Mystery Science Theater 3000: Santa Claus Conquers The Martians (1991)

Santa seeks to expand his empire by stretching out his tendrils into…

Nah, just a cr@ppy Christmas movie.  Well-meaning, of course, and sweetly stupid. 

Very sweet, very stupid.

pony/deciding who lives and who dies/etc…
P. Swayze Xmas song
laughably cheezy “plot”/”acting”
consistently good riffing

Inspirational Quote: “Get the Hell out of my shop!”

Grade: B+

In A Droning State Of Mind

According to a recent statement/letter/article, basically the US government affirms the right to kill a US citizen on US soil without any sort of trial or even an officially lodged charge.

Two comments:

1) Who was naive (and STOO-pid) enough to believe the government would NEVER do anything like that UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE…until they actually came out and said so?  I mean…come on.  I’m not a big conspiracy theorist, but people who believe the government would NEVER, EVER do anything illegal if it felt it was in the interests of national security are just as deluded (in the opposite direction) as people who think everything is a government plot.

2) Who is paranoid enough to now believe this will lead to a collapse into a totalitarian state where people are constantly being killed by random drone strikes unless they salute Big Brother?

Tip: If you want to avoid being killed by a drone strike as a US citizen on US soil, don’t do anything that immediately threatens the national security of the US.  e.g.: don’t build your own nuke, don’t climb to the top of a belltower carrying a bag full of automatic weapons, don’t place any orders with Chemical-Weapons-R-Us and make the address “The White House”…


Think about it, really. 

-Puppy >.< Yip!

EXCITING Billboard Update – By Puppy

Newly-minted signs link belief in God to insane far-right stupidity via a *cough cough* “misquote”.  Wait no…isn’t a “misquote” when you ACCIDENTALLY…errrmmm…nevermind.

Well played BS propaganda, American Atheists.  Well played BS propaganda.

Hey, maybe they read my “Billboard Idea” post and learned from it that attacking Sarah Palin is a lot easier than attacking Jesus? 

I mean, they didn’t rip my “THINK FOR YOURSELF” idea, but suggesting that Sarah Palin = Faith is undeniably more clever (since almost everyone agrees she’s a MORON) than suggesting Jesus = Myth and therefore non-non-theists = stupid.

Hey, I don’t promote these people OR their (or any) propaganda, I just circulate the information. (MST rip).

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Brain That Wouldn’t Die (1993)

First Nelson-hosted episode.  A few interesting rookie bits, pretty good riffing on the movie.

Movie: cr@ppy “sci-fi” monster/”drama”.  The acting is actually decent but the script is mediocre and it’s very pretentious/wanna-be-“thrilling!”.  It does have a certain gruesome film-noir-ish feel to it though, and some of the FX are nasty enough to make this somewhat PG.

Signs of Life!
obvious (but amusing) anatomy jokes
skewering of anti-female/anti-trust messages
bad end credit

Inspirational Quote: “It’s nice and all, but I want something sleazy…”

Grade: B-

Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Projected Man (1998)

Plot: you find out how Pearl and company got to the castle.  Who cares?  Not me.

Movie: Sci-fi with lots of annoying orange.  Mediocre in conception, boring first half, slightly better (to watch and to hear mocked) second half which transforms it from putrid to barely passable.

massive unnecessary projection sketch

Grade: D-

Interesting – Something To Think About

the “Wealth Inequality In America” video.

No comment, just something to think about.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

P.S. – Actually screw that, comment:

People who complain about the dangers of Socialism (losing freedom, Stalin, blah blah) when they see this are confusing “more equitable but still basically capitalist profit structure that rewards hard work without putting HUGE numbers of people in complete poverty” with “Socialist dictatorship”.

Small mistake.

Mystery Science Theater 3000: Deathstalker And The Warriors From Hell (1996)

Most annoying opening in MST history.  Repeated briefly at the end for your annoyance.

But the movie is an extremely bad/cheezy/pretentious D+D fantasy attempt, good for mocking. 

And, thankfully, riffing.

cr@ppy ren faire sketch
cr@ppy sounds
cr@ppy villain
cr@ppy hero
REALLY cr@ppy ending fight scenes

Inspirational Quote: “The chilling sound of cardboard against cardboard!”

