“Adam Terman Aaron, thanks for being one of the 40 trolls a day.”
Personally, I think you should try to get either DOWN to 6.9 a day or UP to 69 a day.
“The fact that you took the time says a lot.”
Not really. My life’s not particularly exciting, and you guys make great satire fodder. Not to mention what you do for my hit total.
“But if you got up from your laptop”
Why would I be sitting on my laptop?
“feeling a little more superior”
How can you feel “more” superior? Superior does not equal large. So “more” superior is just a dumb statement…but it’s ok, I still love you. And so does God.
“I guess that’s the goal.”
No, my goal was to provide satirical amusement to my readers, get a few laughs or at least chuckles for myself, and possibly convert someone to NON-crusading Atheism. Two out of three ain’t bad.
“And googling past posts? Nice, you are a sophisticated troll.”
Using google is a sign of sophistication? Oh, right, yeah…that’s a dismissive insult masquerading as a compliment. Well done.
Part Two:
“Bella Wilfer-Rokesmith I’m pretty sure he can tell us himself if he wants us to know something. What are you, some kind of groupie wannabe?”
Bella, at the end of this y’all gonna be wearing gold-plated diapers. (?)
QUOTE: “I don’t have the time, the interest, the energy…” – Neil deGrasse Tyson on CA/Aing
“Bella Wilfer-Rokesmith Maybe he will send you an autographed picture after you send him your fictional stories about him.”
Bella, you are a Godsend…
What the fck are you talking about? Ummm…sorry, but: