Equilibrium (2002)

A cult seems to have sprung up around this movie for reasons I can’t fully understand.

Yes, the idea is a brilliant one.  Unfortunately, it’s not ‘Equilibrium”s idea.  But beyond the concept of totally rehashing previous films/books, which is a weak argument at best considering that many fine movies do exactly that (see “sequels”), there is just nothing here beyond the opening scene (Which is quite violent – get used to it, love it or not – but also displays a certain inventiveness in combat choreography and a mild subtlety to its character development and foreshadowing that seems to be lost during the rest of the movie) that’s worth watching in any way, shape, or form that could in any way be considered an advancement or even a worthy homage to an idea not already driven into the ground with the finesse of a Peter Gabriel.


Perhaps fans of the over-rated but still vastly superior ‘American Psycho’ are just humming Genesis and Huey Lewis and The News songs as Christian Bale trudges woodenly through Ch..ch…ch…ch…changes in (I guess you could call them) emotions during his painstakingly reinforced metamorphosis from cold-blooded killer to warm-blooded killer (I mean “Freedom Fighter”), but for me, the promising professional mediocrity of the opening scene having long since worn off since…the opening scene, the final moment of tolerance comes during a dog-killing spree that apparently was the result of a “Creative” meeting that must have gone something like this:

(Man) “Hmmm…the script kinda sucks, how exactly are we going to keep people horrified?”
(Other Man) “How about burning priceless works of art?”
(Man) “Not enough…”
(Other Other Man) “How about flashbacks to traumatic moments?”
(Man) “Nope…”
(Woman) “How about actual character development?”
(Man) “Shut up!”
(Other Other Other Man) “How about killing defenseless little cute adorable animals?  Ummm…Kittens?”
(Man) “PUPPIES!!!”

Grade: D-

2012: Housekeeping and re-evaluation.

Grade: F

4/23/16: Like ‘Fight Club’, ‘Saw’, and other movies I think are VASTLY overrated, I WANT to rank this lower than it deserves; sort of a counter-balance in the overreaction department. Unfortunately, critical integrity demands that I not. So…it just really stinks.

Grade: D-


Ok…if you were from the Scandinavian Peninsula, and you also happened to be a character in the game “Mortal Kombat”…and you were fighting someone else in the game, and you had them almost beaten, and they were helpless and you could execute a really cool finishing move on them…what would it say?

“Finnish Him!”


-Puppy >.< Grrr…

Ayn Rand

‘Atlas Shrugged’ appears to be saying – Creative people are inherently better than everyone else, even though for the most part, you’re either born creative or not…you can’t “work” on “making” yourself creative.  Yes, there’s a certain element of hard work that goes along with producing works of art, but if you have no Creativity to begin with, the likelihood of producing the next great film or novel simply by “trying hard” is virtually nil.

So, what Rand is saying is…if you’re born lucky enough to be creative, even if you did absolutely nothing to deserve (or not deserve) this, you’re better than everyone else, and if they don’t appreciate you, screw ’em, cuz poor people and “non-creatives” are just parasites anyway, living off the inspiration of the “gifted”.

I guess she’s lucky she was (moderately) creative, though…because, much like, say…Woody Allen, another (VERY moderately) creative person, she is so enormously repulsive physically that the only way she (and he) got (get) laid is by being “deep”. 

Although I’ll say this for Rand…at least she didn’t target her next partner while raising them.

Come on, though…shave off E.A. Poe’s moustache and I think we’ve unveiled proof of resurrection.

-Puppy >.< Grrr…

6/3/16: Eugenics is bad, m’kay?


This clip is a very good display of the dumb arrogance of eugenics.

A Wise Man Once Said…

β€œIn view of such harmony in the cosmos which I, with my limited human mind, am able to recognize, there are yet people who say there
is no God. But what really makes me angry is that they quote me for the support of such views.” – Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein, Agnostic.

I was offered the suggestion that religion of all sorts should be done away with.  The rationalization for this is that, if there were no religions, there would therefore be no religious conflict.

This rationalization is simplistic, incomplete, and completely flawed.

The purpose of the fervent Skeptic is to seek Truth.

