Sincere Advice – Freedom Of Religion/Non-Religion

Both must be respected, in my opinion.

There is…as I’d sort of felt before, and know now…a very dangerous trend in existence.

The fact of the matter is…if you put two sides against each other, and both have hundreds of thousands of “members”…mathematically speaking, each side is going to have a LOT of extremists.

Personally, I find atheists in general far more likely to incite than theists…but that’s just my own experience.

Whatever the state of “which side” is “winning”…given the EXTREME emotion and conviction on BOTH SIDES by some, it is EXTREMELY dangerous to continue on this path.

The inevitable conclusion to this path of viciously attacking the “other side” is conflict.  Physical conflict is inevitable (it’s happening already, actually).  Because the extremists on one side will do something, the ones on the other will respond, there will be a response to that…

A logical mind sees this.  A logical mind wishes to avert this.  A logical mind yields to common sense and peace over pride and anger.

The Wiccan Rede is easy enough to follow.  “An ye harm none, do as ye will.”

That is the logical course of action.

Re: Title: Militant Atheist Brutally Beats Pastor

Title of recent online op piece: ‘Militant Atheist Brutally Beats Pastor’

Response from (I assume) a CA/A: “…I finally saw an atheist worthy of his name…No point talking to slobbering, snivelling neanderthals. We must speak their language to get our points finally across.”

Innocent until proven guilty, but if he IS guilty:

That’s violence against someone BECAUSE OF their freedom of
religion. That’s an atheist, advocating violence. The group
that is the “only one with true morality” and prefers “reason
and logic” because violence is the tool of the stupid and
ignorant. I mean, come on…I’m not the greatest writer in the
world so I can’t put it perhaps exactly the way I FEEL it, but come on…EVERYONE knew this was going to happen, eventually. And where there’s ONE example, there’s usually two. And when…etc, etc.

Even further, how STUPID is it for a group to incite/insult (per
Dick Dawk) and ASSAULT a group of people (theists) that VASTLY
outnumber them? I mean, what are you people, morons?

CA/A’s are constantly saying how they’re NOT violent, how that is a horrible consequence of RELIGION, blah blah blah…and then this?

It was inevitable, because people are people. It’s so incredibly stupid because if atheists REALLY want to get into a physical confrontation with theists, they 1) are acting against their prop argument, 2) are totally without any of the “moral high ground” they claim, and 3) are idiots, since in “militaristic” terms they’re VASTLY outnumbered.

I do not moralize, I do not condone…in Spock’s words: “I do NOT approve…I understand.”

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Big Trouble In Little China (1986)

For those who thought Russell was dumb/cliche in ‘Escape From New York’, well step aside…a new standard has been set.

It’s a nice, weird, silly, big, smelly pile of cheeze. Perfect for non-thinking, mocking, and potentially grinning/chuckling/laughing.

Inspirational Quote: “Now this really pisses me off to no end!”

Grade: D+

Bobbing Low’s Guide To Life – Part 9

In the BL Tax season, here’s some important info:

…oops, right, sorry…ixnay ixnay…let’s instead watch a clip of someone responding to the rare BL moment called “speech”:

10/16/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – *SATIRE…SATIRE…SATIRE* (housekeeping)

Pupdate 2/20/14 – Semper Puppy

Currently playing max allowable by:
Alice In Chains
Pearl Jam
Smashing Pumpkins
Stone Temple Pilots
Temple Of The Dog

I mix the actual songs from time to time, but they’re always at max.

Also playing a bunch of other stuff.

But here’s the deal…over the next few weeks I’m gonna be trying out a song or two, now and again, that I’m thinking about adding to the rotation of “other stuff”.  Unsure on some of it, so if you hear a song you really LIKE, make sure you “like” it, or write to me and let me know.  If it’s one you really HATE, make sure you “dislike” it, or write to me and let me know.

