Portal: No Escape (Dan Trachtenberg short film, 2011)

Intro: ’28 Days Later’ or more appropriately ‘Azure Bonds’ (Yeah, a BOOK!!!)  Interesting, both scene and score.

Really good FX.

No complaints until way-too-easy escape.

Great learning curve: Dimension Door gun mastered quickly.  Impressive and plausible (she strikes me as a quick learner).

GREAT touch near/at the end.


Think ‘Truman Show’

Ending’s a bit sudden, but I’m NOT glad.  I wish there was more.

Grade: B+

4/6/14: In the midnight hour, I cried MORE MORE MORE.  Maybe the easy escape was allowed/semi-allowed/whatever.  Or if not, overlook it.  This is just fcken cool.  And it’s certainly worth five and a half minutes of your time.  Grade: A-

Dead Island: Riptide – No Retreat (Youtube short film, 2013)

Money on FX: well spent
Money on actors: Coulda used more
Money on script: ditto
Bathing suits: cute
The sort-of twist: not bad
Emotional moment: believable
Ending: predictable

Grade: D

4/5/14: I musta been in a SLIGHTLY bad mood.  And the male/female leads are decent.  Grade: D+

Gallowwalkers (2013)

Slightly interesting opening featuring the Spanish/American Inquisition.

It quickly devolves into a religious/western/zombie/post-apoc mishmash.

Then Snipes explains his motivation.

Then it’s a lot of boredom and pondering and dullness.

Exceptions: A couple of the action scenes have some interest value, and tell me that little boy/girl doesn’t look like Newt!

Grade: D-

Mr. Show – Episode 10 (The Velveteen Touch Of A Dandy Fop)

See episode 9.  Actually don’t, I just meant refer to it and upgrade slightly to get to the review for this.

annoying charity
insane parts of green-light sketch
a few parts of trial
foot insertion

train sketch
long megaphone sketch
most of trial
most of ending

Louis C.K. – SNL Monologue, 3/29/14


The Sort-Of Enemy Of CA/A Babblers Is My Kinda Wanna-Be-Acquaintance But Not Really.

Toned down for network tv, of course.

Decent…and I LOVE his God joke that must have CA/A’s frothing at the mouth for the quick dismissiveness and then MOVING ON.

God’s judgement
women musings

Grade: C

11/7/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – Decent clip, as reviewed above.

Best Western

I enjoy parts of ‘Young Guns’ and ‘Tombstone’ (and a few others) for what they are, just like the next guy.

But then, when I want a REAL Western, I watch ‘Unforgiven’.


10/16/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – This is a good clip – which precedes a GREAT clip – from a very-good-to-great movie. (housekeeping)

Mr. Show – Episode 8 (If You’re Going to Write A Comedy Scene, You’re Going To Have Some Rat Feces In There)

D.C. sticks something small in his gf’s mouth.  Not bad.

child labor jokes
Rodrigo’s kneecaps (nice touch)
insane name-guy boss
Ben Stiller
more child labor jokes

pool-is-all sketch
spelling mistake
longgg show-exec sketch
longgg “new San Francisco” sketch

Mr. Show – Episode 6 (A Talking Junkie)

Ok…this is pretty d@mn mediocre.  Their worst yet.  D@mn!

If you view the entire show as a necessary lead-in to the last minute…it’s great!

Bob’s quick rap persona
box of black hildos
all-anal mountain bike
parts of ‘Rap The Musical!’
baby-Dave outro: easily the best part

boring junkie sketch
red balloon
overdone quarters
really horrible unfunny song/reprise/reprise
interview sketch

Mr. Show – Episode 4 (Who Let You In?)

A CA/A’s dream episode.

The parts about religion that aren’t funny aren’t funny because they aren’t funny.  But to Cross, that apparently didn’t matter.

Imagining Cross’s GF reading this, reaction then: “Fck you!”

Imagining Cross’s GF one end-of-season later: “Let me in you Fcken prick!”

guitar ability version of health updates
unfortunate excretion-lack timing
acid flag flashback: collection of a$$holes

Cross’s anti-religion stance coming through repeatedly and unfunnily (the second is KEY)
expert truck bit/song

I know I’m not as smart or prestigious as Larry the Cable Guy, but maybe D.C. will come after me now in his…ummm…stand-up?  The only question: Will he use a chipmunk voice?  Oh, and who the fck’s in the audience?