The seeking of Truth brings one into areas of different views.

Since no Human Being thinks exactly as another, conflict MUST arise when seeking one’s own Truth in the manner of rationalization.

Therefore, if the purpose of doing away with religion is to do away with conflict, then the purpose of X is to do away with conflict.

Therefore, if removing X would remove conflict, it should be removed.

Imagine then, how many things could be factored in for X.

Love, Lust, Passion, Emotion of any kind, Competition(Sports), Differences of any sort between individuals, as differences can produce conflict.

Therefore, the ideal “Rational” world is one where everyone likes the same music, reads the same books, obeys the same laws, has the same values, has the same (lack of) religion, has no emotions, does not compete in any way, does only what is logical…in short, Human Beings as computers.

As a (fictional) wise man once said…

“Computers make excellent and efficient servants.  But I have no desire to serve under them.”

-Puppy >.< Grrr…


Several months ago, before I had adequately researched the subject, I had believed Benito Mussolini to have been nothing more than Adolf Hitler’s crony…inept, bumbling, and so forth.

Now I realize how wrong I was.

It was in fact Hitler that was an inept, bumbling fool.

In fact, it was his own arrogance, pride and general lack of sense that made Germany lose WWII.  A series of spectacularly bad decisions (not speaking on moral grounds, that is obvious…speaking on military terms) gave the British (and subsequently Russia and the United States) a long enough reprieve to recover from the initial Blitzkrieg and defeat Nazi Germany.

Hitler’s own (failed) “Beer Hall Putsch” was in fact a copy of Mussolini’s (successful) “March On Rome”.

Am I saying I “Like” who Mussolini was?  No.

But I think of it this way…

If you sat down with both Hitler and Mussolini to discuss the practical implications and applications of their philosophies (Fascism and Hitler’s version, dubbed “Nazism”), you would receive from Mussolini an intelligent argument expounding on the benefits of conflict and war in terms of strengthening the mind, body, and spirit.  I wouldn’t for a second AGREE with it…but that’s what I would receive.  From Hitler I would receive recycled cliches and blatantly stupid racism/hatred from someone picked on as a child.  And then, after confusing him, he would shoot me and declare himself the winner.

Something to think about.

-Puppy >.< Grrr…

Rantings, Ravings, Innings…

I believe John Cleese’s character Dennis Moore (The Lupin Bandit) said it best, regarding the idea of the practicality of Communism – “Blimey…this redistribution of wealth is trickier than I thought.”

To all Poser-Goths (As opposed to real ones) wondering why your bf/gf dumped you, I would suggest listening to the Type O Negative song “Black No. 1” and focusing on the second chorus.

The great thing about having a Poser-Goth bf/gf is that, if you’re having sex, and you say “Did you…?” and you MEAN it…and they say “No”…and you say “Oh, I’m sorry!” and you MEAN it, and they shrug and say “I don’t care”…you know THEY mean it too!

-Puppy >.< Grrr…

Saint Patrick’s Day

It was suggested to me by someone whose ignorant name shall remain nameless (unless (they) have the guts to back up their propaganda) that we should wear black on Saint Patrick’s Day, because of the killing done (in their view) in his name.

Well, if that’s the case…why don’t we wear black every day?

Because of the killing done somewhere, of innocent people, in someone’s name, everyday?

-Puppy >.< Grrr…

The Judicial System – Humanity

It’s like this…(I love that movie)…

Forgive the poor quality of this post, it’s stream-of-consciousness…

So I met some really nasty people on “VampireFreaks”…

Then I realized…I met a few nice people there, too.

And I realized…all these horrible things attributed (fairly) to SOME of the people that are self-described “goths”…

Can be attributed (fairly) to SOME of the people that are…anyone.

Every Majority has a disgusting minority…

And even every Minority has a disgusting minority.

Nothing to do with race, sex, age, religion, music, movies… or any of that sh1t.

That’s all just a reason to hate someone.

Fact is…the way I see it, there are truly Good people from every background.

And, there are truly Evil people from every background.

The trick is…keeping your mind open, keeping your senses alive, and “Judging” people (As we all do) on what they DO and what they BELIEVE…not on any of that other sh1t, that doesn’t mean a fcken thing anyways.


-Puppy >.< Grrr…

Spiders – A Rational Argument

I recently spoke with someone that expressed their dislike of people that kill spiders or other parasites because they are afraid of them.

But, while I appreciate the legitimacy of that argument, what about the small, silent minority of us that kill spiders because they take up valuable protein that could otherwise nourish us?

Thanks for your time.


-Puppy >.< Grrr…

Dumb-Boy Bad-Voice

[1:48 A.M.]:  Because people do things that people don’t know about.<BR>  
funshinebobby [1:49 A.M.]:  You don’t know about the Mafia.<BR> funshinebobby
[1:49 A.M.]:  Because I do.<BR> funshinebobby [1:49 A.M.]:  It’s real easy to
act tough and scary online.<BR> funshinebobby [1:50 A.M.]:  But when it comes
down to it, in real life, you couldn’t hold a fucking stare to someone with an
actual sick head.<BR> funshinebobby [1:50 A.M.]:  And that’s the reason you look
for trouble in a place where you can’t be reached.<BR>funshinebobby [1:50 A.M.]:
 Because you’re a coward.<BR>funshinebobby [1:50 A.M.]:  And what happens to
cowards?<BR>funshinebobby [1:50 A.M.]:  They die.</DIV>

<P><BR>Funshinebobby(Robert Vasaturo aka “Dunny Bono” aka Dead MC aka arson
daily)…likes WXCI, 91.7 FM…23 year old white male…Danbury,
CT…www.myspace.com/mizterie…Agnostic…Aries…New Fairfield High
School…New Fairfield, CT…</DIV>


What the FCK are you talking about, Robbie?  Didn’t they pick you up in that sting anyways?

-Puppy >.< Grrr…

Random Post Of No Meaning Whatsoever

“What if…what if I gave it to him?”
*Short Pause* “Give it to him.”
*Longer Pause* “You…you don’t really w…”
*Cutting in, Coldly* “Give it to him.”

-Puppy >.< Grrr…

10/23/12: Some people have “courage” when they know they won’t need it. (Bullies).
Other people have courage when it actually matters.  Big difference.

Why Atheistic Satanism Is A Philosophy, NOT A Religion

According to Anton LaVey, worship of a Deity that we do not “know” exists is foolish, and we should do what we believe is right, according to our own beliefs, and love those that deserve our love, hate those that deserve our hate, etc…

What is the revelation here?

I mean…I could argue about the existence or non-existence of God, but regardless of that, where is Anton’s great wisdom?

Or, to put it more succinctly, paraphrasing Benito Mussolini’s description of Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ –

“Little more than commonplace cliches…”

-Puppy >.< Grrr…

8/6/13: Edit: Title should have “Dumb” before the word “Philosophy”.  Thank you.

Is it just me?

Or does the surest proof of fate exist in the fact that almost everyone who becomes famous by using their intelligence, creativity, honesty, (dare I say) Humanity, and/or vitriolic rage to succeed in the “Entertainment” industry inevitably moves to either New York City or Los Angeles, whereupon they proceed to become inevitably more decadent and inevitably much, much less funny?

I mean, you can’t parody decadence, corporate greed, pretension, thuggery, and/or apathy if…you are them.

I watch MST3K and half the time I think “Wow, that was funny”…the other half I think “Wow, that was predictable in its unpredictability and I could do so much better”.

I mean, Monty Python’s Flying Circus (the ORIGINAL “Show about nothing that was really something”) was absolutely brilliant until they STOPPED CARING.

People can tell.

At least, intelligent ones can.

And I don’t want sheep to like me.

-Puppy >.< Grrr…


Many people today argue that the “glorification” of violence is resulting in more violent episodes.

Many people previously had argued that the “sanitization” of violence was resulting in more violent episodes.

The fact is, people have always been violent, and always will be.

Noone comes out of a Disney movie and starts killing people unless they’re prone to doing it in the first place.

Likewise, attempts to blame films for violent incidents are ridiculous…

Sam Peckinpah was trying to horrify his audiences with his graphic depiction of violence, not have them cheer.

