Near the beginning, the disgustingly macabre if slightly inept tomb raiders make it mildly interesting.
After that, it’s just really really really silly. I mean…really.
Grade: D
Near the beginning, the disgustingly macabre if slightly inept tomb raiders make it mildly interesting.
After that, it’s just really really really silly. I mean…really.
Grade: D
It’s not a “zombie” film, because they run and talk pretty well.
It’s not a horror film because it’s far too silly.
So think of it as a comedy homage/parody to/of “real” zombie movies, most of which are much more gruesome but not nearly as clever.
You can safely call this a B movie. On the low end.
Inspirational Quote: “Send more paramedics”
Grade: B-
2012: Oh come on, this is fcken hilarious. Grade: B
Borrowing a hair
shaving Curly
nearby city
Curly the calculator
his left pocket
wholesale arrows
aggressive cactus
the jackpot
Curly the innkeeper
Grade: B
Curly’s muscle
inside looking out
helpful stranger
soap conversation
Willy Steel
beautiful watch
left-handed nails
scaring the linoleum
bred in old Kentucky
Maestro’s flourishes
cowardly tomato
surprise rabbit
pitching out Larry
water gags
Grade: B+
too young and too handsome
Curly thinking
musical saws
saw see saw
wedding kiss
The Shadow
skinless frankfurter
Curly’s bed solution
Larry’s chicken
big fence in Chicago
Jasper’s tapeworm
Curly getting himself
waking up
dancing lessons stock footage
LONG pie fight
Grade: A-
frozen dainty
bent chisel
ice bowling
free sample
What a brain…
electric icebox
What a brain…
cooking debate
Moe’s ingredients
Curly shaving the ice
stuffing the turkey
clip joint
Curly’s father
slap fight
gas on…
unfortunate cakes
cake presentation
Grade: A
tasty cream
vital military objects
removable moustache
They’re Nuts
six delicious favors
Turkey and Grease
too much English
hock shop medals
Moe’s personality
Long intro
long map shot
exposition part two
pool game
the whole (long) conference
Grade: B-
weak fish
Tarpin Monoxide
fish song
gas attack
Curly the mime
Curly’s head being used
hungry girls
Curly’s fear
racism(no surprise)
Grade: B-
11/27/13: Again, just replaying it in my bone. Grade: B
malfunctioning snap
Freckled Trout
private cabinet
no room for an argument
instant plumbers
Jack and Jill
straitjacket size 36
Curly’s endless pipes
Curly’s resentment
pipe clogged with wires
Larry the groundhog
reality tv
dangerous hole
boring (and racist) water gags
boring (and racist) electricity gags
fleeing the house
Grade: A-
Moe thinking
Curly’s machine gun
little gathering
safe hypocrisy
here’s how
little red book
no bones in ice cream
wrong side of the gutter
stop at Syracuse
shooting the works
in a pickle
shot in the excitement
Notre Dame and 2 points
new secretary
8 ball joke
long map shot
peace conference
Grade: A
making a note
playing trains
toupee with brains
gin smothered in bourbon
Hay fever
reflex testing
piggyback rides
Spanish food
quick shave
Larry’s Emily Post
ladder gags
Curly’s biscuit
food fight
Grade: B+
unskilled labor
sawing a saw in half with a saw
cheese knife
illiterate door
Curly’s casual crash warning
not enough time to murder Curly
barely possible
kiss for luck
kissing Moe
short-distance chase
most of the oil scene
Grade: B
11/27/13: I don’t have to re-watch it. At this point, I just have to re-imagine it. Grade: B+
Curly’s near-seduction
talking mummy
the real McCoy
green and yellow basket
Curly the mummy
mummy alligator
Long Intro
tomb chase from noone
Professor Tuttle interrogation
Grade: B-
emergency mustard
super service
thawing out Curly
Swingin’ the Alphabet
hamburger with a zipper
random guy in all-female audience
Grade: B-
11/27/13: Oh, it’s good! Grade: B
useless porcupine
announcement reaction
Sears Roebuck III
bath controversy
collapsing bed
biting pants
dotting an eye
sticky pancakes
“the plan”
three rich widows
the buckets
Grade: B-
impromptu dance
direction discussion
Igpay Atinlay
eating a clock
the wrong bulls
spotted paint research
Grade: B-
interstate commerce
Curly picketing
gas bill
Curly’s cement
mourning Curly
tree scene
Grade: B
breakfast alarm
back-to-bed alarm
convenient umbrella
Brighto Jingle
woof vs. hiss
banana peels
quick ride
Curly’s health
three more chances
one-way round trip
fight summary
six delicious flavors
busy line
long-term dandruff treatment
inability to find the clutch
Curly hurrying
persistent dog
persistent begging
most of the chase scene
sailing on the street
Grade: A
the bell
Fireman’s Ball
shot at sunrise
matching coat and hat
little baby hoses
the bell again
long distance eye-poke
Curly losing a slap-fight
hose punishment
cake race for naught
too much driving
Grade: B
fillet of sole and heel
Curly the G-Man
woman trying to avoid laughing at Curly
crab refill
playing post office
fortunate steer placement
multiple sleep attempts
monkey-tail clipping
Grade: B
sound asleep
Gable slap
mutiny in the boxcar
surprise wheatcake
letter to Santa
Curly’s sacrifice
Curly’s mother
actions/no words
a new face
Curly in drag
ironing Larry
chase scene
ending(as usual)
Grade: A-
“I’m not an atheist. I don’t think I can call myself a pantheist. The
problem involved is too vast for our limited minds. We are in the
position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books
in many languages. The child knows someone must have written
those books. It does not know how. It does not understand the
languages in which they are written. The child dimly suspects a
mysterious order in the arrangement of the books but doesn’t know
what it is. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human being toward God.” – Albert Einstein
“Next time…definitely!”
– Rx Ryan/John Cleese as Russian firing squad leader in Monty Python’s ‘Cycling Tour’ episode
-Puppy >.< Yip!
Dry cleaning
shooting a seven
fore five six seven
picking up balls
washing day
extreme ball-retrieval method
divot improvement
high-speed golfball assault
fleeing the scene
barrel scene(unfortunately long)
Grade: B
Reluctant gentlemen
bottled up
dirty rat
two bucks
a loose stitch
sparing a nickel
dancing if asking
impromptu shave
a slice of throat
Curly’s utensils
the Eternal Spring
trading slaps
Eating lessons
occult speech
extras trying to be Stooge-like
Grade: A-
Door on the right
left/right discussion
Mr. McSnort
breadroll eye-poke
Lowland Shim
Grade: B-
Potomac poisoning
Good-Time Charlie
Union underwear
working as a pilot
limited spy-smelling range
a weak back
Mrs. Dodge and whiskey
extended cake-eating
coughing feathers
everything after “whiskey” (thankfully not much)
Grade: B
Ana Conda
Larry being ready
unfortunate recovery
not saying a word
dueling phones
plucking for ripeness
giggling nurse
most of Larry’s acting
hiccuping nurse
everything post-jackhammer
Grade: B+
2/11/13: Overrated, I think…parts of it are dull. But too many parts are brilliant not to make this a must-see. Grade: A-
“In Wildness is the preservation of the World.” – Henry David Thoreau
“…I have found strength where one does not look for it:
in simple, mild, and pleasant people, without the least
desire to rule—and, conversely, the desire to rule has
often appeared to me a sign of inward weakness: they fear
their own slave soul and shroud it in a royal cloak…”
– Friedrich Nietzsche
“Let’s play…Master and Servant…” – Depeche Mode
“Whatever happened to Depeche Mode?” – Puppy
-Puppy >.< Yip!
Wild Earth Child (2011)
I’ve seen Jenna perform some of these songs live, and both her voice and her demeanor are real. (She doesn’t need studio enhancements, and she means every positive, uplifting word). She seems to revel in SHARING her music – hers is not the fake, staged act of a bored professional or a talented fraud tying to pretend they’re happy performing…she IS happy performing, whether it’s to adults listening attentively or little girls dancing about near her. When she says “Thank You” after each song, it comes out as a welcome ray of truth, as if she almost can’t believe that people are clapping for HER, and she doesn’t quite know how to express her profound gratitude that her beautiful music and spirit inspire others as much as they obviously do herself.
Husband Doug plays the steady but subtle Mick Fleetwood to Jenna’s often-mystical Stevie Nicks, circa “Gold Dust Woman”, especially on “Samhain Night”.
My favorite songs are the first two, “Affirmation” and “Green Man (Wild Earth Child)”, but I don’t listen to them on repeat or in a mix, I listen to the whole album, because it is truly a REAL experience of carefully crafted, yet spare and simple, Love and Wonder.
This is not “Pagan” music any more than “It’s Love” by King’s X is “Christian” music. They’re both UNIVERSAL music, celebrating the latent spirituality and wonder in ALL of us, no matter how, where, or under what name we choose to express it.
Sowing the seeds of Love, and nurturing them with Faith and Joy. Amen, and Blessed Be.
Grade: B+
7/18/12: Everything above is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge. However, critical integrity must not be tarnished by liner note subjectivity. Hence… Grade: B-
10/27/12: True Believers are hard to find. A pretty voice and lovely melodies don’t hurt, either. Grade: B
“…men that are free, well-born, well-bred, and conversant in honest companies, have naturally an instinct and spur that prompteth them unto virtuous actions, and withdraws them from vice, which is called honour. Those same men, when by base subjection and constraint they are brought under and kept down, turn aside from that noble disposition by which they formerly were inclined to virtue, to shake off and break that bond of servitude wherein they are so tyrannously enslaved; for it is agreeable with the nature of man to long after things forbidden and to desire what is denied us.”
– Francois Rabelais
“At its core, meditation is about touching the spiritual essence that
exists within us all. Experiencing the joy of this essence has been
called enlightenment, nirvana, or even rebirth, and reflects a deep
understanding within us. The spiritual essence is not something that
we create through meditation. It is already there, deep within,
behind all the barriers, patiently waiting for us to recognize it.
One does not have to be religious or even interested in religion to
find value in it. Becoming more aware of your self and realizing your spiritual nature is something that transcends religion. Anyone who has explored meditation knows that it is simply a path that leads to a new, more expansive way of seeing the world around us.”
– Aaron Hoopes, ‘Zen Yoga’
Every day, good things happen and horrific things happen.
Contrary to the propagandic vitriol of the Nihilist, focusing on the good is not being ignorant to reality.
It is choosing Light over Dark.
If you want to cry and yell and scream over horrific things, there are plenty of places to do it, and plenty of people to help you along on your self-destructive journey.
If you prefer to focus on the good that does exist, check out the “Good News” site every day.
Ignore everything else? No. But the proponents of Logical Positivism (such as myself) have, for the most part, found that anger, bitterness, hate, and the fervent attempt to destroy anyone else’s happiness that some people thrive on leads only, eventually, to harm one’s self, one’s loved ones, and one’s life. Therefore, as a logical being, I choose to (attempt to) rise above such things when possible, and TRY to be happy.
Be a good person, live a good life…try to be happy.
It’s a choice by a moral person, not a demand of a cowardly nature.
Emotional Cowards are those that seek solace in the ephemeral, fleeting, and meaningless because they’re afraid that those are the only things they can depend on. And by the nature of most Nihilists, given how they treat other people, they’re probably right. For them…not for me.
And now, smile! Cute animules!!!
-Puppy >.< Yip!
The best trailers for this movie make it appear hilarious, as perfectly-timed one liners and quick exchanges seem to flow effortlessly and endlessly between almost all the characters, not just potty-mouthed Hit Girl.
Unfortunately (or fortunately, if you’re an editor) this is a carefully crafted illusion, putting all the best moments, action and comedy, together in one rapid-fire stream of coolness that is mostly out of context and which doesn’t account for the REST of the movie…which is mostly ok-but-tedious-in-comparison.
The gross violence of the Big Bad Boss and his henchmen is understandably shown…we’re SUPPOSED to hate them. But what’s the point of showing an 11-year-old girl’s masterful, often grotesque slayings of henchman after henchman? I suppose, given Hit Girl’s costume as she enters the last soon-to-be Slaughterhouse, it could be seen as a stern warning to be afraid of little girls…perhaps an effective PSA for Pedophiles, but otherwise just plain gross.
I have no problem with “dark” humor, I have a problem with a movie that sells itself as a dark-humor cartoon and then contains about five minutes of that and two hours (or so it seemed as I waited for the inevitable ending for an interminable amount of time) of mediocre slop.
Watch the trailers, laugh your ass off, then skip the movie.
Grade: C-
2012: Grade: C
From someone who’s been there, and back, more than once…
However bad you may feel, never give up hope.
You may be helpless to change your situation, now…
But nothing’s ever hopeless.
It’s hard to remember that when you’re curled up in a ball, wishing you could cry, but even that effort is beyond you.
But it is true.
– Puppy >.< Yip!
Message: A human being is valuable because they’re a human being.
Grade: B+
1/17/13: See ‘Pupdate: Documentary Grade Edits’. Grade: B-
“Rather than becoming one with God, the Black Brother considers his ego to be god. According to Crowley, the Black Brother slowly disintegrates, while preying on others for his own self-aggrandisement.”
– Wikipedia, ‘Thelema’
“We have the RIGHT…”
“To wage war, Captain? To kill millions of innocent people? To destroy life on a planetary scale? Is that what you’re defending?”
Star Trek, ‘Errand of Mercy’
“People should not give up their hope. They should endlessly work hard to find hope.” – John Woo
The systematic attack of spirituality and belief by fervent Atheists seems to take place in much the same way that Albert Einstein noted when he said that most fervent Atheists are simply intellectuals and quasi-intellectuals rebelling against forced belief with active disbelief. As if because one thing was wrong (as forced belief is) it somehow makes the equal and opposite reaction correct. To force one to believe in any form of Spirituality is incorrect, but to force one to disbelieve in any idea of possible Spirituality is incorrect, arrogant, and just plain stupid.
“During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries…The term ‘atheist’ was an insult. Nobody would have dreamed of calling himself an atheist.” – Karen Armstrong
As to historical injustices performed in the name of Religion versus those performed in the name of Atheism, the fact that Atheism has only been widely ALLOWED to be an even POSSIBLE belief system explicitly disavowing the existence of anything at all “Divine” for less than 300 years makes the comparison irrelevant, although the Pol Pot’s and Stalin’s of the world have certainly done their best to make up for lost time.
– Puppy >.< Yip!
“traffic in the half-baked nihilism of a stoned high school student who has just discovered Nietzsche and Nine Inch Nails” – Laura Miller on Palahniuk
Puppy: I think that’s not accurate. “Half-baked” and “stoned” imply use of drugs, ostensibly to amplify creativity, and I see none of that in Palahniuk’s ‘Fight Club’. They also imply that the writer in question is not fully in control/command of their writings, which is doing a dis-service to every half-baked work ever made, by a high school student, college student, professional writer, or anyone with half a brain that is literate. Invoking Nietzsche and NIN, besides bringing up two vastly different talent levels, degrades the at-least-well-meaning nature of those who are fascinated by them and write inferior works in an attempt to live up to them. Palahniuk is different. Here is a grown man, clean and sober, intentionally writing high-school level chaotically uneven I-guess-you-could-call-them-“philosophical” rants about vastly different subjects and somehow attempting to link them, and he is working at the HEIGHT of his talent level. Sad, really.
“Until you can create something that captivates people, I’d invite you to just shut up.
It’s easy to attack and destroy an act of creation. It’s a lot more difficult to perform one.” – Chuck Palahniuk
Puppy: Let’s analyze this.
“Until you can create something that captivates people”.
Puppy: The use of the word “Until” states that IF the conditions FOLLOWING the word are reached, THEN the person quoted is in fact giving their approval for the action being criticized to be TAKEN, in fact with their blessing since no other caveats are made.
So, IF “you” = anyone that wants to blast Palahniuk’s “creations”, and I think it does, since he expands to a broad scope later in the quote…
It follows that if anyone in the world “can create something that captivates people”, they thereby have Chuck Palahniuk’s blessing to trash Chuck Palahniuk’s work, if they so choose.
Semantically speaking, anyone “can” create something that captivates people…just because they haven’t DONE it doesn’t mean they CAN’T…but let’s assume he made a semantic mistake intentionally or was just really peeved.
something = anything
people = more than 1 person
IF anyone creates anything that captivates more than one person, THEN they can trash his work, by his own admission.
So, Justin Bieber has every right to criticize ‘Fight Club’.
And everyone that put a video on YouTube that got 2 or more “Likes”.
“I’d invite you to just shut up” – Well isn’t that grown-up of him. NYAH NYAH!
“It’s easy to attack and destroy an act of creation. It’s a lot more difficult to perform one.”
So Chuck you’re saying her criticism has destroyed your works?
I think “act” is the definitive word here, as Chuck’s “performance” on ‘Fight Club’ is pandering to the mindset mentioned by the critic. Nothing more. That some other people buy into such transparent horsesh1t is a testimony to the fall of the novel as a means of great expression.
“It is easier to destroy than to create”.