Mr. Show – Episode 3 (We Regret To Inform You)

A very happy show.

dueling letters
gay porno film fade
some versions of “Third Wheel Legend” (shortest and longest esp.)
recurrent straight, NOT gay theme
cute little firecracker threat

gay porno film repetition/’Holy Grail’ rip
some versions of “Third Wheel Legend”

What Might Have Been… (Almost-Pissing Contest With A CA/A)

Ok, so me and this CA/A were gonna get into an insult exchange (mutually consenting to it) but it sorta fizzled out before it happened.  A shame, really…woulda gone something like this.

Not gonna tell you which one I woulda been.

(This is where you imagine Holliday and Ringo)

-Puppy >.< Yip!

6/12/14: New link due to angsty CA/A whining:


Fair Use: Criticism – This clip is one of the best parts of ‘Tombstone’.  Also, CA/A’s suck.  Thank you.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Mr. Show – Episode 2 (What To Think)

CA/A’s should love this for Marshall, the 13th Apostle. Which…isn’t bad.

But it IS actually funny at times.  More tasteless AND more funny than the first.

The pace is really manic…sketch/link/sketch/link with one-shots and deja vu moments.  It wouldn’t be so noteworthy/impressive if it wasn’t funny.  It’s also not surprising that it didn’t last very long.

The show, that is.

great anti-art intro
unrelenting homosexual cabal
insane sales pitch people
a few holes joke/musical

Science: Blinded Like A Douche

HAHA! I don’t give a sh1t, it’s funny.

Ok, so there’s some CA/A’s that believe fervently and dogmatically that SCIENCE is the ultimate answer to life, the universe, and everything.
Including why Doug Adams is overrated.

Personally, I hope to GOD (or lack of GOD) they’re wrong. Sometimes dispelling the mystery around something is BAD…I mean, really…leave some wonder alone you brilliant fcken morons.

To the guy that told me science is blameless for bad things done using/in the name of it, but completely responsible for good things done using/in the name of it…you’re a moron.

Anyways, here’s a little bit to show you I don’t “dislike” science, nor do I in any way “object” to science, nor am I COMPLETELY ignorant about science. Just mostly ignorant.

As with almost EVERYTHING in life, it has good and bad. The following is good:

“Joanne Milne suffers from Usher syndrome and was deaf from birth.
Jo underwent a life-changing operation to have cochlear implants
fitted. On March 24, Jo’s bilateral implants were switched on,
allowing the 41-year-old to hear for the first time ever. Jo’s
mother recorded the video that shows her daughter overcome with
emotion as she listens to her doctor as he recites the days of
the week.” – AOL.com, BBC

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Mr. Show – Episode 1 (The Cry Of A Hungry Baby)

Mr. Show is a pretty good/ultra weird sketch comedy show.  I only remember it vaguely, but I think it’s worth watching again.

Result: limited thumbs up.  Bob and Dave are both talented and weird, so even when they’re relatively dull they’re not completely cliche-boring.

making the best of 4 won slaves
increasingly weird delaying tactics
conditions mockery

Dead Before Dawn (2012)

Presumption and 1st Impression: student-film level sh1t non-horror flick.

Christopher Lloyd gets some work and makes the best of it, and so does Kevin McDonald.

But the more I watched, the more I realized it was not complete sh1t. It was mostly sh1t, but decent mocking material, and some decent cheezy sh1t moments.

That’s not an endorsement…it’s a reprieve from sh1t failure land.

Approx. 1:11:00 – One of the finest unexpected moments in anti-Cage, pro-Conan cinematic history.

Inspirational Quote: “I’m gonna go poop.”

Grade: D-

Human Revolution – Deus Ex (Youtube, short film by Moe Charif, 2014)


Semi-hot goth/cyberpunk/”futuristic” chick in REALLY tight spandex. 

Ok, now for the 40-45 percent or so still with me…

Decent acting…decent “look” (i.e. real(istic)).

One REALLY good FX moment, featuring the chick.  Other (fairly) good ones too.

A little too much slo-mo.

5:25 – Layne Staley!!!

8:00-9:15 – too much action, bad acting.

*8:25-8:28 – Gummy hand…Thank you, Neopets!