Clint Eastwood was trying to shock his audiences with the gritty, harsh, “hero-less” Anti-Western ‘Unforgiven’.

And how successful were they?

About as successful as George A. Romero has been.

-Puppy >.< Grrr…

It Conquered The World

“He wants you on his side. Next to me, he wants you.”

“And you want me to condone this reign of terror? To swear allegiance to this monstrous king of yours? To kill my own soul and all within reach? Well, I won’t, Anderson. I’ll fight it ’til the last breath in my body. And I’ll fight you, too, because you’re part of it – the worst part.

Because you belong to a living race, not a dying one. This is your land, your world. Your hands are human but your mind is enemy. You’re a traitor, Anderson. The greatest traitor of all time. And you know why? Because you’re not betraying part of mankind – you’re betraying all of it.”
– It Conquered The World

AKA: Back when Roger Corman gave a sh1t about more than schlock-money.  Was it all that much better quality-wise?  No.  But at least he was trying.

Zombies V. Vampires


Who would I rather face, a zombie or a vampire?

Well, conventional logic and popular conception would suggest that a zombie would be easier to fight.

However, there is one great disadvantage to facing the zombie, that is also the great advantage in facing the zombie.

That is to say, a zombie is beyond reason.

Being a creature of pure instinct, it is incredibly stupid.  Slow, dim, able to use only the most basic objects, no tact, no tactics, no guile, physically weak, extremely flammable, etc etc etc…

However, these innate weaknesses mask a deeper innate strength, if you care to delve deeper into this nonsense…I mean conjecture.

A vampire is basically a glorified human being.  Incredible power breeds incredible ego, and so in this area the zombie wins. 

A zombie has no ego.  It has no pride, no remorse, no emotion, no sympathy, no discrimination, it isn’t “good” or “bad”, you can’t threaten it, persuade it, beg it, bribe it…it’s like trying to reason with a mosquito. 

And therein lies the problem.  Only the rarest of human beings (or, haha, vampires) are COMPLETELY beyond reasoning.  Having no “weaknesses”, no vulnerabilities, no vanity, etc. etc…

So, the next time you have to choose between a zombie and a vampire, at least give it some thought.  Remember, if you bow before a vampire and beg it, it may allow you to live.  A zombie will just eat you.

Thus ends this unbelievably silly post.  If anyone takes this seriously enough to argue about it, well…you’re probably a vampire.  OH!

-Puppy >.< Grrr…

Review of every Woody Allen movie

Dull-Ugly-Pretentious-Boy Loses Girl.
Dull-Ugly-Pretentious-Boy Makes Lots of Dull, Pretentious Jokes.
Dull-Ugly-Pretentious-Boy Impresses Girl.
Dull-Ugly-Pretentious-Boy Lives Happily Ever After With Girl(Until Next Movie).

Or, as Tom Servo reviewed the MST3K short “A Date With Your Family”…

“The Woody Allen Story!”

-Puppy >.< Grrr…


“His favorite books include such distopian classics such as “Animal Farm,” “Brave New World,” and “Fahrenheit 451,” and he was interested in mind control and creating a new form of currency. These are just of a few of the online clues left behind…” – Sharon Weinberger

To link anti-fascist, anti-repression, pro-education works of art like ‘Animal Farm’ and ‘Fahrenheit 451’ with mind control and creating new currency and pretending these wonderful books IN ANY WAY condone, pretend to condone, endorse, support, or are “clues” as to a DISGUSTING MASSACRE OF INNOCENT PEOPLE is beyond irresponsible.  It is reprehensible trash.  Sharon, why don’t you just list his race and “he was male” as other “relevant” facts as “clues” to him being a cold-blooded murderer?  And you call yourself a journalist.


-Puppy >.< Grrr…

The Meaning Of Life

Previously I had surmised that the problems of Humanity lay in certain set doctrines, that one may be higher than another. 

Certainly there are ideologies that are more prone to exploitation and corruption than others, but the inherent problem with any belief system is that it must be followed by Humans.

