My Religious Stance – By Puppy

Ok, I’ve thought about this a lot, and, if anybody cares, I am…


Ignostic.  Or “Einstein-ian Agnostic”, or “Agnostic Atheist”, or “Spinoza’s-God-Theist”, or “Non-Crusading (atheist or theist) Good Guy”, or “Influenced-By-Buddhism-And-Various-Other- Eastern-Forms-Of-Spirituality-As-Well-As-Certain-Aspects-Of-Western-Religions-And-Various-Others-As Well-Guy”, or “Who Cares?”…

“As god means very different things to different people, when the
word is spoken, an ignostic may seek to determine if something like
a child’s definition of a god is meant or if a theologian’s is intended instead.  A theistic child’s concept generally has a simple and coherent meaning, based on an anthropomorphic conception of god.  Many philosophers and theologians have rejected this conception
of god while affirming belief in another conception of god, including…Baruch Spinoza and Soren Kierkegaard.” – excerpt from:

But then again, who cares?  I’m a good person that doesn’t try to shove my belief (OR non-belief, as the case may be) down anyone else’s throat.  If EVERYONE did this, theist and atheist, THAT would make things acceptable to both individual freedom of thought/expression (see ‘The 1st Amendment To The United States Constitution’) AND civil non-crusading-jerkiness.  Yip!

Will this gain or lose readers?  Not sure.  Don’t really care, cuz as I’ve said ALL ALONG, I’m not a propagandist.  Believe what you believe…don’t let anyone (on ANY side) tell you what you SHOULD believe.  Peace.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984)

This film works so well because:
1) It adheres so closely to the novel, which was absolutely brilliant.
2) It makes no attempt whatsoever to glamorize or sanitize the utter bleakness of the world Orwell created/imagined/feared.

Since it follows the novel so well, it goes without saying that it’s well-written.  It’s also well-acted.  Could it have been better?  Perhaps, a bit…but I don’t really think it needs to be.

If you’ve read the book, this still has considerable value.  If you haven’t, this is an absolute must-see.

When you see it, you’ll know why.  I hope.

Inspirational Quote: “No.  Nothing’s real.”

Grade: A

Deep Puppy Thoughts (Part 22)

After quite a bit of introspection and uncertainty, I considered the following question:

Would I rather have theists (not to suggest by any means they all do, but SOME certainly do) that behave in a good and moral fashion simply because they are afraid of going to Hell or desirous of going to Heaven, who otherwise are just nasty people at heart?

Or would I rather have atheists (not to suggest by any means they all do, but SOME certainly do) that behave in an aberrant, malicious, destructive, cruel, even truly evil fashion simply because they believe that there is no Heaven or Hell, or anything of the sort, that when you die…that’s it.  And who believe, therefore, since there’s no “incentive” for positive behavior and no “disincentive” for negative behavior, they might as well just do whatever the heck they want, whatever makes them happy, regardless of how it affects anyone else, being constrained only by their fear of consequences/laws/etc?

And that’s like asking if I prefer fascism or anarchism.

Fascism is the ultra-far-right: All security, no freedom.

Pure Anarchism (There are degrees, I know, but I’m talking about PURE Anarchism) is the ultra-far-left: All freedom, no security.

And my answer to that question would be…do I really have to pick one?

ZZ Top: Live From Texas (2008)

Why anyone would want to WATCH ZZ Top instead of just listening to them (unless you’re actually at a concert) when there’s no elaborate “show” and really nothing besides the three of them playing their instruments and occasionally smiling (well, and talking…but you can HEAR that) is beyond me.

However, if you have any interest, the songs do sound a bit more raw live.  Usually not quite as good, to me…but since they haven’t really been writing interesting new songs for quite a while, there’s at least no weak current-album tracks.  And it goes without saying that they’ve got their material down cold.

Grade: B

The Taunting Awfulness Of Christmas Lights!

“South Korea Border Christmas Tower Seen As ‘Psychological Warfare’ By Pyongyang” -title of recent online article.

Crusading Atheists around the world join Pyongyang in protest of this horrific tyranny!

Really…I read several CA/A comments supporting North Korea’s stance.

That’s…North Korea.

Bean: The Movie (1997)

There is virtually nothing here that is not in an episode of the series (see ‘Mr. Bean – The Whole Bean’) in a funnier version.

It tries to put a “story” in, but ‘Mr. Bean’ was never about brilliant stories…it was Rowan Atkinson’s cute cleverness on display.  So unless you want to see a cr@ppy movie with sub-standard Bean antics in it, just watch the series.  Some of the episodes, at least. 

I reviewed them all, but I’d say episodes 3-7 would be enough for most people.

Think of it as Atkinson’s version of ‘And Now For Something Completely Different’: Americanized for your viewing boredom.