9:15-End – Fairly interesting.

* = Exception.

Grade: D

4/5/14: I musta been in a really bad mood.  The chick in spandex rocks.  Grade: C+

An Honest Desire, And Why It Won’t Happen – By Puppy

Well quite frankly I’d LOVE to review sh1t and have lots of people give a d@mn.

I guess that’s sorta true now to a limited extent, but I dunno if it’s more as an oddity or a critic.

There are two ways to figure:

1) I’ve gotten a lot of hits, relatively, as a simple blog by a no-name.

2) Noone’s asked me to review anything for them, at all, that they’ve done OR like, in a very long time.

And re: number 2, given my tendency to give what I consider fair grades but many might not, it shouldn’t really come as any surprise.  And it doesn’t, now…but it’s still slightly annoying and quite wistful-inducing.

I’m being serious.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Accusation: You’re getting lazy…you’re not putting as much effort into it.

Reply: Perhaps.  Give me back my fcken hits.

The Rutles: All You Need Is Cash (1978)

Eric Idle proves he doesn’t need John Cleese to be funny.

Of course, John Cleese needs Idle even less, but there it is.

Occasionally amusing parody with short songs, some of which are fun and some of which are boring.

A bit better than ‘Bad News’ but nowhere near as good as ‘Tap’.

some of Idle’s writing
consistent camera problems
ripping off old bluesmen
Idle v. Radner

many Python rips by Idle, not as funny the second time (I stopped counting at 4, not quite halfway through)
some of the songs

Grade: D+

Find The Connection, If Any – Have Fun!

Psssssst…. 2:03-2:24

“Aaron’s pro tips: 2. Assume that ignorance is a valid excuse for being a white racist.”

(WAIT A MINUTE! You said “white racist”. Why did you say that?
Since, according to everything you’ve said before, ONLY whites can
be racist. Therefore, to say “white racist” is, by your own
definition, redundant. Unless of course you mean there can be
other types of racists…but that goes against everything you’ve said previously. You SEEM too eloquent to be TOTALLY redundant…Hmmmm…)”
– Excerpt from a previous discussion

10/16/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – Good clip from a very good movie featuring a usually not-very-good actor. (housekeeping)

Louis C.K.: Word: Live At Carnegie Hall (2012)

I’ve watched them out of order, so I don’t know whether to say “improvement” or “downgrade”…but this is pretty insightful/direct/funny. 

Almost back to ‘Chewed Up’, I think.

And it’s a welcome return to very bad taste.

Favorite bits: extended Hate rant, slavery rant, extended Anti/Pro children rant

Inspirational Quote: “You don’t die, idiot, you just have a long sh1tty second half.”

Grade: B

Monty Python’s Life Of Brian (1979)

Ok…forget everything I’ve ever said about this movie. 

It had been a LONG LONG time since I last saw it.  ‘Til now.

The intro is weak and the intro song sucks.

As for the movie…it’s got some completely weak/dull bits scattered liberally throughout.  It’s also got some really amusing/interesting bits scattered liberally throughout.

Nothing that’s PARTICULARLY funny…not up to ‘Holy Grail’ or any of the best of ‘Flying Circus’. 

The best parts come after about the 40 minute mark.  Some of them are lifted, but they rip their own material, so it’s not too bad.

And it’s got a nice message at the very end.

Inspirational Quote: “No, that’s the point…don’t let ANYONE tell you what to do!”

Grade: C+

Desperado (1995)

Great intro…Steve Buscemi almost always satisfies.

This is a bunch of action scenes, mostly shootouts, spread out over the length of a movie by drama scenes that don’t really mean anything.

This movie doesn’t really mean anything.  But here are my favs:

– The first shootout after Buscemi’s warning: great music/action.

– Danny Trejo vs. Banderas and a car full of bad guys: great action/chaos theory ponderings.

A couple of scenes are also interesting/amusing…but most are just there because they have to be.

Grade: C-

The Ring (2002)

There’s a hole in this thar movie!

So the kid sees soon-to-be-dead people?  Mostly dead?  Slightly alive?  Que?  Little boy in this movie: you are no Haley Joel Osment.

Freakiness/Weirdness is there, but the first not as much.  And there really isn’t much “scariness”…it’s mostly a longggg bit of atmosphere broken up by scenes; tedious in the middle.

