The Predicted (Overstated, Admittedly) Inevitable Decline Of Wes Welker

Ok, so he’s still d@mn good.  And I wish we had him


2011: 122 Receptions, 1,569 Yards, 5 dropped passes (2.9 percent)
2012: 118, 1,354, 10 dropped passes (5.7 percent)
2013: On pace for: 100-1,110, 10 dropped passes (6.9 percent)

(Source: SportingCharts)

And he’s 32.  And he’s taken a POUNDING the last six years.  He’s not getting better, folks.  He’s getting worse.  Just because he’s still really good doesn’t mean he’s not in decline.  Cuz he is.

Yes, he’s caught 9 TDs.  He would have caught 15+ as a Patriot if they didn’t have a MUCH BETTER end zone target (Rob Gronkowski). 


But of course I appreciate all he did for the Pats, and especially this:

-Puppy >.< Yip!


Edit on prediction, and comparison:

Wes Welker, 2013: 73 catches, 10 drops.  Drop percentage: 9.0
Julian Edelman, 2013: 89 catches, 6 drops.  Drop percentage: 4.7

Faux News – 11/3/13

So I just found out (cuz why would I ever want to read anything about/by her?) two things, sort of by accident, about Megan Fox.

1) She’s bisexual
2) She’s a sexist MORON

“I would never date a girl who was bisexual, because that means
they also sleep with men, and men are so dirty that I’d never want
to sleep with a girl who had slept with a man.”

But yet you sleep with men. So your men are magically non-dirty?

“They’re boys; they’re easily toyed with.”

Well, in a way…I mean, you have nothing to offer except your body and yet people pay attention to you. Then again, you actually BELIEVE that anyone thinks you have any talent or relevance.

Not sure who’s more stupid. And when you’re older but just as dumb, they won’t care anymore…and you’ll still have no talent or relevance.

I guess it’s ok to be sexist as long as you’re female. Well…not “ok”, but…not QUITE as bad, you know.

In response: I guess a little because she’s a dumba$$ and I deserve it more, and no I wouldn’t.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Star Trek – Episode 15 (Balance Of Terror)

Kirk vs. Romulan commander in a battle of wits after a truce-violating attack by the Romulans.  A lot of interesting dialogue and events, as well as the usual Trek share of cheeziness.  A good one, though: quite interesting if not fascinating.

Sarek’s performance before he was Sarek, as Romulan commander
Spock, as usual

inappropriately DRAMATIC material-breaking music
unbelievably unlikely mistake by Spock (was that the BEST they could come up with?)

Spockism: “If the Romulans retained this martial philosophy, then weakness is something we dare not show.”

The People Under The Stairs (1991)

A half-way decent horror flick that’s (at times) both creepy and campy.

Periods of tedium, and the camp grows as the creepiness lessens.  Or maybe the creepiness just lessens.  It seems to go on too long, like they had enough ideas for half a movie but needed to pad it out to a full one.

But it’s an ok watch if you like the genre. 

Features Ving Rhames, one kick-a$$ kid, and at least one HORRIBLE mask.

Inspirational Attack Move: Nose-pick

Grade: D+

7/14/18: The Great Grade Update. Grade: C-

Star Trek – Episode 10 (Dagger Of The Mind)

A personal second-tier favorite that I think is overlooked.

A man escapes from a penal “rehab” colony, apparently
deranged…then things get creepy, both in mood and action.
The Vulcan mind meld is introduced, albeit somewhat awkwardly.

Van Gelder’s performance
the natural creepiness of Tantalus

wooden “energize” guy
gently moseying redshirt guard

Mystery Science Theater 3000: It Lives By Night (1999)

A man suffers through an unfortunate trauma after keing kitten ky a kat.

totally serious-intended movie totally sucking
cheezy FX/tension/tension music
if the hospital bracelet doesn’t fit, you must noughta bit
decent riffing at times

Inspirational Quote: “Please don’t succumb to the urge to eat each other.”