Also, 1+1 = 2
-Puppy >.< Yip!
“On a large enough time line, the survival rate for everyone will drop to zero.” – Chuck Palahniuk, ‘Fight Club’, Chapter 2″
Meaningless drivel. Nihilistic dogsh1t. Everything dies…so what?
What’s your point? We live, then we die. To believe this is the whole of life is to ignore all the stuff, you know, BETWEEN those two points. And since life is merely a succession of moment after moment, birth and death are two moments. There are billions of others. To focus ENTIRELY on these two is a bullsh1t escape from responsibility, morality, everything really.
“This was freedom. Losing all hope was freedom.” – Chuck Palahniuk, ‘Fight Club’, Chapter 2
Actually, it’s called depression. Unless you’re HAPPY to lose all hope…then you’re a moron, since there’s always hope, and a logical analysis by a non-zombie will easily reveal this.
“This is your life, and it’s ending one minute at a time.” – Chuck Palahniuk, ‘Fight Club’, Chapter 3″
Or perhaps this is the first chapter in a greater existence, and it’s beginning one minute at a time. How the hell do YOU know? And wouldn’t it be one second at a time, anyway?
“If I could wake up in a different place, at a different time, could I wake up as a different person?” – Chuck Palahniuk, ‘Fight Club’, Chapter 3
Who cares? By your own previous BS philosophy, EVERYONE is just living to die. So why philosophize further? You’re done, man.
“One minute was enough, Tyler said, a person had to work hard for it,
but a minute of perfection was worth the effort. A moment was the
most you could ever expect from perfection.” – Chuck Palahniuk, ‘Fight Club’, Chapter 3
Since human beings are inherently all imperfect, how do you know exactly what perfection is? I mean, you took out a stopwatch and timed perfection? Are you high?
“And I wasn’t the only slave to my nesting instinct. The people I know
who used to sit in the bathroom with pornography, now they sit in
the bathroom with their IKEA furniture catalogue.” – Chuck Palahniuk, ‘Fight Club’, Chapter 5
You need to get out more. And update your book to the age of technology…what’s a “catalogue”?
“You buy furniture. You tell yourself, this is the last sofa I will
ever need in my life. Buy the sofa, then for a couple years you’re
satisfied that no matter what goes wrong, at least you’ve got your
sofa issue handled. Then the right set of dishes. Then the perfect
bed. The drapes. The rug. Then you’re trapped in your lovely nest,
and the things you used to own, now they own you.” – Chuck Palahniuk, ‘Fight Club’, Chapter 5
Who cares? You live, you die, right? It’s a little late to turn Tibetan, and you don’t even do it very eloquently.
“If you don’t know what you want,” the doorman said, “you end up
with a lot you don’t.” – Chuck Palahniuk, ‘Fight Club’, Chapter 5
If at first you don’t succeed, keep on suckin’ til you do succeed.
“After a night in fight club, everything in the real world gets the
volume turned down. Nothing can piss you off. Your word is law, and
if other people break that law or question you, even that doesn’t piss
you off.” – Chuck Palahniuk, ‘Fight Club’, Chapter 6
If other people can break your law without causing any reaction or penalty, how is your word law? I mean, are you totally living inside
your head at this point?
“It used to be enough that when I came home angry and knowing that
my life wasn’t toeing my five-year plan, I could clean my condominium
or detail my car. Someday I’d be dead without a scar and there
would be a really nice condo and car.” – Chuck Palahniuk, ‘Fight Club’, Chapter 6
Then do something meaningful and important instead of beating the
fck out of other guys.
“Maybe self-improvement isn’t the answer…. Maybe self-destruction
is the answer.” – Chuck Palahniuk, ‘Fight Club’, Chapter 6
WAIT! NO, don’t! PLEASE! Errrr…nah, go ahead.
“The gyms you go to are crowded with guys trying to look like men, as
if being a man means looking the way a sculptor or an art director says.”
– Chuck Palahniuk, ‘Fight Club’, Chapter 6
YEAH! It means beating each other up and fcking women and treating them like sh1t while spouting nihilistic cliches.
4/13/16: “Are you kidding me? I mean I could do all that macho stuff
if I wanted to, but it wouldn’t make me any more of a man.
Do I detect a hint of raised consciousness?
Yeah. I mean, a real guy doesn’t have to jump on sharks and dodge
poison darts just to prove he’s a guy.
…I’m astonished.