Grade: B

Mystery Science Theater 3000: Stranded In Space (1991)

The movie opening has sort of a mish-mash thrown together ‘Master Ninja’ feel to it. 

Usually tv movies suck (see ‘Riding With Death’) and are great for riffing, but this one is unusually decent.  The riffing seems content with “predictable and tolerable” and the only real inspiration seems to go into the host segments.

weird-weapon-sound escalation segment
bad insinuation segment

Grade: D

Pupdate – Social Page

Social page (link on top left, between Home and Photos) edited to include: news, sports, news, random quote, and everything it already had (which wasn’t much).  So it’s still not very good.  BUT, and this is the point, it is BETTER than it was.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

4/22/16: Update: Please go to my website and click on the blog link to come here even though there’s really no reason to go to my website as opposed to just coming here to my blog.

Dante’s Inferno (2010)

Taking this seriously…

Basically, this treats ‘Inferno’ as a series of stupid video game levels with a “boss” to defeat to pass each one, which is a truly sad statement on both who it’s (I guess) trying to reach and the desperation with which it’s trying to reach them.

Not taking it seriously: Cr@ppy non-interactive ultra-violent/stupid/poorly-dubbed video game sh1t.

Inspirational Quote: “Isn’t there…perhaps, a…way around it?” – Our Hero

Grade: F-

Mystery Science Theater 3000: Squirm (1999)

‘Spring Fever’ short is alternately boring and really annoying.  Mocked well later, though.

Movie is cheezy 50’s horror updated for the super 70’s: color, better cr@ppy acting/fx, even dumber “monster”…riffing: not bad.

Sprites for every occasion
incoherent hick ramblings
Tom Servobelle

Inspirational Quote: “Well then there’s sex, that’s another minute.”

Grade: C

Mystery Science Theater 3000: Alien From L.A. (1993)

Kathy Ireland whines with the best of them in this really bad modern “fantasy” flick.

Very pretentious, so it makes a great choice.  Unfortunately the riffing is only ok (and usually obvious), but with material this easy to rip that’s enough to make it a decent watch, AND you get the “Hey!  I thought of that too!” achievement feeling.

gut-vending and Kathy Ireland game host segments
intermittent Australian-ness
persistent whine jokes

Inspirational Quote: “Cuz I’m turned on by squeaky toys!”

Grade: C+

Hollow (2013)

Another L.F. Dibley classic: ‘The British Blair Witch Ripoff Project’.

It gets somewhat scary with about 25 minutes left, to be fair. And the ending is made clear. UNTIL then, to save you the time, here’s what you learn in just over an hour that means anything: brunette woman is going to marry man, other man is jealous and seems a bit freaky/obsessed with brunette woman, they find a creepy tree of legend.

Question: Is this gonna come out every fourteen years with a new title in a new country? Sort of like the Olympics…I’m guessing France for 2027.

And now, for my own amusement, since they (mostly) wasted MY time, let me rip something:

“I’m afraid there’s been a mistake…

The people that have been acting for you are impostors. They are not in fact affiliated with the real police of East Anglia, but actors wanted by the ‘Blair Witch Project’ preservation society. Anybody who doesn’t believe me can look it up in the film registry.

Now then, the first prize is this beautiful silver Pointing Out The Bleedin’ Obvious For Your Protection cup, which has been won by me.

Next we come to the Fairfax Atkinson Trophy for outstanding achievement in the field of trashing ‘Blair Witch’ ripoffs. Well, there’s been noone else this just-begun year who’s reached the required standard set by me, so it goes in my sack.” – ‘The Puppy MPFC Ripoff Project’

Inspirational Exchange:

*Man* “What time is it?”
*Blonde Woman, in apparent silent response* “It’s time for a shot of my crotch.”

Grade: D

2/26/13: Inspirational Exchange Rip: “I have dispatched 25 minutes of somewhat scary footage to save the movie! They will be playing NOW!”
“Were they as surrounded by cr@p as this? Actually it was more like 15.” Grade: D-

Mystery Science Theater 3000: It Conquered The World (1991)

Back when Roger Corman gave a d@mn.  I think.

I actually sort of LIKE this movie…the fx are HORRIBLE and the acting isn’t all that good, but it’s an interesting story.  Good riffing on the really horrible parts, too.