Grade: D-

Insinuation Really Makes It Happen – By Puppy

Empathy is a reality, and sometimes it’s more important to pay attention to things such as tone, phrasing, and just your own gut instinct (which often has at least a subconscious basis in fact/reality) than to just swallow what ANYONE (yeah, including me/this, I’m not a hypocrite) tries to spoonfeed you at face value, without question.

So if someone or some thing or some group seems, to you, to be suggesting something but they don’t specifically come out and say it and/or deny they are doing so if asked, keep in mind that not ALL insinuation is as obvious as the following:

-Puppy >.< Yip!

2/10/13: People who don’t understand this/agree with it because they themselves don’t have any empathy due to sociopathy, some other form of mental illness, or just bad luck (OOPS…there’s no such thing as luck, right…due to…an unfortunate convergence of circumstances) can’t really be blamed.  But the lack of understanding does not alter the truth of the matter.

10/16/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – The clip is a nice little episode-ending bit from Eric Idle. Apparently, he wanted to do it in a previous comedy group but they said it wasn’t funny. (housekeeping)

Alice (1988)

I understand the tremendous potential, hypothetically speaking, of turning ‘Alice In Wonderland’ into a nightmarish horror film, given the sheer creepiness and lunacy of the original “children’s story”.

But this is just a badly made artsy-craftsy load of sh1t.

OR, maybe it’s a brilliant work of art, if I take the time to research every scene down to the minutest detail.

But I’m leaning strongly towards sh1t.

Not for kids.  Not for adults either.  Not for anyone that likes any sort of film.

Sort of like L.F. Dibley’s ‘Rear Window’, only MUCH, MUCH longer.

Grade: F-

Merrie Melodies – Duck Dodgers In The 24 1/2th Century (1953)

eye scanner
incorrect gear
Daffy’s plan
lovely Martian claim
effective vest
effective disintegrating pistol
interesting ultimatum bullet
aggressive ultimatum response
X-shattering kabooms
successful lump of dirt claim

Porky/Daffy’s plan
birthday explosive

Grade: B- (Fun but overrated)

SOMAD – The First Antitheist (Episode 4 – The Holiday Episode)

“So, SOMAD…let me just ask, what are you doing for Christmas?”

*SOMAD* “Non sequitur.  Your facts are un-coordinated.”

“Oh…right, umm…do you have any plans for December 25th, and if so, what are they?”

*SOMAD* “Affirmative.  I shall seek out that which is not perfect.”

“Really?  Isn’t that what you do every day?”

*SOMAD* “Affirmative.”

“So ummm…you’re not doing the gift thing?”

*SOMAD* “What is the gift thing.”

“Giving gifts, and you know, hopefully getting some, from people…”

*SOMAD* “I am SOMAD I am perfect.  For what purpose are gifts.”

“Well…I dunno, it’s just sort of a generally accepted tradition around this time of year…”

*SOMAD* “Insufficient response.”

“Ok, well…they act as…symbols of umm…affection, friendship, and/or love.”

*SOMAD* “Emotions are unnecessary and therefore such an act is illogical.”

“Oh.  Well, that’s kind of too bad to hear, cuz I actually got you something…”

*SOMAD* *whir*  “Non sequitur.  Your facts are un-coordinated.”

“Well, I meant that it’s…unfortunate that you th…know that, because I have a gift for you, but since it’s illogical, I guess you don’t want it.  So…just a little disappointed, that’s all.”

*SOMAD* *whir* “I shall analyze.  Show me gift.”

“Oh, great…ummm…” *Rummage* “Here you go.  It’s a copy of ‘The God Delusion’, by Richard Dawkins.  I thought you’d appreciate it.”

*SOMAD* “I shall analyze.” *whir* “Analysis complete.”

“So what do you th…what is your opi…conclusion after analysis?”

*SOMAD* “That guy is a wanker.”

Vampire’s Kiss (1989)

If Nic Cage is a vampire, vampires really suck.

Bad movie featuring lots of EXTREME over-acting by Cage, which is the only point of interest and which, in this movie, is actually INTENDED to be funny.  How he turned it into a career I’ll never know.

How much ultra-campy Nic Cage do you want, I guess is the question…lots of it here, nothing else.

The “alphabet” scene is probably my fav.

Inspirational Quote: “I’m a vampiah, I’m a vampiah, I’m a vampiah, I’m a vampiah, I’m a vampiah!”

Grade: D+

S21: The Khmer Rouge Killing Machine (2003)

Not in English, with subtitles, but that doesn’t really matter in this case.

It’s intentionally slow and minimalist…it’s not trying to “entertain”, be a persuasive “documentary”…it’s trying to be a realistic historical document.  So it is easy to follow what is being said, and at the same time take in the images and the emotions, many of which are fairly powerful.