Writing to me is better because:
1) I read all messages
2) It might have an actual impact (might not…but might)
3) If you say something I find clever I may quote you

So, get busy listening.  And keep in mind…if I haven’t played, and I’m not even testing it now…I’m not gonna play it.  So messages like “you should play X” will be pretty much ignored.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

My Fourth Comedy Routine – By Puppy

So, this recently entered my brain…

Me talking to a CA/A is sort of like Kirk talking to CAAn.  Kirk is totally outmatched in terms of mental and physical prowess (well…not EXACTLY like it, to be fair…some CA/A’s are really dumb) yet he STILL wins again and again.  The reason?  Besides him being the hero, of course…

Pride. (1:18-1:35)

When someone is totally convinced that they have the superior intellect (or superior anything) they tend to gloat over that opinion/fact(?).  This makes them lazy and complacent…this makes them lose their focus.  This makes them lose.

…or perhaps an intellectual retelling of Buster Douglas to their Mike Tyson.

Oh, I LOVE these opportunities to use clips.  People should do this more often!

Both are physical AND mental, whereas mine is only mental.  But you get the general idea.

Oh…the comedy routine:

“CA/As” (Spoken into the mic, then walking off stage).

10/16/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – The first is a good clip from a great movie. The second is a great clip from very-good-to-great movie. The third is a great clip in the history of boxing. (housekeeping)

Pondering The Logic (SATIRE…SATIRE…SATIRE)

Ok, so if so many people love Dick Dawk, and if he SAYS to mock/ridicule theists in public, here’s the billion dollar question:

Why do almost ALL CA/A’s turn into cowards the moment the chance comes to do that to…oh, I don’t know…let’s say anyone that looks in the least bit physically imposing?

You know…not an 80 year old in a wheelchair or a double amputee.

To anyone that says they WOULD, I will allow Jack to speak for me: “*with fake pouty lips* I don’t think that’s true…”

Very brave of you. Really…it’s just…revelatory how strongly you follow your convictions.

– Puppy

P.S. “There are no atheists in foxholes” is an inaccurate statement. I mean, ABSOLUTELY it applies to some…but not to all. I’m sure plenty of atheists in the military would fight (and risk dying) without converting.

HOWEVER…there are no CA/A’s in prison is a much more accurate, almost completely precise statement. I’m not talking about atheists…I’m talking about people that “mock/ridicule” believers. CA/A’s simply don’t exist in that situation. Why? Because they’re scared, that’s why. I mean, come on…it’s so obvious. Another brilliant example of CA/A pride.

As to CA/A’s being “civil” and “polite”, I submit that most want to do a great deal more…IN MY OPINION…but, of course, there’s that old cowardice thing again.

Oh, and about that “Theists only follow the (God’s) law because they’re afraid of punishment” cr@p (I think Penn Jillette said that, not sure…I was too busy reading his climate change denial)…

What would that say about the CA/A’s mentioned above, then? I mean, if you’re gonna live by the rampant generalization, you’ve gotta be prepared to be mocked/ridiculed by the rampant generalization.


Ok, these people make my brain hurt…

Not because I don’t understand what they’re saying…more of in a Jerry Springer “Are you KIDDING me???” combination of disbelief and morbid fascination.

So here’s a quick one while he’s away:

Dawk on God: “Bully”

Dawk on Intellectual Bullying: “Mock them.  Ridicule them in public.”

Enough said, my ears are starting to bleed.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

The Many (Well, Two) Faces Of Beni/Benny

First, he plays a CA/A chased and finally confronted by something not scientifically explainable.

Then, the level of importance most people give him/what he has to say.

10/16/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – The first is a good clip from a pretty good movie. The second is a good clip from a great movie. They both fit in the context as well, explaining the statements to a degree. (housekeeping)

The CA/A Method – A Serious Critique (By Puppy)

“Mock them…ridicule them in public.” – Dick Dawk.

How anyone could espouse this, as a strategy to get people to change beliefs that cause no harm, is…well let me speak off the top of my head: this is a bully’s strategy, this is a dishonorable strategy, this is an amazingly antagonistic and fcked up strategy.  I’ve been dealing with bullies most of my life.  The idea that a RESPECTED PUBLIC FIGURE would advocate bullying is absolutely incredible.  Not to mention reprehensible.