‘Snow Thrills’ short is only mediocre, although it does provide a good quote.

short-mocking sketch
sudden realizations
movie-mocking sketch
MPFC Cycling Tour reference

Inspirational Quote: “Yeah, well you’re full of skit.”

Grade: B-

Deep Puppy Thoughts (Part 31)

I’m not watching the Oscars, but I’m sure that with James Lipton doing play-by-play, they are absolutely scrumtrelescent. (Using the official Wiktionary spelling).

Personally I think it’s even more scrumtrulescent to spell it with a second “u”.

And it’s cool how if you type in “scrumtrulecent” in Wikipedia it redirects to James Lipton.

That is ABSOLUTELY SCRUM-tru-LES-cent.

Mystery Science Theater 3000: Tormented (1992)

Yet another exciting Bert I. Gordon messterpiece.  Very dark this time.

It tries, like early Roger Corman, to be dramatic and meaningful.  And it’s not really HORRIBLE, it’s just not very good…and the pretension allows for very effective mockery.

Joel and the bots rip very (and tastelessly) well into every supposed “dramatic” moment.

great invention exchange (Aunt Catherine wheel/drinking jacket)
SOL family shenanigans
consistent riffing
wishful lighthouse plummets
Pagan Earth Ceremony (every Tuesday)

Inspirational Quote: “Look Tom, I got a friend at the DA’s office, if I don’t show up they open my lunchbox.”

Grade: B+

The Dead Want Women (2012)

At BEST, that’s totally imprecise and only somewhat accurate.  And totally sexist. 

I mean, what about the heterosexual female and homosexual male ones?  Not to mention the asexual ones, the lesbian/heterosexual male ones with headaches, or the ones that aren’t just mostly dead.

But here’s the deal…the “setup” (idea one) features nice costumes/scenery/most of the budget and tolerable acting and lasts until about the 15 minute mark, then the ultra-soft-core porn (necessary to add “NUDITY” to advertising) part turns into cr@ppy “horror” plot point (idea two) which eventually leads us to the actual movie (idea three, at around 25:30).

Actual movie lasts about 45 minutes and sucks.  FX are sad, acting is poor, dialogue is really bad.

Only misogynists and people that want to see Eric Roberts embarrass himself will enjoy it.

Nice fireplace, though…too bad they didn’t just show that for 1:14:05.

Inspirational Quote: “I’m a big fat cowboy!”

Grade: F

Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Final Sacrifice (1998)

Canadian modern fantasy/adventure stupidity.  Good riffing, especially for a post-Frank/Trace  episode.  I actually like Canada, for the record.  And this is trying…but that only makes it funnier to rip because it SUCKS so much.

rampant Csonka references
rampant Canada jokes
Royal Canadian Mounted Servo
inept BDSM brigade
feral Red Green guy

Inspirational Quote: “You know it’s Spring when the executioners start gettin in the house.”

Grade: B

Kill ‘Em All (2013)

Pointless setup featuring 3-second fast forwards to boredom into

…Johnny Cage…

combination ‘Saw’/mostly ‘Mortal Kombat’ ripoff, which is just as pointless.


And it’s not any good.  Well, if you like one-on-one fight choreography, it’s tolerable.

…Liu Kang…

About halfway through it switches from filming in a vacant room to filming in a


vacant warehouse for the second level.  Haikiba!


Thank goodness it’s the first 2013 streaming movie choice I came across or I might NEVER have watched it.


With all that being said, I can’t bring myself to truly hate it.  Maybe because it’s so un-ambitious that it can’t really fail (??!!).  Sort of like watching a human video game, except video games are much more fun when you’re PLAYING, not WATCHING.

…Sub-Zero…eh, I prefer ‘Killer Instinct’…Cinder…

It adds a retroactive plot and a Dr. Evil/Bond-ish villain at the end, if you care.

Grade: D-

Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Amazing Transparent Man (1995)

Man gets busted out of jail by yet another short-sighted/far-reaching villain. 

Really good short riffing, mediocre movie riffing. 

Suggestion: Watch the short and the llama bit, skip the rest.

Mikey and the scared Crow-llama
The Days Of Our Years – give or take a score

Inspirational Quote: “It all sucked.”

