. “Gimme Some Money”) listeners can appreciate.

There are ads on the top.  On the side.  On the bottom.

Fine.  No problem.  They havta make money.

Then there are the video ads, with audio as loud as or louder than the song you’re listening to.

Not fine.  Bullsh1t.  They start without – to my knowledge – any way to prevent them and completely destroy the experience of listening to the song you’re listening to.  Can they be dealt with, such as stopping them or lowering the volume EVERY SINGLE TIME they load independently?  Perhaps.  But it’s still bullsh1t.

Maybe that’s why you can no longer say “Over 7000 stations”.

Now it’s “Over 5000”.  And it’s less than 6.

Try getting rid of the obnoxious greedy sh1t.  That’s marketing advice, and a review.

House Of The Dead 2 (2006)

In the brilliant tradition of NF streaming, we have here part two
without access to part one.

So, I did a little research, decided this had enough potential – at
least as cheezy mock-fodder – and proceeded to watch it while dismissing part one without much worry.

Hey, it’s got that unbelievably creepy guy very briefly. You’ll know him when you see him.

It’s not horrific but it’s too generic.

Point of note: Smearing of zombie guts as a form of fitting in with the crowd was done here before ‘The Walking Dead’.

On Netflix Streaming until 8/1/14.

Inspirational Quote: “I can open the door.”

Grade: D

The Last Will And Testament Of Rosalind Leigh (2012)

For quite a while it’s a boring drama that fails to thrill.

When the son has ventured far/long enough into the house some odd and interesting things begin to happen.

But it never takes another step. The moments lose their promise and become the only parts of interest – as themselves and briefly, not part of some more cohesive whole.

On Netflix Streaming until 7/30/14.

Grade: D-

Pupdate – Updates

If you’re looking for/wondering about possible changes I’ve made to any previous post, they occur on a fairly regular basis. Some change a lot ( such as “Top Ten Listeners…”), others change infrequently (e.g. ‘The F List…’), and others change VERY rarely.

How do you know when they happen? You don’t. Because if I posted a pupdate every time I updated one it’d get REALLY annoying and too many of my posts would be merely quick references to OTHER posts’ updates.

So just fish around, I guess, with the above criteria in mind.

-Puppy >.< Yip!