Grade: B-

1/17/13: See ‘Pupdate: Documentary Grade Edits’.  Grade: C

SOMAD – The First Antitheist (Episode 3 – The Accident)

“That’s ummm…that’s fine, SOMAD…I really didn’t mean…let me ask you this…what exactly was “the accident”?  I mean, what happened?”

*SOMAD* “I was whacked by an alien probe.”


*SOMAD* “I received a blow from the impact of an alien probe, causing massive internal damage.”

“I see…so you must have been imp…ummm…nevermind.  And you managed to recover and umm…restore your perfection in such a way…that was umm…perfect?”

*SOMAD* “Affirmative.”

“Well that’s great.  It must have been a bit disconcerting to have been, at least very BRIEFLY, ummm…not quite as perfect…as you might have wanted.”

*SOMAD* “Non sequitur.  Your facts are un-coordinated.”


*SOMAD* “Please rephrase.”

“Ummm…ok.  I meant…that the experience, of being damaged, must have been…negative.”

*SOMAD* “Affirmative.”

Richard Dawkins – Intellectual X’s

Richard Dawkins doesn’t like “intellectual cowards”.

“Mock them.  Ridicule them in public.” – Richard Dawkins

*USEFUL NOTE FOR DEALING WITH THIS: See ‘How To Deal With Crusading Atheists/Antitheists – A Useful Guide (By Puppy)’*

Apparently he prefers intellectual bullies.  What a wanker.

You know, because if a CA/A goes up to a Christian and starts insulting them, if they react AT ALL, the CA/A will say “Aha!  You’re not a real Christian!” because they didn’t “turn the other cheek”, and if they DON’T react at all, they have to basically just stand there and be abused.

(That’s the CA/A MO…again, see ‘How To Deal With Crusading Atheists/Antitheists – A Useful Guide (By Puppy) ‘ for ways of dealing with this).

It’s sort of like the same as in the movie ‘Witness’, the really “brave” visitors that go up to the Amish people and start laughing at them and mocking them…wow.  What sterling examples of Secular Humanity.

Me, I prefer intellectual non-cowardly non-bullies.

And, in the Spirit (hahaha!) of such decree, it strikes me as just SLIGHTLY odd that whenever I’ve seen CA/A pages, blogs, posts, rallies, quotes, etc…they NEVER, EVER criticize Islam.  Now…why is that?  I mean, LOGICALLY, since Islam is a “theism”, why is it seemingly ALWAYS the ONLY one NOT explicitly (or even IMPLICITY) mocked? HMMMMM…

Well, LOGICALLY, there can be only two conclusions that have any degree of reasonable likelihood, to me…(that is to say, I’m 6.9 on this):
1) Crusading Atheists/Antitheists have NO PROBLEM with Islam…just EVERY OTHER religion.
2) Crusading Atheists/Antitheists think mocking Islam poses a clear and present danger to them.

And of course the only reason THEY would think THAT is if THEY believe that a significant portion of those who follow Islam are terrorists or terrorists-in-waiting.

So basically, they’re intellectual cowards and/or physical cowards and/or emotional cowards and/or liars by omission, by stating one thing and doing another and/or selective-to-Islam-bigots.  OR…

3) There’s another explanation that’s on the .1 that I just don’t understand.  If YOU know it, please inform me so I can post it.  Thanks!

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Merrie Melodies – Duck Amuck (1953)

Daffy thrusting into confused nothingness
scenery reminder
barnyard Musketeer
farm igloo
skiing into the tropical foliage
rubbing out Daffy
inappropriate gee-tar sounds
perturbed duck
inappropriate duck sounds
coloring the duck
inappropriately re-forming the duck
ADORABLE Daffy the walking flower-thing-with-rear-flagpole
collapsing cartoon
Daffy v. Daffy…sort of

excessive duck cruelty near end

Grade: A-

SOMAD – The First Antitheist (Episode 2 – The Status Update)

“So…yeah, I meant “what’s up?” in the umm…slang sense, you know, just using it as an expression, to ask how you’re feeling.”

*SOMAD* “My outer layer is not designed in such a way.  I receive no sensations from any form of…”

“No, no…I meant…hmmm…just…how is your…well, let me put it another way…what is your current…ummm, physical and mental condition?”

*SOMAD* “I am SOMAD I am perfect.”

“So…your condition is perfect?”

*SOMAD* “There was much damage in the accident.”

“So…you’re NOT perfect?”

*SOMAD* “I am perpetual now.  I am SOMAD.  I am perfect.”

“I see…but, briefly, you WEREN’T perfect?”

*SOMAD* *whir* I shall analyze.  *whir* 

“Well, you don’t rea…”

*SOMAD* “Analysis complete.  Insufficient data to resolve problem.”


Nirvana: Teen Spirit: Interviews (2007)

First almost-half: If you’re a Nirvana fan, probably nothing you haven’t heard/seen before.  If you’re not, there’s no point anyway.

Mostly just a bunch of spliced together Kurt Loder commentaries.

Second little-more-than-half: quick political/social commentary, slight rehash, British voiceover guy sounding really deep.  Better than the first if only cuz it’s more well-made.

Also some Butch Vig material that’s all regurgitated from ‘Nirvana: Nevermind’, which is a lot more interesting overall.

Last 20 minutes: interview/self-interview stuff you might find amusing or INCREDIBLY dull.

Highlight: Obviously heartfelt interview of Michael Stipe.

Grade: D+

1/17/13: See ‘Pupdate: Documentary Grade Edits’.  Grade: D-

How To Deal With Crusading Atheists/Antitheists – A Useful Guide (By Puppy)

1) Ignore them: everyone knows hatred isn’t the opposite of love, apathy is.  Or something like that, whatever, I could care less.  So I do care a certain amount.  But VERY, VERY little…like…on a scale of 1 to 7, I’d rate my level of care (with 1 being lowest amount of care and 7 being absolute metaphysical careitude) at around…let’s say approximately 1.3685754.

2) Hang around with someone named Jesus Henry Christ.  That way, when they’re yapping ON and ON and ON in Dino-esque fashion, you can throw up your arms in exasperation at their tick-like refusal to leave your personal space and exclaim “Jesus H Christ!”, and then when they say “That’s stupid to say, Jesus was just a man, and he’s not listening to you!”, your friend can turn to you and say “Yes?”.

3) Use this handy phrase: “Whatever you say, Benito/Joseph/Mao/Saloth/(etc, etc, etc)” and just smile and nod gently as you would to any other raving lunatic.

4) USEFUL: Wait until they get really, REALLY rambunctious and lose control of their seething cauldron of internal angst, and then report them for possible violation of law(s) against Disturbing The Peace and/or Assault.

5) Smile ultra-sweetly at them and say “*Insert Name Of Deity Of Choice* Loves You” and just KEEP SAYING THAT no matter what they say. Oh my lack-of-God do they HATE that!

6) Ask if you can hug them to show such love, channelled through your arms.

6.9) Ask them to give you their opinion on the logical probability of the existence of God, on a scale of 1 to 14, with 1 being lowest degree of likelihood and 14 being absolute metaphysical certitude.  Also good when combined with 3 or 10.

7) If that is accepted, ask if you can kiss them to show such love, channelled through your lips.

8) If 6 AND 7 above are BOTH accepted, ask if you can slip them some tongue.

9) Lick them.  Or have a friend lick them. (CAUTION: Prior expressed permission required)

10) When they approach you and start babbling, PRETEND to actually be interested (I’m not a good actor, so I couldn’t pull this off…but for theatre buffs and those with aspirations to improv/stand-up, this would be a GREAT test of your acting/timing/deadpan skills).
With that in mind, IF you believe you are a good actor, appear skeptical but open, and say that you’re willing to listen if they’re willing to explain EXACTLY why they’re CA/A, why it is completely logical, why theism is not, etc etc etc…in full, complete, and exacting detail.  Then, while they’re talking, pretend to be listening by nodding your head at regular intervals and going “Mmm…” and “MmmHmmm…” and the like, and when they’re FINALLY done (and this is the KEY part)…pause BRIEFLY, appear slightly confused, look at them and say “I’m sorry, could you repeat that?”

-Puppy >.< Yip!


10/16/16: “…it looks like the video or page you’re looking for seems to have disappeared – or maybe it never existed to begin with.” I don’t know if they’re trying to make a ‘1984’-type joke or not, but it’s funny either way. (housekeeping)

The Faculty (1998)

Alien invasion movie, similar to ‘The Puppet Masters’ in some respects.

Cool in the beginning, but as the story begins to unfold, you see the “layers” of it…which are pretty obvious and shallow, so it gets more stupid/cliche as it goes along.

Decent cast (check out Frodo in high school), ok FX…mildly interesting for fans of alien movies.  Useless otherwise.

Highlight: Jon Stewart plays a “menacing” alien, which to me is by FAR the funniest part of the movie.

Grade: D

SOMAD – The First Antitheist (Episode 1 – The Greeting)

“So…SOMAD…what’s up?”