Grade: B-

2/28/13: Not sure of the composite here…let’s see…short around an A, rest a low D.  Grade: C

Mystery Science Theater 3000: Space Travelers (1992)

I don’t understand this choice at all.

The movie isn’t great, but it’s certainly not horrible.  Nowhere NEAR as bad as the typical MST movie, anyway.  You almost want to watch it, at times…but you can’t, because three annoying voices keep interrupting it with unfunny comments.

If this was the ONLY episode of MST3K, it might be worth watching.  But it isn’t, and it isn’t.

Grade: F

Mystery Science Theater 3000: I Accuse My Parents (1993)

This is actually very well-meaning and all…but stoo-pid. 

J+TB seem inspired by the short.

The Truck Farmer: How to raise healthy, happy trucks
host segments: bot therapy, bad singing bit, guy from the movie analysis
exciting action/intrigue
dumbest great liar ever

Inspirational Quote: “So, Jimmy…do you like your kneecaps?”

Grade: B+

Mystery Science Theater 3000: Fire Maidens Of Outer Space (1992)

Horribly dull “sci-fi” movie with a lot of stock footage and extreme boredom.  Riffing can’t do much for it, but host segments bring it up from fantastically unbearable to barely tolerable.

“evil” Crow brings DOUBLE Crow action…OH!
DOUBLE entendres…OH!
DOUBLE lever action…OH!
‘Aliens’ parody…OH!

Grade: D-

The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

A cute little movie.  It’s witty; somewhat gruesome yet also somewhat charming/sweet.

It’s not really my thing, for the most part…so I’d stop there.

But I can certainly understand how it could also be described as touching and even somewhat magical by fans.

This has such a wide audience because everyone from the most shallowly angsty to the most wistfully romantic can (potentially) feel all these things.

Like all Disney movies, the songs are annoying in their Basil Exposition qualities for adults, but the gruesomeness does mostly offset the traditional sappiness.

Like good Disney movies, this is simple and cute enough for children but smart enough for adults.

How so many people that like this can hate EVERY OTHER Disney movie is beyond me, since this IS a slight (goth/creepy/macabre/odd…take your pick) alteration on stock-Disney to create a modern-day ‘How The Grinch Stole Christmas’.

The message any non-idiot can take from this, if you pay any attention at all: insisting on gloom all the time is just as absurd as insisting on smiles all the time.  I mean, Skellington himself marvels at the stupidity of his minions in their failure to understand how anything worthwhile can NOT be negative.

The yearning for escape from enforced drudgery into freedom/happiness is pretty obvious, too.  But Sally points out that while that is a noble goal, to force one’s gloominess upon others (as Jack attempts) is just as wrong as to force one’s cheeriness upon others.

Or, as Jack simplifies for anyone that hasn’t gotten it yet: Leave gloom to the gloomy and cheer to the cheery.  If they want to mix, fine…if they don’t…fine.  It’s called free will.

For scumbags that enjoy this: It’s cuz only in fantasy can your fcked up dreams come true.  And, like it or not, your life is longer than 1:16:08.

For non-scumbags that enjoy this: If anyone tries to tell you the ending isn’t truly romantic (and honestly hopeful)…don’t listen.  Hope you read this, you know who…I hope.

Inspirational Quote: “How could I…be so blind?”

Grade: B

7/15/13: Dae Update – Hope unchanged, but moving on.  WAIT…yes.  WAIT…maybe…yes.

Jurassic Park (1993)

Extremely simplified version of the book, ending changed to happy. 

Is it good?  Sorta.  Is it anywhere near as good as the book?  No WAY.  The exchanges are much dumber and a lot is left out.  And if the dialogue seems very cheezy at times NOW, it’s gonna be downright pitiful soon enough.

But it’s a good way to bring the book to the masses.

In the spirit of that comment, I believe the necessity for this is summed up best by (then)star Sam Neill in another movie, talking to someone in a padded cell:

Man: “What about people that don’t read?”
Neill: *With a hopeless, lost, slightly insane expression* “There’s a movie.”

Saddest moment: Chilling slow-motion close-up of a Barbasol can.

The “movie” inside the movie should be ready for MSTing in 20-30 years or so.  I imagine it will be as sad as your typical 50’s prop flick.