So I posted something like that, only maybe 1/100th as strong, believing, as any sane man would, that NOONE would be callous, nasty and just plain stupid enough to SUPPORT it…and I got this:

“Agnostic Atheist Anti-Theist Foundation: Yes, once someone admits they do not use positive evidence and reasoned logic, mocking and ridiculing their ideas and thought processes(es) is the next best way to get people to change their minds. If people used positive evidence and reasoned logic equally in all areas of their lives there would be no need for ridicule.”

I am, quite honestly, in shock. I can’t believe, fully, that you are actually endorsing this.

You’re saying…basically…that you should try to convince someone logically, BUT if that fails, feel absolutely no qualms about ceasing that, and begin insulting them. That…is just plain wrong. It’s intellectual bullying.

It’s also completely illogical. I don’t know if you realize this, but a person’s first response to ridicule is NOT “change”…you’re advocating (potential) Assault, sir (IMPO), and (potential) Disorderly Conduct (IMPO) and for that you should feel ashamed.

“Assault is an act that creates an apprehension in another of an imminent, harmful, or offensive contact.” NOTE:  Definition varies, but this is basically the crux of it.

I’ve been dealing with bullies all my life. This is no longer amusing. I am leaving this page, and PLEASE do not contact me, or I shall be invoking the definition above…I don’t like bullies.

Same-Day Edit:  Just to be COMPLETELY clear, I am apprehensive that you will send another message (supposedly) “backing up” this one, or ANYONE on your page will do so for you, etc, etc…and such contact I would find offensive.  I’m stating that because I want there to be absolutely no doubt as to my feelings on possible contact.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

The Untouchables (1987)

Ness and his Inconceivables:
Moving bravely through the cigarette-smoke-and-hot bribe (TEXAS STYLE!!!) induced fog/smog toward the Grail-like ultimate goal of preventing people from drinking booze. 

WHAT AN IDEA! Not a GOOD one, but, an IDEA!

Not exactly high up on my list of “heroes”.

Wikipedia: “The efforts of Ness and his team had little impact on Capone’s operations. Ness had almost nothing to do with the IRS prosecuting Capone for income tax evasion, which led to Capone’s downfall.”

Income Tax Evasion…now, what low-effort bit of mine does that remind me of…

Has not aged well (especially near the end), but still somewhat interesting, if overly DRAMATIC!

Grade: D

Tales From The Crypt – Episode 67 (Only Skin Deep)

Good beginning, promising…and the rest is surprisingly unbroken.

A few things I’m curious about, but…that at least means it’s decent.  Otherwise, I wouldn’t give a sh1t.

Vaguely reminds me of ‘Lo’ (not as good, without the romance or depth). 

And being reminded…(see last review).

Zombie Night (2013)

There’s a lot of stumbling and repetition and stupid attempts at “dialogue” but very little else.  The zombies aren’t that great either.

No exciting, brilliant, refreshing (???), ingenious, or clever new ideas here.  Same zombie sh1t, different zombie day.  So it’s forced to get by on the acting and script.  Unfortunately, the acting sucks and the script is even worse.

Inspirational Quote: “I can’t imagine it could be any worse.”

Grade: F-

Crimson Tide – The Extended Version (Part 5)

00:52:01 – “So, Mr. Hunter…what’s your favorite Dreckheimer film?”
“‘Sir’, as in you didn’t hear me correctly, or ‘Sir’ as in you didn’t understand the question?”
“‘Sir’ as in I am not sure if I heard you correctly, Sir.”
“Your favorite Dreckheimer film, Mr. Hunter.”
“I see, Sir.”
“You see a-“
“Sir, please drop that multiple choice cr@p briefly while I answer, Sir.”
“Of course, Mr. Hunter.”
“I see…I did hear you correctly, Sir, but I’m not a big Dreckheimer fan so it’s difficult to say…although I would probably have to say ‘Crimson Tide’, Sir.”
“I see, Mr. Hunter…”
“You see, as in-“
“Don’t take my bit, Mr. Hunter.”