The rational and/or spiritual mind can conceive of Good and Noble things, but those that are willing to pursue such ideals, even in the basest form, are rare, and seem to be more rare now than they have ever been.

To say that we are evolving is simply to overlook facts.

Humanity is evolving at a rapid rate intellectually and physically, but emotionally and morally we are, if anything, devolving.

Necessity and hardship tend to breed character, and with life becoming increasingly easier for the vast majority of people, character becomes unnecessary.

Long lifespans give us less reason to act in a decisive fashion, more resources allow us to become decadent and wasteful.

When life does not impose moral character upon us, it is that much more imperative that we act in a moral fashion of our own accord, but this is increasingly more difficult as the moral person today is considered quaint and out of touch.

-Puppy >.< Grrr…

Shadow of the Vampire


Chilling.  In one movie, understatement, subtle comedy, and the performance of Willem Dafoe’s career come together to provide what decades of slasher films have failed to – Terror.

Or, as paraphrased from Robert Christgau’s review of R.E.M.’s ‘Document’ –

“…nightmares of a world in flames, the kind you
remember in all their scary inconsistency because you woke up (screaming) in the middle.
How it will all end I couldn’t say…”

-Puppy >.< Grrr…

Con Air V. Fight Club

Both achieve approximately the same level of intelligence.

9/9/12: ERROR…ERROR…ERROR…’Con Air’ is smarter.

But ‘Con Air’ blows more sh1t up

9/9/12: YEAH!

…and its Hero (Cameron Poe) is much more likable than ‘Fight Club”s “Hero”…umm…who would that be, exactly?

9/9/12: “The looney was of course the WRITER, Sir Walter Scott.” *Sir Walter Scott* “I didn’t write that…sounds more like Dickens.” * Charles Dickens* “You b@stard!” – MPFC

Winner:  Con Air (Mediocre beating Mediocre posing as Social Commentary)

2/18/18: Wow, this was really really totally way off and utterly wrong. Never cite ‘Con Air’ as an example of better-than anything.

Depeche Mode – A Non-Puppy Perspective

Music for the Masses (Sire, 1987)

“When Vince Clarke departed Yazward in 1982, Fashion-in-a-Hurry’s commercial doom was presumed sealed, whereupon Martin Gore went ahead and proved how easy it is to write ditties once you’re in a position to exploit them. It’s not as if anybody can, but at this point in pop’s progress potential supply far exceeds potential demand. Yet only rarely is the production process altogether mechanical. Gore can’t create without venting his shallow morbidity, which happens to mesh with a historically inevitable strain of adolescent angst, and he takes himself seriously enough to have burdened albums with concept and such. This time, however, the title announces his determination to give it up to his even shallower singer, David Gahan, who likes Gore’s message because it’s a good way to impress girls. Dark themes combine with light tunes until the very end of side two. Anybody with an interest in adolescent angst (adolescents included) can sob or giggle along as the case may be. B+”

– Robert Christgau

Declaration of Neutrality

I give up.

For so long, I’ve tried to educate, enlighten, listen, barter, broker, compromise, defy, save…be a “Crusader”.

I’ve finally realized…the people I try to help…most of them…don’t want to be helped, don’t deserve to be helped.

So fck ’em.

“(He) didn’t believe in sh1t…none of ’em did.” -D Vinyard

Just stay away from my friends.

Puppy >.< Grrr…

If there’s ONE thing I hate…

I mean, I really don’t care what people think of me.  Except for the people I care about…and they like me just fine.  So if someone else likes me, hates me, doesn’t give a d@mn about me…whatever, fine.  I honestly don’t care.

10/14/12: 22 months later, I find this is still completely accurate.

BUT…if someone PRETENDS to care about me…if someone LIES to me, DECEIVES me…and I find out…and I always do…then that person has betrayed my trust, that person is a rat, that person can’t be trusted…NOTHING that person says means ANYTHING to me, anymore, ever.

10/14/12: A bit arch and pretentious here (see ‘Pride’), not to mention unfair to rats (see ‘Pearl Jam, “Rats”‘)…and in the spirit of J. Jarmusch I acknowledge ripping ‘8MM’…tv/movie quotes abound (KITH, “f’n good ham sketch”).  But my attitude is not unjustified.