Most Noble/Cool Character: Ian *BLEEPIN* Malcolm…YEAH!

Inspirational Quote: “Gee, the lack of humility…before nature that’s being displayed here, ummm…staggers me.”

Grade: C+

Open Mic Night At Gulu Gulu (Rips: M.J. Nelson, R. Christgau)

This isn’t for ALL the Gulu Gulu performers, just…well…the dull, untalented, cr@ppy ones.

CLARIFICATION:  When I say “the dull, untalented, cr@ppy ones” I’m referring to Das But or anyone (gag) similar to him ONLY.  Thank you.

Two reviews of every said performance past, present, and future:

“At this point, the man/woman attempted an “arty” sort of poem/story/song/miscellaneous.”

“Typical hyperromantic exoticism is one answer, and everybody would know they’re full of sh1t is the other.”

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Human Duplicators (1992)

Richard Kiel does his best Das But impression as a dull, line-forgetting robot with occasional violent outbursts and failed poorly-conceived world domination aspirations.  Very cheezy all around, good riffing.

host segments, esp. cute hat on Joel and the fridge alert
Richard Kiel trying
attempts at serious/menacing
high-security motel

Inspirational Quote: “Well if ya don’t know what it is don’t put yer finger on it.”

Grade: B

Why I Don’t Mind Giving Das But Free Publicity

He’s dull.  The more people that know him, the more people that will know that, the more he’ll realize what a colossal bore he is.

Maybe eventually he’ll get some psychiatric counseling, cuz whatever meds they might put him on can’t possibly make him any less creative.

I’m pulling for ya, man.  Seriously…go see a shrink.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Talking Sh1t To Dull Scumbags – Volume 2 (SATIRE…SATIRE…SATIRE)

“you seem upset…”

Hey, drop the ‘Analyze This’ attempt, Das…you’re not very good at it, and you don’t believe in mental health treatment anyway, remember?  That’s why you’re a ticking time But.

WTF do you need good, enduring, toughest-quality tactical gear for???  If it’s just a prop, why does it have to be enduring/toughest-quality?  And if it’s NOT a prop…what are you gonna do with tactical gear, Das?  That sounds like something potentially dangerous.

“No heterosexual man in his right man”

Now that’s GOTTA be a Freudian slip.  Boom Chikka WAH-WAH!!!

Actually, I think (although it took him MANY hours to, errr…”compose” this) that his angsty I-wanna-yell-but-I’m-a-coward-so-I’ll-yell-at-small-animals fury is leaking out into word formation errors.  Cuz he CAN spell.  REALLY!  The guy’s a very good speller, when he’s (relatively) calm and rational.  He calls women b1tches A LOT when he’s calm and rational (including rating the women he’s had sex with in GRAPHIC DETAIL in a public forum), but he DOES spell well while doing it. 

LADIES…he’s available!

“would…troll another grown a$$ man.”

Let me respond in four ways. 
1) Here is a quote from you, Das But: “”I already trolled you into blocking me.”
2) And another: “…I trolled your a$$…”
2.5) Are you in your right man?  If so, what about the one that’s left?
3) I had you pegged as a breast man.  But it’s cool if you’re an a$$ man.  Just remember Das: if you’re in a threesome with another guy and a woman, and the woman leaves, and you keep going, that DOESN’T make you homosexual.

“like a child”

No, according to things you’ve written Das, that’s apparently what you think all women are like once you get them naked.

“Your observations contain an obvious sense of bias”

Hey, you’re the one that posted the anti-black people video on youtube.

“as though you were storing up your attempted insults for a sort of punch line…”

I’m a funny guy!  You know, I’m funny…like, I’m a clown.  I’m here to amuse you!

BTW Das…I think your bits would do better if you added a few punch lines.  You know, in between the constant Stephen-Wright-voiced swearing.