Bobbing Low’s Guide To Life – Part 8


At dinner, NEVER (and I can’t stress this enough)…NEVER tell anyone if they appear to be taking too much, if you have/haven’t had a portion of X yet, if the fate of the world revolves around one bite of horrid homemade rice mix.  After all, you are the Martyr without a cause.  And just because words EXIST, does that mean you HAVE to use them?

Speech should consist of the following ONLY: the dinner, tomorrow’s dinner, last night’s dinner, how much under-the-table undeclared money you made/missed out on that day, grumbling, grunting, and of course shooting down everyone else’s hopes and dreams with unwavering apathetic criticism.

Those of lesser stature (all except homeowner) do NOT need to be addressed, under any circumstances.  If you deign to acknowledge them, be certain not to be friendly about it.

EVERYTHING must go:  If that last 3 bites of rice pilaugh is going to be dumped, when until JUST before it is, then ask what is being done, then correct the problem either by causing guilt in the attempted dumpee, walking over (see “limp”) and doing it yourself in disgusted fashion, or get a small bag and put the food in there, to be useful as a side dish, most probably a “Here’s to knowingly evading taxation” apathetic triumphant bite.  Then BACK TO WORK, Slacker!

Cockneys Vs Zombies (2012)

Ok, fairly generic movie that tries to be really funny (sometimes subtle, sometimes not).

Bad gore attempts, some good tasteless humor, some boring attempted humor.

And, of course, zombies.  They shamble…nothing special.

I get the feeling, as I got around the time of K. Cobain’s death, that while these types of movies will continue to be made, everything that has to be said, every variant that needs to be explored…is over and done.  So it might limp along for a while, but it is essentially dead.

Note: Cobain reference was toward grunge, not Cobain himself.

Grade: D

Random Naughty Bits

Ok, so, in accordance with my previous post re: logical fallacies, I think from now on whenever ANYONE uses the phrase “logical fallacy” in a “I win!” fashion, I will dedicate the next ten posts I make to be in some way related to Nazi Germany.

It’s like the sign-in-the-lawn theory. 

Oh, and here’s why Pride is a “sin”:

10/16/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – A good clip from a very good movie. (housekeeping)

The Delusion Delusion

A logical fallacy and an incorrect conclusion are completely separate. A statement could have a million logical fallacies and be correct, a statement could have zero logical fallacies and be incorrect. The very term “logical fallacy” has become a piece of propagandic nonsense, designed to mentally intimidate and, in fact, becoming a “logical fallacy” in itself.

To quote a famous theist: “This is a soulless society, Captain. It has no spirit, no spark. All is indeed peace and tranquility: the peace of the factory, the tranquility of the machine.”

Do you want that?  As tempting as it may be at times, I do not.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

A Public Service Announcement – By Puppy

It seems they demanded a re-match after ‘The Epilogue’, so here’s the absolute, final, authoritative word on The existence/non-existence of God.

They speak in code, of course…but I think you can figure it out.

Phew…now that that’s all set, I can’t wait for next week.  It’ll be MUCH better than ‘Cats’.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

10/16/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – Basically, this is the shortened version of what happens in most debates featuring relatively equal-strength opponents. It’s just a LOT shorter. (housekeeping)

Sharknado (2013)

With a name like ‘Sharknado’, you…Eh, screw it. 

Sharks flying in tor-nayyyy-does, it’s Ser-E-us.

Graded upwards for high mockability quotient.  And come on…it takes a brave man not to give this an F-. (Yes, I know mockability isn’t a word.  I made it up.  It conveys meaning.  Therefore it is a legitimate symbol…which is what all letters are.  It’s called “being human”.  Some people need to try that sometime).

Inspirational Quote: “Just can’t sit back and watch this…”

Grade: D

The Pit Of Ultimate Gothness

I have plenty of comment options, so let’s make it one of those old Do-It-Yourself books:

My joke on this is ___________________________________ (Noun, Verb, Adverb, Adjective)

10/16/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – This is a clip of a good sketch. And if people haven’t read my other post(s) featuring this clip, then this criticism is new to them. (housekeeping)

Pupdate: Radio Station (2/8/14)

Some station facts:

I will NOT stop playing anything in my main genres.  So if you click “down” on every Nirvana song, it ain’t gonna do any good.  And screw you, you annoying bastard.