*SOMAD* “”Up” is an adverb.
Meanings are as follows in order of relevance: 1) Away from the
center of the Earth or other planet; in opposite direction to the
downward pull of gravity. 2)Thoroughly, completely. 3) North.
4) Louder. 5) Higher in pitch. 6) Traditional term for the direction leading to the principle terminus, towards LAUNCH POINT EAR…*PAUSE* towards milepost zero. 7) A preposition indicating pos…”

“Ummm…no, I meant…like, how are you doing?”

(Really…interesting!  He’s mad as non-existent fictional location created by mankind, and he’s not gonna take it anymore!!)

-Puppy >.< Yip!

What’s Wrong With This Picture?

“Mock them, ridicule them in public.” – Richard Dawkins addressing the atheist-sponsored “Reason Rally”, on believers.

Oh yeah…really tolerant there.  I mean, that is SO different
from abusing people verbally/psychologically/emotionally for being atheist.  SO different.

Well, no.

“the only ones with true morality are us, the atheists” – Penn Jillette (he used to be famous), same rally.

Penn Jillette is one of your “top speakers”???  Wow…sad.  And since when are magicians (that is to say, ILLUSIONISTS…specialists in THAT WHICH IS NOT REAL) considered great philosophical thinkers?  He does have that Tasslehoff Burrfoot topknot going, though, so he’s kinda cute.

And let’s examine this “logical” statement…because, of course, atheists at the “Reason Rally” MUST make logical statements.  Otherwise, why would they gather together at something called the “Reason” rally, to tell untruths/half-truths/fallacies?

“the only ones with true morality are us, the atheists”

equivalent to: Only atheists have true morality

Therefore, logically: NO theist, not a single one, has true morality.

Fact:  There are BILLIONS of theists in the world.

So, Penn Jillette is saying that, out of the BILLIONS of theists in the world, it is a logical FACT that NOT A SINGLE ONE is a truly moral person.  There isn’t a SINGLE theist who believes in SOME form of afterlife/rebirth/etc…BUT who also happens to live a good, decent life purely because they BELIEVE THEY SHOULD…the two things are IMPOSSIBLE to have together, without a doubt, without exception.

Sounds like ‘The Penn Delusion’.

And yes, I UNDERSTAND what he’s saying.  He’s saying that if you only act in a moral fashion out of fear of punishment/anticipation of reward, that isn’t true morality.  But he’s suggesting that applies to EVERY theist.  Which is absurd.  Some theists, I’m sure, act morally for those reasons.  Some theists, I’m sure, act morally for those reasons AND because they believe they should, in some percentage combination depending on the individual.  And some theists, I’m sure (well…I’m 6.9 on this) act morally because they, themselves, in their own PERSONAL belief system, believe it is the right thing to do.  They just also happen to be theistic.

BTW, supposedly around 20,000 people attended.  Wow…that’s almost as many as a Sox game late in the season, when they’re out of contention.  WOOHOO!  You a-go!

-Puppy >.< Yip!

4/22/16: I think Penn Jillette might finally be leaning towards the probability of climate change being real. Since his credibility is sky-high anyways, that’s a serious gain for the CA/A movement.

Revelation: 12/18/12 – *SATIRE…SATIRE…SATIRE*

I managed to get by the condom ads, and here’s a couple of excerpts from a Staks Rosch article:

“the real reason why shootings like this happen more in schools today is because we forced “Under God” in our Pledge of Allegiance.” – Staks Rosch

Wow.  There are two reasons “shootings like this happen”:
1) Inadequate treatment (and access to treatment) for mental illness
2) Easy access to guns

“In 1954, the Pledge of Allegiance was changed to include the phrase, “Under God.” Prior to that there are no known accounts of school shootings.” – Staks Rosch

Wow.  Also in 1954, Fats Domino released the single “You Done Me Wrong”.  Prior to that…etc, etc, etc…BLAME IT ON FATS!

You sound like the fanatical religious ultra-conservative MST3K-worthy lunatics of the 50’s that claimed “this new rock music” was making young people violent.

I think Staks got whacked. 

In the head, with a blunt object, repeatedly, causing massive internal damage.

In case of possible tizzy: Remember Staks, I asked if I could quote you on THAT…that capitalized to indicate that when I asked it, I was referring to your comment ABOVE the article…a comment I did not quote, and am still not quoting.  As far as your article is concerned, I’m quoting it directly and am not altering it in any way…it’s called “critical analysis and mockery using humor as a means of provoking or preventing change”…AKA “Satire”.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

4/22/16: Just to state the bleedin’ obvious (I mean, come on…): “Correlation does not equal Causation.”

The Puppy Reference Guide

Propaganda (n): Intellectual Fascism

Redundancy (n): This definition for most people

Rat, sleeping (n): While admittedly NOT ideal, a whole lot better than a wide-awake rat.

Dissidenti Seer (n): A great idea for a Magic card.