I don’t buy the drama or the characters so much, probably because of the quality of the writing.  And acting.  Not horrid, but…not A-list.

After it seems over: The rest seems plastered on, thrown in because it still wasn’t good enough, a lame attempt at more suspense “action”.

With all that said, kudos to the director for making it watchable and semi-enjoyable.  I’m sure it wasn’t easy.

To all the critics that don’t “understand” the movie:  I think you misuse the word “understand”.  I understand it, I just think parts of it exist for no real reason, explained or otherwise.  It’s just someone’s attempt at a scary movie, that’s all.  And they had to pad around it and make it more “mysterious” to achieve anything at all.

But it’s not worth all the work.  Maybe it could’ve been a dark, creepy X-File.  But it wasn’t.

Grade: C

Bobbing Low’s Guide To Life – Part 13

A few other critical ones:

Stairs: When travelling (within your house) at night, if forced to use stairs in a dwelling where BL is sleeping (Usually about 8:30 EST…gotta get plenty of rest to earn that…ummm…), you must endeavor to avoid making any noise at all.  This may require a significant amount of time, but don’t worry – if you get it wrong and make the tiniest of noises, you’ll be graciously informed the following morning.  Accept this in the spirit of self-improvement, as no human can ever truly please BL, one must simply learn to annoy him as little as possible.  OH…also, do not turn on the light to climb the stairs.  Do it by feel, by memorization.  Because if you succeed, great…you haven’t used up any electricity!  And if you slip and fall and go crashing down the stairs…well, that light woulda woke him up anyway.  Simply remain still and calm, and in the morning someone will pop that bone back into your leg.

Lights: Lights are not to be used.  The ONLY exception is the room you are CURRENTLY in.  And I don’t mean half-in, or almost-in.  You should be ALL THE WAY in the room before turning any light on.  It’s a simple matter.  Lights left on due to BL falling asleep drunk are, of course, exempted.

Booze: You could talk about your problems/feelings(?), or you could just get hammered.

Delivery: If you, you horrible little younger person with your color tv sets and your hula hoops, decide that someone’s slaved-over dinner isn’t GOOD enough for you just because it is a food that would make you literally vomit, and you decide to order food DELIVERED – I mean, what are you, made of money??? *gulp of booze* – there are just a few things you should know.
1) Don’t do it.
2) If not 1, you will be asked every time even if answer is already known: “You’re ordering out?” or somesuch question/phrase.  There is no proper response…simply deal with the shame of having your dreadful deed pointed out.
3) Time spent going from your room to the door is time LIGHTS ARE WASTED…especially that stupid little outdoor one.  So, somehow manage to be waiting at the door when the food arrives.  Don’t ask me, figure it out for yourself.
4) Even though the dog attacks (or tries to attack) every stranger coming to the door, the dog WILL NOT be held against its will.  It is an occupant of the house, just as you are, you filthy degenerate!  So your options are as follows:
Go outside the house, quickly slipping through the door and then closing it behind yourself just in time to stop the charging dog, shiver if it’s winter, pay for the food, open the door, find out it’s been closed (to save on heat) and therefore locked, knock on the door (with a free hand, or your head lightly if none available), face the scorn of the one opening the door, apologize for your impudence, offer some of the food to the guy sitting like a lump on the couch, wander upstairs and eat QUIETLY.
All other options have been discontinued.

Tha End.

Bad Mathematical News For CA/A’s

Ok, so let’s assume that everything you say is right, and everything any religion says is wrong.

IMPO it isn’t/it isn’t/you’re mostly a bunch of conceited wankers, BUT let’s assume those things for this.

How strategically sound is it to pick a fight with an opponent that has MANY times what you have in terms of: money, power, influence, manpower, consolidation…?

It’s like, for example, an independent political candidate that was NOT independently wealthy.

That candidate could have the greatest ideas and be able to magically fix the world (well, not really, but EVEN IF they could)…and they’d still lose.

How do I know this?  HISTORY.  FACT.  You know…the truth.

You might not LIKE it, but it is the truth. 

You’re fcked.  You cannot win.  Your zeal is matched by MANY independents that have gone down to defeat, year after year after year, since the beginnings of this country.

But hey, good luck. HAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA.  Ahem.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

The Usual Suspects (1995)

Easily the best thing about this is the relaxed lineup promo pic.