I play as much as I can of Pearl Jam, Nirvana, etc…and I rotate a few songs in and out.  That means that a LOT of songs you will hear OVER and OVER for a LONGGGGG time.  Why?  Because they’re good, and I’m not gonna play (relatively) sh1t songs just for “variety”.  Want variety?  Try a freeform station.  Not mine.

Feel free to send me comments.  If I like them (or hate them) they might end up here.

There are always certain songs on the fringe.  Meaning, not sure if I want to play them or not.  If you hear an unusual song that you don’t hear often, please LISTEN to it, and vote it up or down.  This may have some effect on whether it comes back or not.

Finally, don’t make requests.  Cuz quite frankly, I don’t give a sh1t.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Deep Puppy Thoughts (Part 51)

If someone was to say to Noel Coward (while he was still alive): “You’re an intellectual coward”, would that be an insult, a compliment, or an even, plain statement of fact/opinion?

Oh, and watch out for this in a future review.  Have to wait for a suitable one…D@MN!!

“Why do I (verb) this so (adverb)?  The answer is simple – Volume.

Night Of The Living Bread (1990)

DEFINITELY a specialty bread…starring in a short (thank God) film.

If you hated ‘Night’ for its cheeziness more than you liked it for its everything-else, you MIGHT like this unbelievably obvious comedy-free parody of it.

Only apparent use, to me: A palette-cleanser before any other zombie feature to make you feel better about the quality of said feature.

Grade: F

Stay Living (3 Short Films plus Intro, YouTube 2013)

A shameless set of commercials for something you don’t need.

And, mixed in, there’s some zombies, some characters with no personality, and lots of butt shots.

Unfortunate that this entire series wastes the 2 or 3 sorta-clever ideas (total) it has by pimping them out to a “Crocodile” Dundee phone sex ad.

Grade: F

The Mangler (1995)

Another decent Stephen King story turned into a cr@ppy horror flick.

Not NEARLY as bad when you’re just waiting for it to end so you can play ‘Killer Instinct’.

Most interesting feature:  An evil, possessed electric icebox.  ONE…and I can’t stress that enough…but ONE idea that Curly had that was perhaps not completely, totally cool.

(Insert electric icebox moment of clarity here)

Grade: F

4/23/16: It’s got a faint creepiness to it. I mean, the faint-creepiness-inducing scenes are so cheezy that they would be laughable if they weren’t so gross…but it IS there, nevertheless. Grade: D-

GOOD Debater…

PUPPY NOTE: Name(s) hidden to protect the non-angsty.

Ok, so I forget what EXACTLY I said, and my brain hurts too much
now to go back there. But basically, I asked what the point of the Creationism/Evolution debate was. Noone that believes strongly is
going to just “suddenly” have an epiphany and convert/unconvert.
I suppose that, yes, there are some that are just SO undecided and
non-guided (that’s not an insult) that they could “become” one of
either side by watching…but…that hardly seems likely and even
if they did, it would be just as easy for them to switch back,
again, for any one of 6.9 reasons. So I was left with…people
watch debates because they, through a debater, feel they have a “voice”…that so-and-so is speaking for them, in a way. Like an
us Vs. them mentality, not unlike the mentality of fans of Boxing,
MMA, etc…they watch in order to see their man (or woman) DEMOLISH (intellectually speaking) the other person. Not to learn.
And there’s NOTHING wrong with that (seriously). I mean,
everyone wants to win, right?

Anyways, that’s just a partial approximation of my thoughts…may
have missed some, included a few new ones, but that was the basic framework. And, after posting, I received these messages:

– “I did enjoy watching Nye’s arguments, though. He did quite well explaining why the creation model is not viable. I hope he reached
at least one creation believer and opened some eyes about the lack of scientific education in X.”