Grade: D+

Star Trek – Episode 9 (Miri)

Kids against Grups, BONK BONK on the head planet.  Race against extremely nasty virus.

The Big Three in the landing party, plus two red shirts and Yeoman Rand before G’n’R. picked the one he was dating.  Or married to…I don’t care.

Miri and the other kid leader’s acting
fairly interesting premise
Spock vs. McCoy, always an interesting conflict

Rand’s leg line
remarkable timing
no blah blah blah

Star Trek – Episode 8 (What Are Little Girls Made Of?)

The pros and cons of androids.  Very little Spock, unfortunately.

the premise
Corby’s performance, for the most part
Andrea (for me, at least)
Kirk vs. Kirk
actual emotional involvement

insufficient Spock
stupidity of the setup

Spockism: “Frankly, I was rather dismayed by your use of the term “half-breed”, Captain.  You must admit it is an unsophisticated expression.”

Star Trek – Episode 6 (The Enemy Within)

Good Kirk split from Evil Kirk.  Also known as Shatner’s excuse for yelling at lifeless Trek fans from an old SNL episode:

“GET A LIFE, will you people? I mean, for crying out loud, it’s just a TV show! I mean, look at you, look at the way you’re dressed! You’ve turned an enjoyable little job, that I did as a lark for a few years, into a COLOSSAL WASTE OF TIME!”

cute doggies…even the evil one!
the initial premise

diabolical background lighting for Evil Kirk
diabolical acting by Evil Kirk
diabolical sexual assault joke by Spock (I blame the writer)

Spockism: “I survive it because my intelligence wins out over both – makes them live together.”

Star Trek – Episode 5 (The Naked Time)

The start of uninterrupted Star Trek as we know it.  Good episode…lots of interesting visuals and performances.  It’s the “emotions to the forefront” virus episode, if you don’t know.

Riley’s eccentric performance
Spock’s dramatic performance

Kirk’s overly dramatic performance
that whole time warp thing

I Thought Of Better Ones, But This Is What You Get

Sporting News writer David Steele recently wrote an article in which he placed Eli Manning (as part of the New York Giants) as the “8th worst quarterback situation in the NFL”.

Now, I’m no Eli Manning or Giants fan.  I mean, they cost my Patriots two Super Bowls.

But saying that Eli Manning is, despite two Super Bowl wins and everything he’s done in the past, and based on seven games (less than half of one season), the (at best) 25th best quarterback in the NFL just goes to prove my long-held belief:

David Steele is a moron.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Star Trek – Episode 4 (Where No Man Has Gone Before)

Really good story concept, and executed pretty well.  Man slowly turns into god-like being, absolute power…etc.  The last remnants of pre-Trek are featured here in the cast, weird uniforms, etc.

Gary Mitchell’s performance

leftover rejects from Star Trek Mach 1
Spock’s over-emotion

Deep Puppy Thoughts (Part 48)

Ok so I’m doing Star Trek reviews, and I thought of Riley, so then I thought of that episode he actually talks in, and that guy who complains about being in space after he gets that “special” touch and does his internal monologue.  And I think it would have been a LOT better if (using their ability to travel through time to accomplish this) they had that anti-pigs-in-space guy, at the VERY end of his heartfelt rant…PAUSE…and then, in an absolutely FABULOUS and extended syl-la-bles way, belt out his best Thom Yorke and sing “WE DON’T BE-LONG HERE…”, and then just get right back into character.

Star Trek – Episode 3 (Charlie X)

Yes Charlie, THAT is a girl.  Boy howdy.

Moral ambiguity here…some.  Which makes it more interesting.  It’s somewhat reminiscent of ‘It’s A Good Life’ – not as good or as creepy, but similar in some ways.  I get feelings of borrowings from other sources as well, but I can’t quite place them.