Somewhat odd, mostly over-wordy and boring (at least, after a while) crime drama.

Kevin Spacey as the “narrator” and one of the Usuals is really the only draw. 

Everything else is what an “ensemble cast” movie usually is: not good, but professional and therefore somewhat tolerable.  But nothing to watch voluntarily.

Disappointing…I was hoping for much better.

Inspirational Drool: Stephen Baldwin

Grade: D

Nightmare City (1980)

Horrible aerial footage and completely out-of-place music indicates this will suck.  Nevertheless…

Oh God, the horrid dialogue. 

Oh God, the horrid battle scenes.

Brilliant scene selection, too.  Zoom in slightly on a dead body, then immediately cut to bad disco number cuz THEY can dance!

A lot of music and dancing to pad the film, of course.

And cr@ppy “gore” FX, especially with the Chia Zombies. 

And horrid foley.

Basically, this is a sh1t movie that you might get a kick out of if you like mocking said movie type.  In that case, it’s…serviceable.

Grade: D

Redneck Zombies (1987)

It’s a Troma flick.  Most difficult part of reviewing it: deciding on ’87 or ’89.  I did a thorough couple minute search and I’m going with ’87.

I’ve explained Troma before, so let’s just say this one isn’t smart or funny in its horribleness.  I think I’m gonna stop watching these; this is a very persuasive argument.

According to Wikipedia, this is a “VERY low budget” film.  Caps mine, and I agree.

Answer: Oh, about 3 1/2 minutes.

6:57 – Production meeting
27:55-28:00 – At least one person gets a good laugh
55:57 – HAIKIBA!
1:01:25-40 – Camera sex

1:03:30-1:05:30 – Great moment in insane medical history, and the only at-all funny/clever part of the film.

Inspirational Quote: “Where’s a good place to take a sh1t?”

Grade: F-

Maternal Instinct


This following a tearful, heart-rending promise that even going there would never happen.

PUPPY EDIT: This will remain here, the latest entry, until it reaches a certain number of hits.  Then, stuff that I’ve been working on during this/that time will be posted.

Thank you for your cooperation.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

3/23/14:  Good enough.

…And The Rest. Phew…Good Thing That’s Over With

“Adam Terman  Aaron, thanks for being one of the 40 trolls a day.”

Personally, I think you should try to get either DOWN to 6.9 a day or UP to 69 a day.

“The fact that you took the time says a lot.”

Not really.  My life’s not particularly exciting, and you guys make great satire fodder.  Not to mention what you do for my hit total.

“But if you got up from your laptop”

Why would I be sitting on my laptop?

“feeling a little more superior”

How can you feel “more” superior?  Superior does not equal large.  So “more” superior is just a dumb statement…but it’s ok, I still love you.  And so does God.

“I guess that’s the goal.”

No, my goal was to provide satirical amusement to my readers, get a few laughs or at least chuckles for myself, and possibly convert someone to NON-crusading Atheism.  Two out of three ain’t bad.

“And googling past posts? Nice, you are a sophisticated troll.”

Using google is a sign of sophistication?  Oh, right, yeah…that’s a dismissive insult masquerading as a compliment.  Well done.
Part Two:

“Bella Wilfer-Rokesmith I’m pretty sure he can tell us himself if he wants us to know something. What are you, some kind of groupie wannabe?”

Bella, at the end of this y’all gonna be wearing gold-plated diapers. (?)
QUOTE: “I don’t have the time, the interest, the energy…” – Neil deGrasse Tyson on CA/Aing

“Bella Wilfer-Rokesmith Maybe he will send you an autographed picture after you send him your fictional stories about him.”

Bella, you are a Godsend…

What the fck are you talking about? Ummm…sorry, but:

To/From Some CA/As

You’re a loony. You’re also reported for trolling and spam.

Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam *Wonderful spam, wonderful spam!* spam, spam…

Great lead-in JW, I’ll take it from here.

*Me talking to everyone reading as if JW isn’t here*

“So the people in this group put up with my rampant posting without a single word of complaint to me for over a week.  The group leader actually “LIKE”s at least 3 of them.  Then, suddenly, instead of ASKING for more posts, because they thought they were “winning”, they basically raise the white flag and hide behind “you’re reported!”.  Intellectual Cowards, eh?”

