Worthy of Note:
voice-over frustration
Cincinnati Kid
thanking Hitler
gay guy as white woman in black bar
Author: Puppy
The Kids In The Hall – Episode 35
Worthy of Note:
gritty childrens’ novelist drama
“It’s A Fact” is an improvement over “30 Helens Agree”
Bruce’s suicide journal
For those of you who may noticed the MASSIVE gap between episodes, I have a theory.
The kids spent summer vacation having fun and writing gobs of new material, which they used on their first three season two episodes. Then they just sort of farted around.
The Kids In The Hall – Episode 25 (The Phone Show)
Worthy of Note:
silly news
two clearly insane people
cigarette acquisition
green lines
persistent cucumber
persistent ring analysis
Nam flashback
“Touch Bellini” contest
B seems to be the new C.
Grade: B
The Kids In The Hall – Episode 24
Worthy of Note:
gun-musicians on patrol
businessman hunting
new, IMPROVED Cabbagehead
No Time To Lose…I mean, You’re Fired. (Come on…watch both and then tell me this isn’t MPFC Lite)
interesting toe
verytemp job
office quickie
Hounds of Hell
Beasts of Brimstone
Puppies of Purgatory
FABULOUS lesbian softball team managing
Seamlessly much-improved…impressive. I ALMOST want to give it an A.
Grade: B+
The Kids In The Hall – Episode 23
Worthy of Note:
the perks of Spring
the perks of friendship
bad spy alien
bad doctor
Grade: B-
The Kids In The Hall – Episode 19
Worthy of Note:
Native manhood debate
anti-pretension spiders (Never rooted for spiders before)
cleaning up America
bad boss w/ pyromaniac
The Kids In The Hall – Episode 18
Worthy of Note:
new pink hair
meathand guy
Olympic updates
sh1tty soup sketch
flyface guy (a nice statement on being oblivious to the obvious)
The Kids In The Hall – Episode 17
Worthy of Note:
Donald Dane – the future of horror
Leafs game sketch/recurrence
Kevin’s middle
cute doggie!
Kevin outdoing Mark at his own bit
problems of mass murder
Vaudeville drama
clothes for ugly women
Their best yet. Thompson is good, Foley is good, McDonald is good, McCulloch is barely noticeable, and McKinney is surprisingly competent.
Grade: B+
The Kids In The Hall – A Commentary
A moment to examine the unfortunate problem with each cast member.
McCulloch: Thinks he’s a rock star
Thompson: Too much monologue
Foley: Not as funny as McDonald
McDonald: Doesn’t get more material in
McKinney: Gets material in
-Puppy >.< Yip!
The Kids In The Hall – Episode 14
Worthy of Note:
neighborhood editing
Kevin McDonald’s boring repeated deaths
cold war/hot love
The Kids In The Hall – Episode 11
Worthy of Note:
EXCITING ‘Living Dead’ parody
Scott Thompson reconsidering women
inferno presentation
The Kids In The Hall – Episode 10
Worthy of Note:
grand theft salt
Dave Foley the bad vaudevillian
straight man search continues
God’s own bargepoles
Foley succeeding at pretentious twaddle
The Kids In The Hall – Episode 8
Worthy of Note:
ping-pong cheerleading
Brian’s college crackhouse
chain gang memories
pouty guys-on-a-rope
non-racist trauma
Hitting their stride?
Grade: B
The Kids In The Hall – Episode 7
Worthy of Note:
‘Tony’, the brilliant art-house film
parachuting odds sketch, until McKinney’s monologue
history lesson by Fletcher Christian
A seamless little slice of moderate brilliance, thus the first episode worthy of a grade.
Grade: B
Series Episodes – An Explanation
You may have noticed that apart from Monty Python’s Flying Circus, I’ve skipped reviewing certain episodes of all the series’ I’ve watched. This is for two reasons:
1) Monty Python’s Flying Circus is more watchable in its entirety than any other series I’ve ever seen.
2) Skipped episodes denote those not worthy of being reviewed. Mediocre and redundant at best, horrific and dull at worst.
-Puppy >.< Yip!
The Kids In The Hall – Episode 6
Worthy of Note:
Apathetic robbery
“Running Faggot”
Relaxing gym S+M
stray businessman
btw…Will you stop with the friggin Helens already? And trade McKinney for a player-to-be-named?
The Kids In The Hall – Episode 5
Worthy of Note:
Date arbitration
Dave’s constant chairs and dull aliens
Why no “grades” so far? Because there’s always plenty of dull sh1t with the good stuff so far.
The Kids In The Hall – Episode 4
Worthy of Note:
Kevin vs. the A$$hole
Kevin’s house reversal
consoling the parents
planting the sheep/extremely slow-moving doctor sketch
The Kids In The Hall – Episode 3
Worthy of Note:
4-or-5-gorilla show sketch
persistently-ignored bullies
Citizen Kane!
The Kids In The Hall – Episode 1
Worthy of Note:
Ballerina finals
Bruce apologizing for cancer
artsy pear dream sketch
Jeffrey Ross: No Offense (2008)
With the easy air of a seasoned pro, Jeff rattles off quip after quip, each fantastically polished to a perfect, lustrous sheen while maintaining the “offhand” attitude of someone who “just made ’em up”. He’s a true pro, really, and his jokes are decent. But after having watched him REALLY let loose on several roasts, and especially seeing reels of Bill Hicks’ relatively sloppy but infinitely more inspired and FELT act the day before, this blast from the past just seems like a lounge act phony. No offense, Jeff. Unlike Hicks, you’re very dependable and relaxing.
Grade: C
Deep Puppy Thoughts (Part 10)
Ok…so, why is it that, during the winter when it’s REALLY cold (cuz it’s the winter) and you go out on a short errand to pick up a few food items or whatever, and you talk to someone later, and they ask if you “managed to stay warm”, and you say you went out, and they laud you as some sort of conquering hero for your majestic and brave travels to the 7-11…
But during the spring or summer, when it’s really pleasant out, and you DON’T go out, and someone finds out you didn’t go out, they seem to have an incredulous, accusatory tone to their comment?
“You DIDN’T? WHY? It’s such BEAUTIFUL weather out…you really HAVE to go out…I mean, it’s too late now, but it was so wonderful…”
The point of that, I suppose, since you already KNOW it was beautiful out, and that it was wonderful, and that the Sun would have shone on your face and birds would have chirped and all that other lovely sh1t…is to basically shame you into NEVER, EVER not going out again on a beautiful day. You’ve already BLOWN that, and so, for your clearly irrational act of not going out, you clearly deserve to be mocked, ridiculed, and made to feel even worse than you already MUST feel because you missed the WONDERFUL day.
Just saying.
-Puppy >.< Yip!
“And maybe…MAY-be…it’s educational!!!”
The “chemist” in the MA state drug lab scandal claimed to have earned a Master’s degree from U-Mass.
I guess Black Francis was right.
-Puppy >.< Yip!
The Cult
Electric (1987)
It’s got some riffs. It’s also INDESCRIBABLY stupid, making Led Zep I and II look like statements by major philosophers. And Ian Astbury can’t sing as good as Robert Plant. Or Robert Palmer. Or Robert DeNiro.
Grade: D
Sonic Temple (1989)
They put all the good sh1t on the first “side” (see vinyl/cassette) and it’s pretty good in a Metallica-goes-Bob-Rock-Pop-Metal sort of way. The rest is just dull. And Ian Astbury has redefined stupid as a lead vocalist/lyricist. At least David St. Hubbins was funny. Come to think of it, Astbury’s funny too. But not in QUITE the same way that we would want. You don’t laugh at the joke he represents, you laugh at the joke he IS.
Grade: C
American: The Bill Hicks Story (2010)
I’ve always liked Bill Hicks. He was funny, and I admired his honesty, courage, and lack of pretension.
But I don’t think he was ever as good a comic as he wanted to be, or as the world wanted him to HAVE been, after he died. I believe that if he hadn’t died of cancer, he would have just faded away slowly.
In death he became a tragic hero. But stories about heroes are usually exaggerated, if based on fact. He was too angry, with the world AND his own life, to be a true “stand-up comic”…he would have made one hell of a Crusader, though.
But not too many of those jobs are open anymore.
Anger is an Energy.
Inspirational Idea: Love
Grade: B
1/17/13: See ‘Pupdate: Documentary Grade Edits’. Grade: B-
Black Sabbath
Paranoid (1970)
“5 Stars…5 Stars…5 Stars…”
No, no…you have the wrong album. This is a nice collection of early heavy-metal horsesh1t.
Smarter than early Zeppelin but not quite as rocking, not to mention MUCH more dated. And they accomplished it exactly once.
(“War Pigs”)
Grade: C+
Ace Of Base
The Sign (1993)
Good to see (in retrospect) Diane Warren getting some work after Heart.
(“Don’t Turn Around”)
Grade: D+
Paula Abdul
Forever Your Girl (1988)
Why is this the only album she ever made worthy of mention, even in passing?
Because the hired songwriters moved on to the NEXT next big thing after it.
It’s got “Straight Up”…and you can’t take that away from it.
(“Straight Up”)
Grade: D
Nicely put…almost.
“Personally, I’ve always suspected that horror movies catharsized stuff I was too rational to care about in the first place.” – Robert Christgau
Substitute “gore flicks” for “horror movies”, and right on.
-Puppy >.< Yip!
Deep Puppy Thoughts (Part 9)
The Yankees are to every non-Yankee fan what the Gas House Gorillas were to Bugs Bunny.
-Puppy >.< Yip!
“Or Who Cares?” – Curly Howard
“That’s not cool. That’s not how you play the game.” – Eric Chavez on the Oakland Athletics after they “clapped” and “chanted” too much in the dugout.
First, Eric, the Oakland Athletics are fighting for postseason positioning…they’re a young team, they got excited, so they expressed emotion. It wasn’t anti-Yankee…it was pro-Athletic. Loosen up, dude.
Second, who the heck cares what you think? Just because you’re a Yankee you think anyone on ANY other team gives a sh1t about being lectured on how to “properly” play the game the Yankee way? Noone outside New York gives a sh1t, and it’s sad that you appear to think that the Athletics might be “properly chastised” after having a Yankee finger wagged at them saying “Nooooo….bad Athletics…”. The concept that ANYONE outside New York cares about the “Yankee Way” is about as valid as the concept that prior to the 2004 ALCS any Yankee fan considered Yankees-Red Sox a “rivalry”. Please…
Third, since they were in the dugout, they weren’t actually playing the game at that point.
For an example of playing the game, look at your teammate, Alex Rodriguez, in the 2004 ALCS against the Boston Red Sox. Notice how he slaps down with his hand in violation of the rules to knock the ball loose from Bronson Arroyo. Notice how he puts his hands on his head and gets that “What did I do???” 5-year-old look on his face and pouts.
That would be an example of how not to play the game.
If you’re talking about people WATCHING the game, watch the lowlights (Thank you, “Big Eddie”) of every Sox-Yankees game of any importance from 1986-2004. Notice the “Nine-teen Eight-teen” chants of your fans whenever the Sox inevitably start to lose, basically saying “Our team has beaten you, but that’s not enough…we want to rub your loser noses in it”. That would be an example of how not to watch the game.
But hey, what do I know? I’m not a Yankee. Praise the Heavens above.
-Puppy >.< Yip!
Louis C.K.: Chewed Up (2008)
This guy seems to be really popular lately amongst the artsy/cutting-edge crowd.
Remembering having seen him do stand-up a while ago and recalling him as being funny, I was a bit disappointed because generally that means said comedian is pretentious and weird without being particularly funny. Maybe he’s popular in that crowd because he’s white, totally irreverent, and uses the “n” word (he covers that) and doesn’t seem scared. Also, he’s clever, crude, and in bad taste…and says things probably a lot of said people WANT to say.
But I was surprised, when I watched this, that I was RIGHT…he IS funny. Completely tasteless, and not hilarious or anything “unique”, but very funny.
Highlights: N word/C word/F word combo, anti-deer rant, “buckets of disease” rant, crazy waitress rant
Inspirational Quote: “When people come out of your vagina and step on your dreams”
Grade: B+
Curly Howard – Moments Of Genius (Part 8)
(what’s the idea kickin me?)
(I didn’t kick you, somebody kicked me)
*Glances at Curly* (You suppose that puddinhead kicked us?)
(How could he, he’s sounds asleep)
“Coitanly I’m sound asleep.”
*Frown* (Then how come you’re talkin?)
*Opening his eyes to explain* “I’m talkin in my sleep!”
Curly Howard – Moments Of Genius (Part 7)
“Where are you??”
(where are you…)
“Hmmm…an echo…nyuk nyuk nyuk…I’m here where are you?”
(i’m here where are you…)
“I asked you first, where are you?”
(None of your business)
Revelation: 9/23
NOW I understand.
The reason the male demographic likes “2 Broke Girls”, I know now after seeing Kat whats-her-name falling out of her Emmy dress, is Two Big Breasts. Some of the females, too, I guess.
So, sorry guys, but hey ladies…if your bf wants to watch this show and he says it’s because it’s funny or female-empowering or…anything, really…it’s not. It’s cuz he likes big boobs.
Which is cool and all…but why would you sit through this sh1t? Just like…buy a Kat-whats-her-name poster and stare at it for 30 minutes. Much more tolerable, because you don’t have to listen to the show’s soundtrack.
-Puppy >.< Yip!
Deep Puppy Thoughts (Part 8)
Whilst editing my Theatre of Tragedy reviews, besides wanting to attend some LARP, the following thought occured to me…
If they made an unofficial, un-authorized (suspend disbelief and PRETEND Stephen King would EVER turn down an offer for a movie based on something he wrote) sequel to ‘Christine’, and thusly had to intentionally misspell the words for the title, would they perhaps call it ‘Liv, Kristine!!!’?
(Is Liv to Live as Led is to Lead? Those dumb Americans…)
-Puppy >.< Yip!
Saturday Night Live: The Best Of Will Ferrell: Vol. 2 (2004)
If you MUST watch, only points of any interest:
35:50 – 55:25 (James Lipton (again), office sketch, the Holy Teleprompter)
Grade: D
Saturday Night Live: The Best Of Will Ferrell: Vol. 1 (1995)
“Cowbell” is here, so that makes watching ‘The Best Of Christopher Walken’ even less necessary.
But there’s a lot of mediocre/boring sh1t here, too…so if you’re not dying to see “Celebrity Jeopardy” or Ferrell’s great James Lipton impression again, this isn’t necessary either.
Grade: C
Deep Puppy Thoughts (Part 7)
I love the movie Braveheart, really…but the part of me that loves MST3K/Flying Circus would love to see an “alternate” version, made exactly the same as the original, but (having received permission from the owners) inserting Terry Jones’ “Cardinal Biggles” as follows:
*Inquisitor* “Confess, and you may receive a quick death. Deny, and you must be purified through pain. Do you confess?”
*Wallace* *Is silent*
*Inquisitor* *Steadily raising his voice* “DO…YOU…CONFESS?”
*Palin* CONFESS!!!
*Biggles, falling to his knees* “I confess!”
*Palin* “Not you!!”
-Puppy >.< Yip!
Clash Of The Titans (1981)
Perhaps I’m a bit biased because of memories from childhood (point of reference: I bought a BRAND SPANKING NEW Atari 2600 and had an “Oh, Joy!” moment) but this is certainly right up there in the “as good as it gets” department for this sort of film. Dialogue and SFX are cheezy, of course. But this is a fantasy movie made in 1981…I think that’s almost a given.
What sort of film is it? It’s a D+D/Fantasy flick. Not a fictional movie that happens to be set in a fantasy “world”. What’s the difference? The ‘Lord Of The Rings’ trilogy are movies based in fantasy worlds. ‘Dragonslayer’ and ‘Krull’ are D+D/Fantasy flicks. Two completely different categories.
The difference between these two categories, assuming both are “good” for what they are, is depth.
Depth of characters, depth of plot, depth of emotions/reactions that require/allow intellectual and/or philosophical analysis…as opposed to simply sitting back and enjoying the escapist ride. Don’t get me wrong…I LIKE this, to an extent. I like several movies of this sort. They just honestly aren’t very GOOD if I’m going to be brutally frank about it. And I am.
Think of it as your favorite junk food: very enjoyable in small doses but not really WORTH anything and if you have too much you might want to throw up.
Highlights: Medusa battle and mechanical owl self-test.
Grade: C+
Mr. Bean: The Whole Bean – Episode 14 (Hair By Mr. Bean Of London)
The Series is ended…go in relief.
Grade: D-
Mr. Bean: The Whole Bean – Episode 13 (Good Night, Mr. Bean)
More of the same.
Not terrible, but he should have stopped at 7.
Grade: D+
Mr. Bean: The Whole Bean – Episode 12 (Tee Off, Mr. Bean)
Almost back to the “decent example”…but we’ve been there already.
Only worth watching if you love the “Maxi-Golf” bit.
Grade: C+
Mr. Bean: The Whole Bean – Episode 11 (Back To School Mr. Bean)
Worse. Again.
Grade: D
Mr. Bean: The Whole Bean – Episode 10 (Do-It-Yourself Mr. Bean)
“Better, better…but WAHHH!!!”
Grade: C-
Mr. Bean: The Whole Bean – Episode 9 (Mind The Baby, Mr. Bean)
Well…it’s cute, and all…but it’s not funny, or even all that amusing. And yes…it’s the same.
Grade: D
Mr. Bean: The Whole Bean – Episode 8 (Mr. Bean In Room 426)
The show seems to have lost one writer…and with him, a lot of humor.
Sort of like ‘The Three Stooges’ without Curly or any decent lines (since these are virtually silent films), when your comedy is highly physical/visual in nature and you lose most of the wit, it becomes simply dull and tedious.
That’s what this is for the most part, and since there are far superior (previous) examples of exactly this (only funny) available, watching this is completely pointless. The end, or a bump in the road?
We can soon find out.
Grade: D-
National Geographic: Science Of Dogs (2007)
Not as interesting as ‘Dogs Decoded’, and certainly not nearly as cute.
But it ain’t bad.
Grade: B-
1/17/13: See ‘Pupdate: Documentary Grade Edits’. Grade: C
Mr. Bean: The Whole Bean – Episode 7 (Merry Christmas Mr. Bean)
Yes, it’s the “turkey episode”.
Very cute/amusing, if somewhat overrated.
Highlight: Nativity Scene Dalek.
Grade: B (The last episode worth your time…trust me)
Far Too Often Applicable (“At all” is far too often)
“For me, you’re somewhere between a cockroach and that white
stuff that accumulates at the corner of your mouth when you’re really thirsty.” – Cyrus Grissom