Charlie’s performance
the ending except for…

Kirk’s husband bulge
Spock’s overemotional rec room scene
Rand’s ending overacting

Spockism: “Your illogical approach to chess does have its advantages on occasion, Captain.”

Star Trek – Episode 2 (The Man Trap)

Episode numbers as per Netflix streaming, cuz it’s easier for me.

No moral ambiguity here…dumb, evil creature kills other creatures.  Sole purpose of creature’s life: self-preservation.  LaVey’s fav episode.

Said creature fails to generate any sympathy because it’s so evil and it dies because it’s so dumb.  I mean, here’s a flippin’ idea: go to the mess hall and order salt.  Or say “Hi, I’m an alien, I need salt”.

Riley! briefly…no dialogue…
Yeoman Rand…too bad G.R. didn’t date her instead

incredibly lame search noises
salt stupidity…it can almost TASTE it!
lame stun effect
a rather weak ending

Spockism: “Fortunately my ancestors spawned in another ocean than yours did.”

Star Trek – Episode 0 OR Episode 1 (Pilot: The Cage)

This is not Star Trek.  This is the failed version that got rejected before Roddenberry re-tooled the cast.  And what little value it has on its own can be seen later in the superior (and true-to-form) two part ‘The Menagerie’…although I personally don’t care much for that either.  At least it’s Star Trek, Jim, as we know it.

Future episodes deemed worthless will be skipped.  Since I’m a sucker for this show’s charms, that won’t be many.

No grades for these.

10/20/13: Episode number adjusted for Netflix streaming order cuz it’s easier.

Mystery Science Theater 3000: Overdrawn At The Memory Bank (1997)

PearlTV bits are surprisingly ok.

Raul Julia brings a small level of interest and class to an otherwise dumb “future”/fascism movie.

“Well, it is an unpleasant (movie), certainly.  But I don’t think we had enough of the really gross awfulness we’re looking for.” – Lady Organs

Grade: D

Deep Puppy Thoughts (Part 47)

SO FCKEN TIRED of the “X has a higher IQ than Einstein!” celebratory, incredulous headlines.

Yeah, so what the fck have they done?  When they USE that IQ to do ANYTHING anywhere NEAR what Einstein did, then it’s a story.  Until then it’s the same as “X is in better baseball shape than Babe Ruth!”.

And even then, ask yourself this:  If you raise your child so worshipful of the idol of knowledge as opposed to FUN and LIVING that they’re as smart as 99.9 percent of adults by the time they’re ten…WTF is wrong with you?

P.S. Some store in England should sell Deli Rice.

P.P.S. Seamentea

A Free One

If you’re thinking about starting your own horrible-movie review blog, here’s a one-size-fits-all starter kit for you.

When you watch your first truly wretched movie (try anything on my F List), review it as follows:

“Well, I’d have t-
Oh, forget it.  Just pretend you’re Tom Servo and you’re interviewing Rick Sloane.”

The reference is the end of ‘Hobgoblins’ MST’d, you can make that as clear as you want.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Deep Puppy Thoughts (Part 46.9)

I don’t have much, but here’s the best of the latest:

Given my seed-sucking on Subeta, I think it’s safe to say the following:
“I am The RestocKing!!!”

When they were describing how Rob Ryan took over a last place defense and is “turning it around” and the usual BS they do when they have nothing smart to talk about, I couldn’t help but groan in that “Oh GOD what a load of sh1t” sort of way.  You know the way.

And then, when his defense (which had already given up 23 points to a team with the brilliant WR tandem of Dobson/Thompkins) allowed a game-winning drive to up the total to 30, I couldn’t help but think of Star Trek, TOS, the last episode: “Now, all the years of training and prep- Ooops, I fcked up.”