A real guy just has to score heavy with the babes, that’s all.”
“‘It’s only after you’ve lost everything,’ Tyler says, ‘that you’re
free to do anything.'” – Chuck Palahniuk, ‘Fight Club’, Chapter 8
Hey, didn’t you steal that from Janis Joplin?
“I wanted to burn the Louvre. I’d do the Elgin Marbles with a sledgehammer and wipe my @ss with the Mona Lisa. This is my world, now. This is my world, my world, and those ancient people are dead.” – Chuck Palahniuk, ‘Fight Club’, Chapter 16
Yeah, but you’re a fcken moron.
“We wanted to blast the world free of history…. picture yourself
planting radishes and seed potatoes on the fifteenth green of a
forgotten golf course. You’ll hunt elk through the damp canyon
forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center, and dig clams next
to the skeleton of the Space Needle leaning at a forty-five degree
angle. We’ll paint the skyscrapers with huge totem faces and goblin tikis, and every evening what’s left of mankind will retreat to empty
zoos and lock itself in cages as protection against the bears and big
cats and wolves that pace and watch us from outside the cage bars at night.” – Chuck Palahniuk, ‘Fight Club’, Chapter 16
Was this MEANT for consumption by quasi-intellectual teens?
Sort of a nihilistic, macho-poetry ‘Twilight’?
“‘Recycling and speed limits are bullsh1t’, Tyler said. ‘They’re
like someone who quits smoking on his deathbed.'” – Chuck Palahniuk, ‘Fight Club’, Chapter 16
Is that a sh1tty metaphor or a sh1tty simile? I forget the “like”
or “as” rule.
“‘Imagine,’ Tyler said, ‘stalking elk past department store windows
and stinking racks of beautiful rotting dresses and tuxedos on
hangers; you’ll wear leather clothes that will last you the rest
of your life, and you’ll climb the wrist-thick kudzu vines that wrap
the Sears Tower. Jack and the beanstalk, you’ll climb up through the dripping forest canopy and the air will be so clean you’ll see tiny figures pounding corn and laying strips of venison to dry in the empty
car pool lane of an abandoned superhighway stretching
eight-lanes-wide and August-hot for a thousand miles.'” – Chuck Palahniuk, ‘Fight Club’, Chapter 16
John Lennon you ain’t.
“You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same
decaying organic matter as everyone else, and we are all part of
the same compost pile.” – Chuck Palahniuk, ‘Fight Club’, Chapter 17
Well isn’t that special.
“…you’re not how much money you’ve got in the bank. You’re not
your job. You’re not your family, and you’re not who you tell yourself….
You’re not your name….
You’re not your problems….
You’re not your age….
You are not your hopes.” – Chuck Palahniuk, ‘Fight Club’, Chapter 18
This is not your beautiful house…this is not…blah.
“I see the strongest and the smartest men who have ever
lived…and these men are pumping gas and waiting tables.” – Chuck Palahniuk, ‘Fight Club’, Chapter 19
No, these men are refusing to talk to you.
“We don’t have a great war in our generation, or a great
depression, but we do, we have a great war of the spirit. We have
a great revolution against the culture. The great depression is
our lives. We have a spiritual depression.” – Chuck Palahniuk, ‘Fight Club’, Chapter 19
OMG this approaches mild coherence and provokes a little bit of thought…and it only took 19 chapters.
“We have to show these men and women freedom by enslaving them,
and show them courage by frightening them.” – Chuck Palahniuk, ‘Fight Club’, Chapter 19
“I am the all-singing, all-dancing cr@p of this world…. I am
the toxic waste by-product of God’s creation.” – Chuck Palahniuk, ‘Fight Club’, Chapter 23
“…when deep-space exploitation ramps up, it will probably be the
megatonic corporations that discover all the new planets and map them.
The IBM Stellar Sphere.
The Philip Morris Galaxy.
Planet Denny’s.
Every planet will take on the corporate identity of whoever rapes it first…” – Chuck Palahniuk, ‘Fight Club’, Chapter 23
I think Roger Dean should have drawn a cool scene around this paragraph.
“I’ve met God across his long walnut desk with his diplomas hanging
on the wall behind him, and God asks me, “Why?” Why did I cause
so much pain? Didn’t I realize that each of us is a sacred, unique snowflake of special unique specialness? Can’t I see how we’re all manifestations of love? I look at God behind his desk, taking notes
on a pad, but God’s got this all wrong. We are not special. We are
not cr@p or trash, either. We just are. We just are, and what
happens just happens. And God says, “No, that’s not right.” Yeah.