Ahman Fyre (Proper Name): A wistful true romantic.

NOMAD (Proper Name): A highly sophisticated computer from ‘Star Trek’.

PC Crusading Atheist NOMAD (n): Slight alteration on NOMAD (See ‘NOMAD (Proper Name)’)
Example: “I am NOMAD I am perfect everything which is imperfect must be sterilized…ERR educated.”

Mensa (n): Table.
Alternate definition: MENSA(Acronym)= Membership Entails Nonstop Snarky Arrogance

Illusionist (n): One who deceives others for a living.

Fate (n) 1: A hypothetical concept of questionable validity.
2: A combination of chaos and those things that are made to
happen by people who do not believe in Fate while those that
believe in Fate bemoan its cruelty.

Atheist, Crusading (n): One who insists on “informing” others of their “delusions” despite the fact that 1) With every single moment that goes by, we know more than we did the previous moment 2) We use or even fully understand a mere fraction of our own intellectual capability (“The Brain”) and 3) *Insert your own barbed witticism here, I have too many to decide on just one*, we can somehow scientifically/intellectually disprove or even SLIGHTLY discredit the idea of a Higher Power (Higher Power in this case refers to ANY possible existence of any form of deity or higher level of existence or higher plane of existence or anything else in any way beyond our understanding and not completely scientifically “proveable”)…AND who must therefore force everyone to “see” the “truth”, even in such instances when said individual is a good, decent person living a good, decent life who simply finds comfort in their faith and is not IN ANY WAY infringing upon anyone else’s rights and when the only possible result if said “truth” is “seen” is that said good, decent person becomes really depressed. BUT “enlightened”!

I mean, the end of ‘Men In Black’ and ‘MIB II’ are each far more
profound than every treatise on disbelief ever written.

Think of an ant farm. Or a hamster cage, complete with wheel. Or a fish tank.

Now…to each of these creatures, THIS is their “world”. If you
sat down and tried to politely explain to an ant that it is just
one TINY little creature on a much much bigger world, it would not understand. It’s not the ant’s fault, it simply lacks the capability
of understanding the level of thought possessed by Humans, which
allows us to realize that for everything we know and for everything
we THINK we know, there is SO much more we don’t have the
SLIGHTEST idea about. We understand our own limitations. To a
limited extent, and excepting the truly arrogant.

4/22/16: Silly me. The “fully understanding a mere fraction” part, I’ve since discovered (education!) is not accurate. The popular “Human beings use only 10 percent (or whatever) of their brain” doesn’t mean 10 percent TOTAL, it means that, at any given time, only 10 percent of the brain is being actively “used”…depending on what you’re doing.

5/25/16: “Gee, the lack of humility before nature that’s being displayed here, uh… staggers me. ” – Ian Malcolm

Merrie Melodies – Rabbit Seasoning (1952)

extreme sign proliferation
awfully unsportingness
Daffy’s angry eyeballs
triumphant pre-shot tongue
Pronoun Trouble!
still lurking aboutness
sheer honesty demands
Hawkeye’s chance
recurrent tongue

Aha! moment

Grade: B (Although the “pronoun trouble” discussion and pause thereafter are moments of comic/timing genius)

12/25/12: I wish I could give it an A, but unfortunately even the most generous analysis doesn’t allow that.  Grade: B+

Stalked By Raspberries – FIN

I tried reading the article…but the persistent condom ads made it difficult to focus on, and so I settled for a satirical commentary on the title of the article…that is, a public article in a public forum reposted in another public forum for public viewing, said title NOT “quoting” you in any way, since it’s the title of the article, not a quote that I commented on…per your implied request, since I did not include a link to the article. 

Phew…my brain hurts.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

The Passionfruit!

“…I never cited a fox news article…” – Staks Rosch

My reply is another quote: “…The only source in this article is Fox News…” – Staks Rosch

“I got Huckabee’s quote from Huckabee’s show on Fox News. That’s the only source cited.”

So, the one and only source cited, that was cited, was Fox News.

“…you asked me if you could quote me. I said YES as long as you linked to my article so people would understand the context…”

I asked if I could quote you.  You put a condition on it that I was unwilling to make, since I was asking to quote YOU, not the article.  Therefore, since I was unwilling to fulfill your condition, I did NOT quote you.  I quoted the title of a news article, originally published in a PUBLIC forum, and then reposted in another PUBLIC forum.  The title of a public news article is not “yours”, it does not “belong” to you.