Puppy: Interesting idea. And yes, if you want to recruit to the
side you believe in, one is better than none…and it all starts with one. And again, I have no problem with intellectual boxing (which is exactly what debates are: the weapons are words, not gloves…otherwise it’s mostly the same). On a PP note, I in fact BELIEVE in
evolution, because it seems much more plausible, given the evidence.
But I didn’t watch the debate…because I KNEW what would
happen. There would be no revelations, it’d be a rather dull boxing
match because Nye (from what I’ve seen in the past) is very
articulate and I never heard of the other guy, and unless I COMPLETELY hated every other comedy possibility out there, it wouldn’t be funny enough.
I’ve heard all the CA/A jokes before. They’re repetitive. They’re repetitive. They’re repetitive. They’re repetitive. And of course,
they’re repetitive. And most of ’em just AREN’T funny.
I mean, I LIKE funny.

– “I watched it for the same reason I watch any debate. To see two
(or more) arguments and hopefully learn something from at least
one side. It might not be a couple of prize fighters, but that doesn’t
make the ‘fight’ any less interesting.”

Puppy: Agreed. Also, I was a bit snarky here to you, I admit freely.
And for that, I am sorry. I think it was the near-certain revelation that someone would just randomly flame/trash me.

– “You asked and I answered based on my reasoning. I can agree
with your ‘my guy vs. yours’ mentality that some may have, and I
concede that I also wanted to see Nye pick his arguments apart, mercilessly. However, there is really no reason to watch a debate if you are close minded. You need to critically think about both sides and take in all of the arguments to understand their platforms and ultimately take your own stance…I learned from Nye’s arguments. I have watched a lot of religion vs. science debates and know how they go. It doesn’t mean I don’t learn anything from them. I have also learned a lot about many religious views. You can’t have personal discussions with anyone without knowledge of their world views.”

Agreed, and in retrospect, I was a bit snarky here too. My
apologies. After that, there was a seemingly genuine emotional tangent that I do not have. I think it was an over-reaction, perhaps to my snarkiness (to an extent deserved, then) or perhaps just to get some anger and frustration out. And it is something that I am not prepared to respond to.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

5/25/16: If debates aren’t intellectual boxing, why do they ALWAYS – before anything else – ask who analysts think “won” the debate? I mean…they go to the judge’s score cards. Any questions about “Hey, I learned X…” or “Do you think the American people know more now about X?” are totally secondary to “Who won???”

10/16/16: Just some basic format edits, content unchanged. (housekeeping)

Random Insults

The Matter-Of-Fact Insult

“Mr. Longdale here will keep you company.”
“Why me??”
“Because I don’t like you, Mr. Longdale.”

The Prideful-Turned-Meek Overconfidence Insult

“Quadrotriticale is not wheat, Captain.  Of course, I wouldn’t expect you or Mister Spock to know about such things, but quadrotriticale is a rather-“

“Quadrotriticale is a high-yield grain, a four-lobed hybrid of wheat and rye. A perennial, also, if I’m not mistaken. Its root grain, triticale, can trace its ancestry all the way back to twentieth century Canada-“

I have a feeling of Deja Vu…

If theists are sheep, then CA/A’s are Borg.

I’ll take organic, thanks.

Question I asked AT LEAST half a dozen times on Atheist Group Pages and received only one response, which was worthy of (see below): What exactly does Wicca support/do that is harmful to the world in general?  Or to anyone, at all, individually?   *Crickets*

“If it harms none then do as you will.”

That is really, really funny…because it’s basically The Wiccan Rede.  Wicca is a religion.  This is in the mission statement of a CA/A group.  So…they want to do away with Wicca, even though they agree with it?  I…can’t wrap my mind around that logically.  Unless it’s a hidden appeal to Wiccans, or a softening of the hard-line stance that has been softening actually for quite some time:  Most anger dispensed with, most CA/A’s are now trying a more “friendly” MO.  Which is GOOD…but are they doing it because they’re suddenly friendly?  Or because they know it’s a good PR move?

PUPPY NOTE: Since erased.  Minitrue!