Oh, and one final thing…I have a suggestion for an edit on those car commercials about “and” being better than “or”:
*Woman* “Isn’t it great that this car I’m a consumer whore for has blankity-blank AND blankity-blank?”
*Man* “Why yes, fellow consumer whore as I am one as well, it is.  So much better than blankity-blank OR blankity-blank.”
*Woman* “That’d be like stupidexample OR stupidexamplepart2.
(now, the edits…)
*Man* (Or woman, choose the order, it doesn’t matter) “Ummm…not really, actually.  By the way, why are we having this inane fcking conversation?”

*Man* “Yeah…and is so much better.”
*Woman* “So you’d like a kick in the groin AND a night of frigid non-sex?”

Mystery Science Theater 3000: Devil Doll (1997)

It’s about an ugly, unappealing hypnotist/ventriloquist who shows plenty of eye and lid action.  Just a lucky coincidence for me after the last one.

It tries to be really dark and scary.  It succeeds at dark, and somewhat creepy – reminiscent of a pretty good, extra-long Twilight Zone episode in a way, although it becomes more tedious and less creepy as it goes along.

the movie itself having a mild interest factor(!?!)
Brit jokes
two-person one-man scene
decent riffing

Inspirational Quote: “Smell it.  It has a lovely bouquet.”

Grade: C-

Mystery Science Theater 3000: The She Creature (1997)

Pearl hijacks brainguy’s brain in a fairly amusing opening sketch.

Movie is non-scary horror, or non-exciting thriller featuring an ugly, unappealing hypnotist.  Lots of AA closeups with plenty of eye and lid action to showcase this.

lots of SLEEEEP!
newspaper mocking
brilliant standing around and not-acting
pretty good riffing

Inspirational Exchange:
“I shall touch you and soon you’ll be asleep.”
“Oh, like every night.”

Grade: C+

Congo (1995)

Hey, I didn’t know this til just now…it’s ‘The Search For Ash’.

So it’s instantly that much better, of course.

The standout actors to me are Ernie Hudson (in his 94-95 period of pretty cool serious acting bits) and some of the bit players (one from ‘The Fugitive’, one from you’ll-know-where, etc…).  And of course Amy.

The mains, beside Hudson, are…ok.  It’s a little too cliched in script, it’s a little too formulaic overall…but it has a moderate entertainment value if you like decent (if unremarkable), well-made action/adventure flicks. 

If only I could erase Mitchell.

Inspirational Quote: “Humans are dangerous.  Gorillas are very gentle.”

IQ2: *with disdain* “…you should shake this rat from off your neck.”

Grade: C+

9/8/18: “Am I startin’ that again?” Grade: C-


It hurt me very much when we stopped talking, a LONG time ago.

It hurt again when you ignored my heartfelt, sincere attempts to reconnect with you. 

And so I said goodbye to you; and in all the time since then you made absolutely no attempt to acknowledge me in any way, shape, or form that would show you had any interest whatsoever in being my friend or even in any way associated with me, at all, ever.

So when I get a random message after all that time saying not much of anything, the only logical response I can think of is:

Have a good life.

Mystery Science Theater 3000: Samson Vs. The Vampire Women (1995)

See Frank on his fairly quick but time-staggered journey to second-banana Heaven, accompanied by Torgo.  And an old cheezy slowwwww-paced Mexican horror flick. 

Could have been a lot more inspired for a last hurrah.

horrific dubbing
sudden chunky masked guy with spiffy cape
solid evidence that the WWF/E originated in Mexico
decent riffing

Grade: C

Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Screaming Skull (1998)

Robot Rumpus isn’t very funny, but it does demonstrate the value of Old Glory insurance.  Then there’s the usual cr@ppy movie.

cute Servo butterfly
Crow T. skull
ultra-pretentious movie intro
death jokes
surprisingly good riffing

Inspirational Quote: “I invite you to join me in marital intercourse.”

Grade: B-

Jeux Sans Frontieres

Anyone that derides any game as childish or meaningless/pointless is just fooling themselves.

Everyone plays games.  At every age.  The only things that change are the games you play and how you play them.

That you choose to label them as something else does not change what they are.

“Shall we play a game?”