Well. Whatever. You can’t teach God anything.” – Chuck Palahniuk, ‘Fight Club’, Chapter 30
Egomaniacal trash. Thank God for Ed Norton lowering his standards
enough to bring the book to averageness as a movie.
-Puppy >.< Yip!
The worst dialogue ever in an episode of a legitimate TV series after also featuring some great dialogue shortly beforehand
Why ‘Star Trek’ wasn’t picked up for a 4th Season
Why Leonard Nimoy fought with Gene Roddenberry over his character …
First, here’s the great dialogue:
(Spock) “Computers, Captain…they fight their war with computers, totally.”
(Anon VII) “Yes, of course.”
(Kirk) “Computers don’t kill a half a million people…”
(Anon VII) “Deaths have been registered, of course, they have twenty-four hours to report.”
(Kirk) “To report…?”
(Anon VII) “To our disintegration machines. You must understand, Captain…we have been at war for five hundred years. Under ordinary conditions, no civilization could withstand that. But we have reached a solution.”
(Spock) “Then the attack by Vendicar was theoretical?”
(Anon VII) “Oh no, quite real. An attack is mathematically launched…I lost my wife in the last attack. Our civilization lives…the people die…but our culture goes on.”
(Kirk) “Do you mean to tell me…your people just walk into a disintegration machine when they’re told to?”
(Anon VII) “We have a high consciousness of duty, Captain.”
(Spock) “There is a certain scientific logic about it.”
(Anon VII) “I’m glad you approve.”
(Spock) “I do NOT approve…I understand.”
And now, winner of the MST3K “How did they say that with a straight face???” award …
(Spock) “Yeoman Tamara…you stay here and prevent this young lady from immolating herself. Knock her down and sit on her if necessary. This is a killing situation.”
-Puppy >.< Yip!
The single best piece of sustained, intelligent, witty, and funny pure abject nonsense ever put to film.
The film about nothing that’s really something.
Grade: A+
3/25/14: It’s hard to be perfect when you’re pure abject nonsense. Still great, though. Grade: A
7/30/16: Here we have the Pythons at the height of their collective powers. I could understand (even make) an argument that such a point occurred during ‘Flying Circus’, but for me this is their absolute (most triumphant) triumph both because of the quality of it (which is matched in certain ‘Flying Circus’ episodes) AND because the “newness” spark from ’69 had long since worn off here. There’s no “rush of ideas”, no headfirst dive into “let’s do whatever the fck we want!”…that’s long since over. The return of John Cleese (himself re-invigorated) re-invigorates the troupe, however, and blends inspiration with perspiration (and an actual budget) to present Python in its best light: the edits and re-takes and props, etc…are used to ENHANCE the comedy; not sanitize it, gloss it over, or cover it in layers of obfuscating BS. The same can never be said again. Grade: A+
First Viewing Judgement: A worthless piece of pro-lustful-and-insane excess, a disgusting variety of fetish-porn for those who make Jeffrey Dahmer seem like he really WAS just the “typical guy next door”, a comedy for the sick-and-twisted that find extreme suffering, gore, and mutilation dismissively amusing.
Second Viewing Judgement: A lesson on the dangers of giving in to one’s dark side, a slap in the face critique of allowing meaningless lust to somehow justify abuse of the severely abused either by action or lack of action, destroy one’s real life job, family, love, relationships, morality, personality, self-control, and basically the entirety of everything a person is.
Recommendation: If you have a hearty stomach for gore and a strong mind for disturbing material, it’s worth watching if only to scare the fck out of you as to what would happen if everyone gave in and embraced excess as THE blueprint for life without any sort of restraint or restriction.
Grade: B
3/31/14: Looking back, I don’t think it was either. I think it was someone trying to make as CREEPY a fcken movie as possible. And they did a good job. Although I’d like to think some of those “Second Viewing” things were at least somewhat intended. Grade: B
-Puppy >.< Yip!
10/16/16: Puppies and kittens are cute! And the onion reference is obsolete. (housekeeping).
“I nurtured the hope, that there was hope.”
-Puppy >.< Yip!
“Good…Honest…Hatred. Very refreshing.” – Commander Kor, Klingon Occupation Army
-Puppy >.< Yip!