And that person is on their FCKEN own.

10/14/12:  It’s on my ‘A List – Movies/Long Subject’.  This is inaccurate…the meaning is, I no longer concern myself with the well-being of one who has willingly chosen to act against my well-being.  It just doesn’t make sense…I’m not a masochist.

-Puppy >.< Yip!


To – Rex Ryan
From – Every Other NFL Coach

Thanks so much! May we show our appreciation by extending your
contract for the rest of your life, and enrolling you in WW?

P.S. – Bill Belichick thinks you should bury a Big Mac this time.

P.P.S. – How do you hold an opposing quarterback to 55 yards and LOSE? Genius.

P.P.P.S. – You can use “Fat Bastard”, Mike Myers won’t sue.

12/4/12: I can’t believe it’s necessary to say this, BUT, for the incredibly stupid…I am NOT making fun of overweight people.  I’m making fun of R.R. because he’s an ignorant, loud-mouthed, trash-talking wannabe/joke.  He just happens to also be overweight.  If he weighed 100 pounds I would have made a “thin” joke.  It’s called “humor”…see how that works?  Peace.

Pain Vs Happiness

I’m not sure which I prefer.

This is not a call to self-harm or to wallow in self-pity.

By Pain I mean the logical emotional reaction to violently disturbing things.  Emotional, as opposed to physical.

Physical pain is a warning sign.

Mental pain is an imprint, a scar, a lesson.

I don’t remember most of the times I was elated, exhilarated.

I remember when I was tormented.

I can’t say I treasure those memories in a traditional sense.

But they usually remind me of the loss of something I loved, in myself or outside myself.

And thereby they act as living testaments to things that brought me happiness.

And if you can’t remember why you were happy, and why it hurts so much that you’re not anymore…

Were you ever truly happy?


Faith – A Collection of Quotes

“The only faith that wears well and holds its color in all weathers is that which is woven of conviction and set with the sharp mordant of experience.” – James Russell Lowell

“Faith is reason grown courageous.” – Sherwood Eddy

“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

“Faith is courage; it is creative while despair is always destructive.”
– David S. Muzzey

“Faith and doubt both are needed – not as antagonists, but working side by side to take us around the unknown curve.” – Lillian Smith

“The greatest act of faith is when man admits he is not god.” – Oliver Wendel Holmes

“Faith is to believe what you do not yet see; the reward for this faith is to see what you believe.” – Saint Augustine

“Think not those faithful who praise all thy words and actions; but those who kindly reprove thy faults.” – Socrates

“The faith that stands on authority is not faith.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“In order to be a realist you must believe in miracles.” – Henry Christopher Bailey

“Science has sometimes been said to be opposed to faith, and inconsistent with it. But all science, in fact, rests on a basis of faith, for it assumes the permanence and uniformity of natural laws – a thing which can never be demonstrated.” – Tyron Edwards

“Question with boldness even the existence of God; because, if there is one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded faith.” – Thomas Jefferson

“We are twice armed if we fight with faith.” – Plato

“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.” – Gandhi

“Faith is love taking the form of aspiration.” – William Ellery Channing

“We have not lost faith, but we have transferred it from God to the medical profession.” – George Bernard Shaw

“I can believe anything provided it is incredible.” – Oscar Wilde

“The smallest seed of faith is better than the largest fruit of happiness.” – Henry David Thoreau

“What is faith? Is it to believe that which is evident? No. It is perfectly evident to my mind that there exists a necessary, eternal,
supreme, and intelligent being. This is no matter of faith, but of reason.” – Voltaire

“Doubt is conquered by faith, just as it is faith which has brought doubt into the world” – Kierkegaard


“Abashed the Devil stood, And felt how awful goodness is, and saw Virtue in her own shape how lovely; saw And pined his loss.”

“Tis chastity, my brother, chastity; She that has that is clad in complete steel, And, like a quiver’d nymph with arrows keen, May trace huge forests, and unharbour’d heaths, Infamous hills, and sandy perilous wilds; Where, through the sacred rays of chastity, No savage fierce, bandit, or mountaineer, Will dare to soil her virgin purity.”