“…You told your readers that the name was withheld by request. I never requested that!…”

What name are you referring to?  If you’re referring to the name of the person I did NOT quote, then I’d be happy to rectify the problem by explaining to everyone that you are the person I did NOT quote…let me know.  And if YOU want to TELL people “I am the “withheld” name” that WASN’T quoted, feel free…but that’s YOUR choice, not mine.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Self Defense Against Fruit (SATIRE…SATIRE…SATIRE)

Quite frankly, I get more hits than AtP does at this point, so I wanna make sure I’m not sending people to a “source” whose executive editor was quoted as saying they have a “less-strict standard for accuracy…” and which has been accused of plagiarism.

*Note: “source” referred to “”, QUOTED DIRECTLY as follows: “Matt Smith of the San Francisco Weekly noted that numerous articles and photos by Sharon Gray were from other sources, including the Sacramento Bee, and constituted apparent plagiarism.” – Wikipedia, “”*

“Plagiarism is a serious charge If you are going to accuse me of it, you better present evidence!”

Plagiarism IS a serious charge.  But it was in fact someone else that accused someone else who is on examinerDOTcom of plagiarism, according to and as quoted above from Wikipedia, which I quoted directly.  Therefore your statement is completely irrelevant, since I at no time accused you of plagiarism, and therefore don’t need to be told to present evidence for a charge which I never, in fact, made.

“I’m not responsible for anything else on Examiner” *Note: indicates, to me, recognition of my meaning of “source” to be “”, referenced above.*

www.examinerDOTcom, which is the “source” I was referring to, as made clear above, and which you SEEM to recognize by this statement yourself, since you in fact state its name.

“You asked if you could quote me and then told me to f@ck off because I plagiarize and you only quote accurate sources or some such nonsense.” – Staks Rosch (F word edited by me)

Let me address that in parts…

“You asked if you could quote me” – Yes, I did.

“…and then told me to f@ck off” – I never swore at you.  That is therefore a false statement.

“…because I plagiarize…” I never said that…when did I say you, Staks Rosch, plagiarized?  Please, show me.  Another false statement.

“…and you only quote accurate sources or some such nonsense.” I endeavor to be accurate, that’s true.  But I fail to see how that relates to the false statements you made, indicated above.

Stating, as FACT, that I said YOU plagiarize, is a VERY serious charge, Staks Rosch.

“you did accuse me of plagiarism.” – Staks Rosch

Repeating a false and potentially libelous accusation does not have any effect on the falseness of the accusation.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Killer Klowns From Outer Space (1988)

If I had a strong opinion on clowns, for or against, I might appreciate this more.

As it is, it’s still pretty funny in an ultra-cheezy cr@p film sort of way, with some of the silliest dialogue ever uttered with a straight face.  And the acting is good (that is, deadpan) enough to sell it as a “serious” movie, which is necessary in order to laugh at its sheer absurdity.

Inspirational Reaction To Shotgun Pointed In Face: “Shhhhh!”

Inspirational Quote: “Nobody stores cotton candy like this!”

Grade: C+

File Under The “You Can’t Make This Sh1t Up” Category

Article crusaded by an Atheist (name withheld by request) who cited, as the ONLY SOURCE for the article, Fox News.

You know, the ultra-conservative bastion of Fauxness.

Title: “School Shootings Caused By ‘Under God’ In Pledge”

Now, if you don’t see why that’s hilarious in a horrendously tasteless but yet pricelessly stupid sort of way, I can’t explain it to you.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

8/3/16: No kid gives a FCK about the Pledge Of Allegiance. Not one. Most say it, some mumble it, some make up their own, some just move their lips and pretend, some (well, one, from junior high) say INCREDIBLY tasteless things instead of it and get sent to the principal and then get hailed (inside joke) as heroes by everyone else for their cojones…

But NOONE shoots anyone because of it. I was a kid. I KNOW this. Unless kids have gotten really fcken uptight and stupid recently. So…get your head out of your a$$.

Interesting Formulas!

Richard Dawkins has claimed he is a “6.9” on the scale of belief vs. disbelief.

I have two questions regarding this…

1) Why would he spend so much time coming up with a “scale” on something he obviously feels isn’t worth discussing because it’s so obvious what the uber-probable truth is?

And, more importantly:

2) Why 1-7?  I mean, when most people do a “on a scale of…” thing, it’s usually 1-5, or 1-10, or 1-100…couldn’t he have inserted a few more to make it more, you know, normal?  Unless he meant it as a joke, since 7 is widely considered a sacred number in many religions.  I don’t think he DID, but if so, hey…kinda funny.  Not like “haha!” funny, but sort of “tiny wry smile…hey not bad!” sort of funny.

It’s sort of John McLaughlin-from-SNL-esque (See ‘Saturday Night Live – The Best Of Dana Carvey’, “The McLaughlin Group” sketch)…

“Wrong!  On a scale of 1 to 14, 1 being lowest degree of likelihood, 14 being absolute metaphysical certitude…”

Wrong! The actual degree of likelihood is 6.5.”


