Tales From The Darkside – Episode 15 (Answer Me)

That rotary phone is pretty scary.

And being personally comfortable with its level of technological advancement.

It’s actually pretty freaky and interesting for the most part. Lots of monologue, but it makes something out of very little. Also it’s somehow creepier because of its Britishness.

The ending is a real let-down, unfortunately. So, borderline.

Invasion (2005)

Fake Footage Flick.

I like the intro: This is REAL. REALLY. No, this time it’s true.
See? It could happen…please, give us a break…give us TIME…

Unfortunately (unlike Kirk) with ME watching, time is a luxury they

After a ‘Manos’-ish opening, the tension/story start. But even after that there’s LOTS of driving footage. So if you want a movie that shows lots of dirt road w/foliage, this is it. Also if you like off-camera dialogue and exhaustive foley.

The excitement level, based on the acting/script/gobbledygook, is
pretty low to nil. It’s a cheezy little number. For infection/invasion
/anything similar, there are LOTS of better options.

Terrible and pointless. Well, one good point: the actual length of…
ummm…movie is only 1:05.

If just one person is inspired to not watch this movie after reading this, I feel this review has been worthwhile.

Inspirational Quote: “WHY?”

Grade: F-

Curse Of The Puppet Master (1998)

REALLY cheezy horror movie featuring living puppets.

Lots of cheezy acting and cheezy dialogue.

Thankfully recent viewing has given me a good reference point: This is a LONG, borderline ‘Darkside’ episode.

The “horror” bit starting the “serious” action/theme with about a third left to go is really horrible; bad enough in every way to be
enjoyable to mock.

Inspirational Quote: “It all just sorta blurs together, y’know?”

Grade: D-

Last Kind Words (2012)

Really SLOW and boring movie with mediocre acting and a pretty bad script.

Proving once again that hiring one semi-name actor does not guarantee success if that’s the only thing going for the movie.

Yes, “exciting” and “creepy” things happen, but they’re not really; they just try to be.

Stupid ending, too.

On Netflix Streaming until 7/15/14

Grade: F

Tales From The Darkside – Episode 11 (All A Clone By The Telephone)

Does it need to be said that this opening is cheezy wanna-be Star Wars sh1t that will one day be as mockable as Gamera or Godzilla?

And so is the ending?

Be that as it may…

Harry Anderson is almost always cool. Unless he’s in Philly.

The usual silly vehicle for him, and he does ok with a mediocre script.

Tales From The Darkside – Episode 8 (The Word Processor Of The Gods)

Based on a Stephen King story.

Pre-Post-‘NeedfulThings’, so it doesn’t inherently kinda suck.

…Oh my Lord that’s a big disk.

GREAT premise: a word processor that can make anything happen while looking horribly cheezy.

An interesting episode.


The Paw Project (2013)

A decent if somewhat boring documentary about cat de-clawing.

I already knew what the procedure was and I’m decidedly against it, but there were some things that I learned about its effects. If you want to know all about it, you can watch this…or you can just research it online. It’s not particularly exciting, although there are some cute cat pics, so pick your media I guess.

Grade: D

Invasion Of The Body Snatchers (1956)

If you can get by the ultra-cringeworthy MST/’Black Eagle’ opening credits/DRAMATIC MUSIC, this is a decent version of the story.

Donald Sutherland and Mr. Spock’s is better, though.

I like the lead, and it’s different enough to make it worth watching if you saw (and liked) that (later) one. If you didn’t like it, you probably won’t like this.

If you can’t enjoy something that’s a LITTLE cheezy and dated, whatever the subject/ideas/acting/script, you won’t like this either.

Grade: C

8/21/14: Upped a notch for extra-creepy, despite limitations. Grade: C+

7/14/18: The Great Grade Update. I care enough to compare with the original for a few seconds. It’s better. Grade: B-

Thale (2012)

Seems decent and weird from the start. A drama around a somewhat horrific brief series of events more than a true horror film.

The “monster”‘s appearance on the scene is certainly interesting, and makes me think this may be in the vein of ‘Jenifer’.

Brief feelings of ‘Lo’, ‘The Devil’s Rock’, and ‘Hellboy’ surface as well…but this isn’t as good as any of those. The acting is pretty good and it seems authentic enough to be creepy and interesting at first, but once the intro is done it just sort of meanders the rest of the way.

Too much mood and too little story; not enough actually happens as you wait expectantly for it to.

Effects, once they arise, are below par.

Interesting, though, if disappointing after the setup.  Perhaps I’m overrating it slightly for reminders of so many better movies.

Grade: C-

Top Ten Visitors – By Country, All-Time

Stats are beginning somewhere around late June/early July 2014.

Previous stats are unavailable, hits from 8/2010 until this list exceeded one million. Not by much, but still.

1 – The United States
2 – China
3 – Germany
4 – France
5 – Canada
6 – Russia
7 – Ukraine
8 – Israel
9 – The United Kingdom
10 – Romania

Last Updated: 12/25/15

4/14/16: FINAL UPDATE: Irrelevant since I’m counting total hits. Or maybe I just don’t want to update this. Or maybe something else. Or who cares?

Alfred Hitchcock Presents – The Rest

Skipping mediocre number 105, there are only 8 more available on Netflix Streaming at the moment, and the titles don’t match what I find for the episode names.

So, since this hasn’t been the MOST exciting experience, and since I have no desire to research over 200 more for the sake of completeness, here ends my reviews of this show. Good Evening.

Puppy For Non-Religious Anti-Propaganda

Fact: I am pro-choice.


I’ve seen a sign twice, maybe it was the same deluded (or wanna-be-deluDING) woman both times, at rallies concerning abortion rights.

The sign says “Women For Religious Freedom”.

Which is a load of propagandic sh1t.

Plenty of Theists are pro-choice.

Plenty of Atheists are pro-life.

Those are facts.

To insinuate, quite blatantly, that atheism = pro-choice is absurd and misleading at best, an outright propagandic agenda at worst.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

100 Bloody Acres (2012)

It’s like One Brother Pizza, only with human compost.

It’s macabre and dark from the start, which goes quickly from cutesy song enjoyment to rather damaging corpse retrieval.

Stays pretty much “dark humor” until about 25 minutes in. BUT – and this is the point – it doesn’t throw that away when it gets gruesome (and it does get gruesome).

It’s got the usual “two psychos” problem: one of them just isn’t as psycho as the other.

Actually gets really clever/funny at one point where the poor sweetheart psycho gets offended by the horrible kidnapped vixen.

And there’s a touching conversation between tied-up girl and her tied-up-upside-down gagged boyfriend that explores some serious issues and has some really positive revelations.

Rather unique tug-of-war with an adorable doggie near the end; but then it pretty much runs out of steam/ideas.

Overall this is a pretty good watch for fans of ‘Tucker & Dale’ and the like.

Inspirational Quote: “All you want…is sex, and drugs, and a good time – it’s not right!”

Grade: C+

7/14/18: The Great Grade Update. Grade: B-