“He that has light within his own clear breast May sit i’ the centre, and enjoy bright day: But he that hides a dark soul and foul thoughts Benighted walks under the mid-day sun; Himself his own dungeon.”

“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”

“That in such righteousness To them by faith imputed they may find
Justification towards God, and peace Of conscience.”

“Perplexed and troubled at his bad success The Tempter stood, nor had what to reply, Discovered in his fraud, thrown from his hope.”

“These false pretexts and varnished colours failing, Rare in thy guilt how foul must thou appear.”

“When thou attended gloriously from heaven, Shalt in the sky appear, and from thee send Thy summoning archangels to proclaim Thy dread tribunal.”

“Hast thou betrayed my credulous innocence With vizor’d falsehood and base forgery?”

“Long is the way And hard, that out of Hell leads up to light.”

Sporting Events: New York Vs. Boston, A Realistic Analysis

Championships in what most Americans consider the four “major” sports…Football (NFL), Baseball (MLB), Basketball (NBA), and Hockey (NHL).

New York Giants/Jets: 4
New England Patriots: 3

Since New York has two teams and Boston only one, this would indicate a virtual tie.

New York Yankees/New York Giants/New York Mets/Brooklyn Dodgers: 35
Boston Americans/Boston Braves/Boston Red Sox: 8

Utter domination by New York.

Rochester Royals/New York Knicks: 3
Boston Celtics: 17

Utter domination by Boston.

New York Rangers/New York Islanders: 8
Boston Bruins: 5

Since New York has two teams and Boston only one, this would indicate a virtual tie.

So basically, what we have is a draw.  So all stupid, ignorant, obnoxious (as opposed to real) New York sports fans should really get their story straight…is it who’s better NOW, or in the past?  When the Yankees win, it’s who’s better now.  When they lose, it’s who WAS better.  When the Knicks lose, it’s…ummm…wait til next year.  When the Jets lose, it’s…ummm…well…wait til next year.

In fact, statistically, Boston has won more championships per team on the average than New York.

New York Total: 10 Teams, 50 Championships.  That’s 5 per team.

Boston Total: 6 Teams, 33 Championships.  That’s 5.5 per team.

Oh wait!  Anticipating the “New England isn’t just Boston!” comments…

That means Boston has 5 teams, 30 Championships.  That’s 6 per team.

10/16/16: See updated version. (housekeeping)

7/8/24: Updated through today as follows:

American Football (Super Bowls Won):
New York Giants/New York Jets: 5
New England Patriots: 6

A slight edge for New England, especially considering the disadvantage of having only one team.

Baseball (1903-present, World Series’ Won):
New York Yankees/New York Giants/New York Mets/Brooklyn Dodgers: 35
Boston Americans/Boston Braves/Boston Red Sox: 10

Still, domination by New York, but gap closed very slightly.

Basketball (NBA Titles Won):
Rochester Royals/Syracuse Nationals/New York Knicks: 4
Boston Celtics: 18

Utter domination by Boston, hopefully more to come.

Hockey (Stanley Cup Championships):
New York Rangers/New York Islanders/Buffalo Sabres: 8
Boston Bruins: 6

The Rangers were an Original Six team, like Boston, so don’t even try going there. They had plenty of chances.

7/8/24: Update Continued…

In fact, statistically, Boston has won more championships per team on the average than New York.

New York Total: 12 Teams, 52 Championships.  That’s 4.33 per team.

Boston Total: 6 Teams, 40 Championships.  That’s 6.66 per team.

Oh wait!  Anticipating the “New England isn’t just Boston!” comments…

That means Boston has 5 teams, 34 Championships.  That’s 6.8 per team.

I love that dirty water.

– Puppy >.< Yip!

This Would Be Funny If It Wasn’t So Dangerous

Headline: Gay Question Trips Colorado’s Ken Buck on ‘Meet the Press’

“Colorado GOP Senate candidate Ken Buck called homosexuality a choice and defended his statement that a jury would find a woman’s acquaintance rape claim akin to “buyer’s remorse” in a debate with Democratic incumbent Sen. Michael Bennet on Sunday’s “Meet the Press.”