You guys say trolling a lot…can you go back to the logical fallacy obsession?  I think that one was slightly more sophisticated and thus worthy of you.

BUT, as to your FIRST point, I must respond thusly:



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmyHup4TpkU    1:19-2:02

-Puppy >.< Yip!

10/16/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – Both clips are good parts from a great show. (housekeeping)

How You Know You’ve Won Against A CA/A – Opinion Piece by Puppy

Well, it’s simple really.  Just like any other group, their first response to dissidents is to attempt to overpower them/their arguments with sh1t that comes naturally to them.  You know, the basics…the sh1t they’ve said so many times they’ve got it memorized, down cold. 
Like:  “Ok, this person is *insert suspected flaw in belief structure here*.  So let’s go after that…Ok, that’s a number 23A.  Roll it out”.

If that fails, more will join with different but very similar sh1t.  It’s a pack effect…they’re not doing it to educate, they’re doing it because their rep isn’t doing so well (rep: first person spoken to regarding a given subject).  Then the rep shuts the fck up cuz they realize they weren’t good enough, and the real heavy-hitters come in. (I know, I know…sometimes it’s “the closest they have to-“, but still).

Different methods are employed: The “talking to someone else who feels exactly the same as if dissident isn’t even there”.  The purpose of this is to insult said dissident for being “left out” or “ignored” so they will get angsty and say something stupid.  Also, talking to a fellow tends to give you a bit of renewed confidence: “No, I am NOT wrong…”, etc…

If THIS doesn’t work, maybe their ultra-super-high-mucky-muck comes in and slams the door shut with their best outro.  Or maybe they just completely ignore you…but they still know you’re there, so don’t give up hope.  They’re reading every word you type.

Then there’s the optional “send in a rational neutralish guy”…this is where someone talks to dissident with at least SOME degree of respect, in an attempt to shut them up.  May turn swiftly into step one if they sense imminent failure.

THEN…and ONLY then, do they call upon outside powers.  Why?  Because that makes them feel weak…to NEED someone else to defend you from words.  It’s absolutely INFURIATING to a self-styled educated person to feel like they’re LOSING to some random loser on the net. :)


At least in some cases, repetition is not the key to comedy.  It’s quoting angsty CA/A’s as they bleat about “logical fallacies” and attempt intellectual, “superior” insults.  Because everyone knows if your insult sounds smart, it must be.  And also funny.

Soooo…given recent readings, it would appear my initial statement was imprecise.  Let’s say repetition and/or angsty CA/A’s is the key to comedy.  Preferably both…and they do oblige.


Martine Atherton
“not really any insight there, just a bit butthurt.”

Puppy Response: Well, the insight to me is “Even people that are 6.9 sure about something will read a post if it’s the only way to honestly say ‘Sorry, honey, I don’t want to create anymore revolting offspring.'”  Also, when you say “butthurt” do you mean anal sex, painful rectal itch, a good spanking?  Can’t figure out if you have an anal fixation, an anal fixation, or…hmmm.


“Joseph Waldman That’s nice. Now run along, Bergoglioite troll.”

Puppy Response: Wow…you really like that word. Google overload.  You need to, IMPO, expand your horizons on the insult front.  I mean, change it up a little, man.

“Don Taylor Jr. So you decided to expend time and energy to use the argument from authority to declare that it’s a waste of time and energy… o_0”

Puppy Response: So you decided to expend time and energy pointing out that I was wasting time and energy using (OMG/OMLG no, I will not repeat your bleated logical fallacy) to declare that something is a waste of time and energy?

4/15/16: “This is gettin monotonous!” – Curly Howard

And finally, just for fun:

“…presents Richard Dawkins at in Des Moines, Iowa…”

Puppy Response: This could have used at in an editor.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Perished (Youtube Short Film, 2013)

The lead suffers from extreme overacting.  The rest suffer from redundancy. 

Sorry…I’ve got redundancy on the brain.

9:07-9:17:  He wants the upper berth, you get less air.
13:29-13:38:  Hamburger with a zipper.

Upped slightly for a fairly interesting ending.

Grade: D-

4/5/14: I like the nurse with the protective mask on (zombie)…nice touch.  But would it REALLY have cost that much to laminate/plasticize that license?  Grade: D