“Truth is, I have very few friends around here”

Have you tried NOT calling women b1tches and NOT pulling an “excuse me while I whip this out” at feminist rallies?  That might help.  Just a thought.  Oh wait!  I’ve always wanted to do this…

So Das But is walking down the beach…
he stumbles over something in the sand.
He turns around and looks down, and he sees a lamp.
He takes the lamp out of the sand, and he rubs the lamp.
A genie pops out of the lamp.
The genie says “Oh thank you so much for releasing me from my imprisonment.  In exchange for that, I will grant you ANY one wish that you have.  Just name it.”
So Das says “Alright…I want you to make lasting peace in the Middle East.”
The genie shakes his head sadly and says “I am sorry, even with my CONSIDERABLE powers, I cannot do that.  Please, make another wish.”
So Das says “Can you get me some friends who know how I feel about women and black people and homosexuals and STILL like me without just laughing behind my back every chance they get?”
And the genie says “Ummm, let me have another look at that Middle East thing.”

“and the friends I have do not know about the work I do.”

You mean your exciting restaurant job where you’ve gotten drunk and climbed on tables and counters during work hours?  Or the baby rape drawings?  Or the nasty zine you try to foist off on people?  Well…they do now.  I mean…potentially.  I get lots of DBPH, after all.

By the way Das, I meant to ask you this before…I’m not saying you’re homosexual, but if you WERE, what sort of person would you most want to receive anal sex from?

“a bunch of fat f#cking neckbeard, unemployed geek losers approaching middle age”

I see.  And what is it about them, that makes you want to receive their anal sex?

“they are smarter…more mentally sophisticated than myself.”

I see.  Thank you.  What do you think of my little satire bits on you?


Really?  Thanks.  And who generally tends to knee you in the groin constantly?

“Normal people,”

Really?  Who else?

“many others…when finding something uninteresting”

So it’s sort of just a bored lazy habit thing?  How do you react?

“usually don’t even pay attention to it.”

Not at all?  Then what do they do?

“become persistent about it,”

And how do you feel once you’ve taken about 6 hours worth of knees to the groin?

“it is…hilarious”

By the way Das, do you mind me using all these little quotes from you in my bit, so maybe you can get some lip and tongue action?

“there is no such thing as bad publicity”

Great.  And who DON’T you respect in any way?


I see.  And what is the best word to describe every piece of art/writing you’ve ever done?


And you’re sure you don’t mind those knees?  How about painful rectal itch?  How do you feel about that, don’t you hate it?

“actually enjoy it.”

And how many times have you had sex with a woman and not had her laugh afterwards?

“one time”

Well, you’ve gotta start somewhere.

“this is common sense”

That’s the spirit!  And what do you hope to achieve in about 15 years?


When was the last time someone didn’t spit in your food before they gave it to you?

“years ago”

I see.

“As for me, I am a real man,”

Yeah, you’re not one of those (your quotes) “faggot” “loser” men that gets tattoos.

“who works a real job,”


“are you jealous?”

I don’t know, do you think I’m jealous?

“I think so…”



because why?

“why else would you try and forbid my friend Sandy from being my friend.”

First, I never tried to forbid Sandy from being your friend.  I’m not gonna das Sandy, I have nothing against her at all…but suffice it to say that, when we talked about you…I made my preliminary conclusion that you seemed like sort of a snivelling little rat-faced git.

Second, since we’ve now FINALLY come to the supposed “reason” why you sent me your psycho-babble rant (that’s the babblings of a (wanna-be) psycho, no offense to real psychos intended or implied…as opposed to what you think of mental health treatment, which is why you thought it was a good idea to send me your PBR)…I can only wonder this: Why did it take SO D@MN LONG for you to get to the “point”?  Why didn’t you say “Hey…why did you forbid Sandy from being my friend???”, and I would have said “I didn’t, I just said I thought you seemed like a huge nob”, and then you could have said “Oh.  Alright, my work here is done, I’m gonna go do some more baby rape drawings.  By the way, tattoos are for fags.”

“I can assume it is because you see or think that I am a better man than you and that is sad.”

That IS sad…you’re not a better man than anyone.  What makes you be such a stinkwad?

“It is called insecurity”

And finally, what do you think of your place in society?

“there is nothing more useless to this world”

And ONE more question…what type of school did your humor fit best in?


Well, what do you expect from a guy that thinks Hitler did good art.

Mystery Science Theater 3000: Earth Vs. The Spider (1991)

Movie is Creature-Double-Feature quality (cheezy, stupid, etc…) and riffing is particularly vicious and tasteless.  Good stuff.

Speech: Using Your Voice short – very pleasing lip and tongue action
Earth vs. soup
amazing spider fx
deadly crane shots

Inspirational Quote: “He died as he lived: with jelly all over his face.”