J.J.: You’re terrible at writing.
Puppy: It wasn’t all that terrible…
J.J.: “,,,Completely unreadable. Like a highschool banged it out in an hour.”
Puppy: Unreadable?  But…you read it. And how many highschools can, themselves, write?
J.J: (Edited for mistake, understandable given the angst involved (I’m not joking)):  Completely unreadable. Like a highschool girl banged it out in an hour.
Puppy: HAHAHA! A forced edit. +1 for me.

2/4/14: Puppy: Well, since I’m not smarter than a 5th grader, that’s actually somewhat flattering.  I mean, I’m writing FOUR GRADES (at least) above my potential.

Moral of the story: Never send a 9 when you need at least a 6.  (That’s not a sexual reference).

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Puppy Edit: 2/12/14 – The SCARY thing is…I have a very strong feeling that there are a considerable number of CA/A’s actively HOPING for a Wiccan to go insane and do something really evil, just so the CA/A’s can include (somewhat accurately) “Wicca” as a dangerous religion.

10/16/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – The clip I included…is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen. At no point in its rambling, incoherent playing did it approach anything resembling a rational thought. (housekeeping)

Just Wondering Here…

To whomever is in charge of that big picture of  “All the Famous Atheists In History” that you’ll meet if there is a Hell, “you’ll have great company…blah blah blah”:

Why isn’t Woody Allen on there?  He’s more famous and (supposedly) talented than a lot of them (again, supposedly…I think he’s a fcken humorless hack).

I mean, he’s OBVIOUSLY famous enough…vis:

So why is he not there?

Maybe (probably) he WAS there, but the Ministry of Truth decided he wasn’t there.  He wasn’t there and he never had been there.

And on Wikipedia, when it lists “famous” atheists, where is Benito Mussolini, among MANY others who were fcken sleazeballs?  I mean, the title of the entry is “List of Atheists”…and it has plenty that lived and died BEFORE Mussolini, and AFTER Mussolini.

But Benito apparently isn’t famous enough, as the ORIGINATOR OF FASCISM, to make the list.

But Stieg Larsson…ABSOLUTELY.

Answer?  Propaganda.  Even if your self-proclaimed purpose is to “educate” and “show the truth”, I guess lying via omission is still ok.  Cuz, you know, the “Common Good”…Mussolini’s inclusion (among many others, mind you) might turn people OFF the facts, and CA/A’s can’t have that.  Even though Mussolini IS a fact, it’s justifiable to leave him off the list, even if it is (and it IS) a lie by omission.

So screw anyone that doesn’t like the Nazi comparisons brought up, as a “logical fallacy”.

Mussolini INVENTED (with some help, but…) modern-day Fascism.  He was ADMIRED greatly by Hitler.  Pretty fcken direct reference, I think.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Bobbing Low’s Guide To Life – Part 6

The holey Trinity: Grumpy, Drunk, Stoned

If one can be so, be stoned.
If not, be drunk.
If not, be grumpy.

And, of course, related to the first and second: If one can use funds made possible by (potential) IRS avoidance activities, ALWAYS use at least 10 percent each on Drunk and Stoned.

The word is the Law, and the Law is the word, and the movie is a cr@ppy Corman flick.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

American Psycho (2000)

Christian Bale performs very well as an alternately boring/psychotic yuppie.  The boring is easy for Bale…and there’s a lot more boring than psychotic, so it’s pretty much his perfect role.

Why?  Because even for a sh1tty actor with very limited range, two emotions (apathetic and psychotic) are easy enough to get down.

There’s also a lot of meaningless drivel as Bale’s character descends further and further into insanity.  But he’s still pretty boring.

His fascination with 80’s music isn’t a great low-key setup for anything.  It’s just dull.  And he’s got sh1tty taste.

Grade: D

4/7/14: OK, OK…it’s not THAT bad.  I still have no use for Christian Bale as an actor in general, but as I said, this is his perfect role.  And his dullness IS funny at times, and there are some moments so ridiculous that they’re amusing and some juxtapositions (hey, mighty fancy word) that are interesting because they’re so different. 

Inspirational Quote: “Yes, it is!”

Grade: C-