“(Era Nocturna) Against my better judgment I’m going to respond to this in the hopes that maybe you’ll garner some sort of insight into yourself. My reasoning for ceasing contact with you had nothing to do with the review…”
You stopped chatting with me IMMEDIATELY after reading my review. So…let’s go with an MST quote here re: your statement – “Oh, I don’t know…”
“It had to do with your behavior. You were immature and acted like someone who had absolutely zero control over their emotions and their impulse control.”
You mean like you after reading my review? Oh! 
“For those reasons I decided to cease contact with you because I have absolutely zero room or time in my life for someone who is mentally unbalanced who shows signs of being so.”
Really? You’re in your life, and you told me in a chat that you had a major mental disorder.
One that a lot of people, if I remember correctly, “couldn’t deal with” or “had problems with”…something to that effect. Unsure of the EXACT quote, but something to that effect.
“Furthermore when I blocked you, you went on to harass my friends”
Which friends are you talking about? I only know (beyond names on a page) one person, to the best of my knowledge/recollection, that you know.
“and then when they blocked you, you attempted to badmouth me in public further showing that you are not to be trusted”
Badmouth you in public??? I made a JOKE and a REVIEW. It’s called comedy/satire/criticism. Thicken that skin, girl. And the “not to be trusted” part reeks a bit of paranoia, to me…
Also, “badmouth” you “in public”? REALLY? Let’s think about that…I have a PUBLIC WEBSITE. If I wanted, TWO YEARS AGO, to “badmouth” you…where, perchance, do you think I MIGHT do it, logically? I mean…AFTER you stopped chatting with me (check the date if you want) I went back and RE-REVIEWED your album. I corrected what I saw were FAULTS in my original review, and then gave it a B-…the EXACT SAME GRADE. If I wanted to “badmouth” you, WHY, pray tell, would I say your album was pretty good?
“and that you are mentally incapable of handling rejection”
You mean like you after…oh, whatever.
“and you are frighteningly unstable.”
I’m a marvel of modern science.
“So, in short, now that I have no “career” to protect: Kindly go crawl back to the hole you crawled out of and go kill yourself.”
So you wanted me to kill myself all along, but just hid that because you wanted free pub? Ever see ‘Rejected’? You know, the part where the caption is: “I am a consumer whore!” and the other guy is saying “And how!”. That’s a good one. I review that here too.
Also, by your own admission, you are no longer a public figure. Thanks.
And, regarding my death, I seem to recall from a conversation with ummm…the one person friends unit, that they were actually quite concerned for my well-being. I mean, I don’t KNOW this, but it seemed like, when they talked to me, they were sort of afraid that YOU might do something to try to hurt me. And this isn’t a person that scares easily, from what I’ve seen/observed.
Just an observation.
“By the way – your behavior is grossly inappropriate and is a sure sign of borderline personality disorder.”
Is that the one you have? Or was it another one? I forget which one you told me you had…I know it was relatively major, though.
“I highly recommend you seek DBT therapy”
Can I join your group?
“or, as I said above, die. Because your life is in serious risk of sucking for the remainder of whatever time you have left because absolutely NO ONE wants to know someone with BPD. You ALL suck because you’re psychos.”
Wait, how can you want me to get “help” if “NO ONE” will ever want to know me because I “suck”, according to your semi-professional psychiatric diagnosis? And again…isn’t that, ummm…the illness that you said…well, nevermind.
You know people, though, I’m pretty sure of that.
Well, I may suck, but only at first. Then I keep on suckin’ and I succeed.
Hey, good luck with your care…oh, nevermind. 
I think I love you. Again. WAIT! No…yes….no….MAYBE….no. YES!…no.
P.S. – quote of “Era Nocturna” is in fact the words of Dae Noctem (I think, unless someone’s typing for her), no message to/from any other member of the band Era Nocturna is expressed or implied, implicitly or explicitly.
-Puppy >.< Yip!