Grade: B

An Explanation – By Puppy

Some people might ask…isn’t it dangerous to (albeit rightfully so) show a scumbag dumba$$ that when he feels SO MUCH anger at himself and his life that, in his particular case, he SHOULD, because it sucks and so does he and since he doesn’t “believe” in mental health treatment he is NEVER going to not be a scumbag ultra-pissed dumba$$?

And my answer would be…No. Cuz he’s a poser.

He’ll just rant and rave and yell at random people (which he would have done anyway, given his past) and then sit there like the impotent, pitiful fcken coward he knows deep down inside that he is.


So it’s all cool.

10/16/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – I know about “redundancy”. This is a great clip. (housekeeping)

Mystery Science Theater 3000: Invasion U.S.A. (1994)

If you don’t like this movie treatment, you’re probably a Communist.

A Date With Your Family!!! Brilliant!
A Date With The Bots
intense wine study
huge tracts of stock footage
retrospectively sad full-length movie propaganda

Inspirational Quote: “This makes me pine for ‘Red Dawn’…”

Grade: A-

Talking Sh1t To Dull Scumbags – Volume 1 (SATIRE…SATIRE…SATIRE)

“i feel really gay that you are messaging me. do you feel the same?”

I feel pretty, oh so pretty…

Are you still doing those child rape drawings?

“Yeah a few.”

Just “a few”?  So you’re now only SLIGHTLY interested in child rape drawings?

“I tried twitter but i couldn’t be bothered.”

Translation: I tried twitter but people ignored me so I stopped.

“I do all sorts of sh1t.”

Yeah, like the “talking sh1t to animals” bits where you basically just say random curse words to small animals.  That’s…not funny.

“what is your website?”

You’re SOAKING in it!!!

“I don’t want to waste my time looking at sh1t with tattoos or nothing.”

Yeah, sorry, I don’t have sh1t with masks.  And I actually LIKE animals, not swearing at them.

“I do not have tattoos…not one and I never will.”

Yeah, so you told me before…you think they’re “gay” and any man that has one is a “loser”.

“I don’t pay attention to stats on my website,”

Translation: I don’t get any hits and I HAVEN’T GOT TIME FOR THE PAIN…ANY Mooo-ooo-ooore!

“I could care less.”

So you do care, then?  If you care somewhat, why don’t you pay attention?

“I have another that is far more important that gets up to 500 unique ip’s per hour.”

Translation: ONCE, I got 500 hits in ONE HOUR!  Ahhhh…those were the day…

“that one I have to stay on top of. or people get pissy.”

So you’re on top of it now?  Get off, man, you’ll crush it!

“no. there is nothing illegal on my website.”

I did NOT have sex…with that woman…Monica…Lewinsky.  Just dassing you, man.

By the way Das, what’s your favorite way of being spanked and then yelling “THANK YOU SIR MAY I HAVE ANOTHER!!!”?

“I have dealt with police over these issues”

I see…

“(long story)”

How long is it?

“…main concern is photographic evidence of adults exploiting minors through a form of prurient interest is illegal.”

WOW…you sound like you MEMORIZED the definition of child porn.  Ummm…why?

“there is none of that on my website.”

There’s none of anything on your website.

“It is only considered as an artistic rendition of cartoonish satire.”

Really?  I thought satire was supposed to be funny and/or have a message?  Unless you consider it funny to see children being raped, what message exactly are you trying to send, Dasy baby?

“I don’t f#ck”

Sorry…have you considered ceasing being a tremendous stinkwad?  That might help.

“with cp and I would never store any or even look at any on my computer.”

Yes, you’re firmly on record now as having stated that.  Ummm…yeah.  Ever seen ‘Cleanflix’?

“Quite frankly on a personal level, that along with junkies are probably the lowest standard of human alive.”

Hey, were you that guy in ‘Trainspotting’?  Oh…ever seen ‘Cleanflix’?

“And I know this for a fact because I was a desperate junky for a decent portion of my life.”

Hey, were you that guy in ‘Trainspotting’?

“…so then do ya wanna go shoot up some primo dope and go fck some babies?”

Hey, were you that guy in ‘Trainspotting’?