“I don’t like to lose.”

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Class Of Nuke ‘Em High (1986)

Some Troma flicks are watchable, because they’re…not good enough, but smart enough.  And doggone it, some people do like them.

This isn’t all that smart, even adjusting for sh1t, but I actually find it minorly enjoyable.

My favorite part was minorly enjoying it while waiting for it to end so I could review it, knowing there would be nothing to actually have to analyze. 

Oh, and every shot of Janelle Brady.  That pretty much got me through.

Inspirational Quote: “Hmm? Mmm? … Hmm?”

Grade: D

Deep Puppy Thoughts (Part 45)

Ok, now I understand when people say that some people take sports WAY too seriously, it’s just a game, etc etc etc.  I agree.

But on the other hand, I think it’s equally as absurd to either:
1) HATE sports, as if they are a tool of evil (they’re JUST GAMES, right?  How can you HATE games?????)
2) Believe that every male that likes sports is by definition a moron.  That’s just dumb.  I mean, if you think all football players are just big dumb fat guys, try memorizing an NFL playbook.  You don’t even have to move a muscle, just read one, and be able to recite exactly what you would do on every play based on what every other player does.  Purely intellectual.

Apparently advertising people subscribe to this notion as well, based on the following ad:

Coors Light Commercial.  Everyone in the bar is always smiling. 

Cut away, cut back: SMILE…

another cut, SMILE…


It’s like, with Coors Light they smile about EVERYTHING?

“Hey, good to see you!” SMILE

“You look really great!” SMILE

“Oh sh1t, I gotta go take a piss!” SMILE

“FCK!  I just spilled my beer!” SMILE

“OMG I don’t believe she shot me down!!!” SMILE

“I drank WAY too much, man, I feel like I’m gonna vomit all over you!” SMILE

The Welker Delusion

It’s a critical attribute for any NFL (or any pro sport) GM/Exec/Scout/Coach/Etc to be able to see the gradual beginning decline of a player before it becomes blatantly obvious to the masses.  That’s when you trade said player based on their presumed level of talent when you know they’re going nowhere but down.  Slowly, perhaps, but down.  And once you start to decline as an athlete, you generally don’t go back up.  You just keep going down.  The great ones just go down a LOT slower.

So, based in no small part on the fact that Wes Welker (and this is a non-verified observation…no mathematics involved, just eyes) from what I saw (and I saw a lot) dropped more passes last year than the past 3-4 years combined, his loss has been greatly exaggerated.

Would he be better than Boyce, Dobson, or Thompkins?  Sure.

But I think the pendulum has swung from 2-3 years ago to the point where I can now say that Wes Welker is a poor man’s Julian Edelman.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

The Spock Delusion

If you ever encounter a CA/A who invokes Spock in their argument/defense/overall attitude, feel free to make them aware of the following:

1) Spock (as with all Vulcans, not because he was half-human) was an extremely emotional being.  Because he suppressed these emotions does not mean they did not exist.  If any actual research had been done, as is the CA/A MO, this would have been known to them.

2) Many Vulcans are theists, if you know what “theism” means in the broadest (real) sense.

Same-Day Edit: It’s actually…well, not amazing, knowing them…but remarkable that trying to find ANY reference to “theism” anywhere that could possibly in any way be seen as unarguably positive or even non-negative is a ‘1984’ like struggle against the Ministry of Truth.  I mean, I could’ve SWORN that the last time I looked up “Vulcan” on Wikipedia, it said they were theists.  But this time, that section is completely absent…ALMOST as if someone had intentionally gone in and removed it retroactively for (mis?)information purposes.  So, I went to several other sources to verify the FACT that at least some Vulcans are, in FACT, theists.  Fictionally, of course.  But isn’t it sad how rabid these people are?  I mean, I knew CA/A’s aspired to worldwide propaganda, but if you have to turn into Big Brother to denounce “brainwashing”…well…ummm…yeah.