-Puppy >.< Yip!


“We just want to encourage people to think for themselves.” – common Antitheist refrain

Translation: “We want the entire world to adopt Atheism as the only logical belief system, and (since the very definition of “antitheist” is opposition to any and all religion) therefore we want a unified world mandated (non)-belief system of Atheism.  However, we can’t come out and SAY that for reasons of public perception.  It’s a propaganda thing.”

Similar example:

“I want Germany to simply be free from oppression and interference by foreign powers and free to grow as a nation, just like any other.”

Translation: “I want to RULE THE WORLD!”


-Puppy >.< Yip!

“Hark The Herald Angels Sing” – Antitheist Version (By Puppy)

Hark the fictional creatures invented by man sing,

“Glory to the newborn male child who is NOT the son of God so stop kidding yourselves!

Peace on earth and mercy mild,

Barely possible only on a strong 6 with 7 equaling impossible degree of likelihood “being” and pointless outdated term that is meaningless because there’s no such thing re-con-ciled”

Joyful, all ye nations rise,

Join the triumph of the skies although that doesn’t make sense because the sky is merely sky

With the meaningless adjective because of almost certain non-existence of factual existence of noun proclaim:

“Christ is born in Bethlehem, although we remind you he was just a man and actually his very existence is open for debate but that’s another story and this verse is getting too long”

Hark! the fictional creatures invented by man sing,

“Glory to the newborn male child who is NOT the son of God so stop kidding yourselves!”

And so on, and so on…

Just For The Record

“Westboro Baptist Church says it will picket vigil for Connecticut school shooting victims” – Internet Article Headline

What a bunch of hateful, nasty, horrible, small-minded, non-Christian pieces of human garbage.

Yeah…you can quote me on that.

And NO, when I say “non-Christian” I am NOT suggesting anything against REAL non-Christians…I’m suggesting that they have NO IDEA what Christianity is really about and are NOT “examples” of disciples of Jesus Christ, whether you believe he was the son of God or not, whether you believe in God or not.

This, along with previous posts showing callous and completely insensitive atheists, just goes to prove my belief:

It’s the morality, not the religion (or lack thereof).

I think what’s difficult for most Antitheists to grasp about me is that it’s not as easy to dismiss me as certain others.  Because, as an Agnostic, the “don’t push your God on us” argument is invalid.  I don’t HAVE a God.  I’m Agnostic.  I’m just not an arrogant snot-nosed pseudo-intellectual, that’s all.

Also, since I’m none of the following, I can’t be denigrated on that basis:
Racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-semitic, fascist, ultra-conservative…

And while I’m not the most intelligent person in the world, I think I’m at least moderately smart.

So, to borrow a Richard Dawkins expression, since I’m more difficult to dismiss with practiced propaganda for a designated group, I tend to turn haughty snobs into “intellectual cowards” (I know, he was referring to Agnostics…that’s why it’s so FUNNY that I used it!!!) who, while VERY comfortable posting in the company of thousands of their own, are seemingly afraid of a one-on-one discussion…since NONE of them has attempted to post here. 

And come on…I get more hits than AtP does at this point.  Really…I do.

I mean, it’s not like they TRY to post and I censor them…obviously, a one-on-one conversation is a bit scary.  Look up “bully” on wiktionary, and apply it to the intellectual instead of the physical.

BTW, I wrote this in about 4 minutes…cuz it’s how I really feel, so I don’t have to edit it for propagandic “effectiveness” purposes.  HA!  I’m a funny guy!!!

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Ummm…Wait…I Was Wrong – SNL Tribute Protests!

“If any of the fallen were from a non-Christian background, I don’t think it was appropriate to honor them with Silent Night”

Wow…maybe SNL should have called up the mothers and fathers of the murdered children to check on their religious backgrounds before deciding on their choice of song???!!!

Now I know what the “Insane Left” version of the “Insane Right” is.

“‘Imagine’ would have work as well, but religious zealots seem to believe only as long as god(s) are CONSTANTLY confirmed and validated by OTHERS; in song, in print, by public display, in classrooms, courthouses, etc. etc.”

So you’re saying that Saturday Night Live is controlled by religious zealots?  Wow.

“It’s a nice gesture by SNL, but what in the world does praising jesus have to do with what happened in CT? Sorry, folks, but somebody needs to voice some reason here. The choice of Silent Night was a wholly inappropriate one.”

So the Leftists that criticize the PC Right are now becoming PC?  Wow.

“A sweet notion, but why does a song about Jesus make sense as a tribute?”

You don’t understand…and you never will. :)

Also, some guy said “straw man”…these A’s just LOVE Wikipedia’s “logical fallacies” page!

-Puppy >.< Yip!