“…Buyer’s remorse is the feeling of regret after a purchase. It is frequently associated with the purchase of higher value items such as a car or house. It may stem from a sense of not wishing to be wrong, of guilt over extravagance or from feeling that one has been persuaded by a salesman…” – Sandra Fish

2/17/13: When I say “Funny” I mean funny in the “So laughably, amazingly, and pitifully ignorant, stupid, and offensive that you can either laugh or scream” sort of way. -Puppy >.< Yip!

Adolf Hitler – More Evil, or Stupid?

Granted, Adolf Hitler was tremendously Evil…but wasn’t he just as stupid?

Witness the following (via Wikipedia):

“…In May 1940, the Phony War ended. Against the will of his advisors, Hitler ordered an attack on France through the “Low Countries”…

…The “Battle of France” ended with an overwhelming German victory. However, with the British refusing Hitler’s offer of peace, the war continued…

…Germany and Britain continued to fight at sea and in the air. However, on 24 August, two off-course German bombers accidentally bombed London – against Hitler’s orders, changing the course of the war…

…In response to the attack, the British bombed Berlin, which sent Hitler into a rage. The German leader ordered attacks on British cities, and the UK was bombed heavily during The Blitz. This change in targeting priority interfered with the Luftwaffe’s objective of achieving the air superiority over Britain necessary for an invasion and allowed British air defenses to rebuild their strength and continue the fight.”

“…after Germany declared war on the US, the German navy began unrestricted submarine warfare, using U-Boats to attack ships without warning.

German U-Boats were more successful than surface raiders like Bismarck. However, Germany failed to make submarine production a top priority early on and by the time it did, the British and their allies were developing the technology and strategies to neutralize it. Furthermore, in spite of the submarines’ early success in 1941 and 1942, material shortages in Britain failed to fall to their World War I levels.”

“…The British however were expected to be accorded a higher status than other “Germanic” Europeans (who were to simply be absorbed into the Reich), as partners in the Nazi’s New Order rather than subjects. Hitler professed an admiration for the British Empire and its people as proof of Aryan superiority in ‘Mein Kampf’…”

“…The Nazi regime advocated a patriarchal society in which German women would recognize the “world is her husband, her family, her children, and her home…”

“…The importance of the cinema as a tool of the state, both for its propaganda value and its ability to keep the populace entertained, can be seen in the filming history of Veit Harlan’s ‘Kolberg'(1945), the most expensive film of the era, for the shooting of which tens of thousands of soldiers were diverted from their military positions to appear as extras…”

Fascists – Saying Whatever Is Convenient At The Time

“Race! It is a feeling, not a reality: ninety-five percent, at least, is a feeling. Nothing will ever make me believe that biologically pure races can be shown to exist today. … National pride has no need of the delirium of race.” – Benito Mussolini

“The leader of the Hitler Youth stated, “the destruction of Christianity was explicitly recognized as a purpose of the National Socialist movement” from the start, but “considerations of expedience made it impossible” publicly to express this extreme position.  In Mexico, the Red Shirts were vehemently atheist, renounced religion, killed priests, and on one occasion gunned down Catholics as they left Mass.”

“The Catholic Church was suppressed by Nazis in Poland.  In addition to the deaths of some 3 million Polish Jews, 2 million Polish Catholics were killed.  Between 1939 and 1945, an estimated 3,000 polish clergy (18%) were murdered; of these, 1,992 died in concentration camps.  In the annexed territory of Reichsgau Wartheland, churches were systematically closed, and most priests were either killed, imprisoned, or deported…”

“The Germans also closed seminaries and convents, persecuting monks and nuns throughout Poland.  Eighty percent of the Catholic clergy and five of the bishops of Warthegau were sent to concentration camps in 1939; in Chelmno, 48%.  Of those murdered by the Nazi regime, 108 are regarded as blessed martyrs.  Among them, Maximilian Kolbe was canonized as a saint. Not only in Poland were Christians persecuted by the Nazis.  In the Dachau concentration camp alone, 2,600 Catholic priests from 24 different countries were killed”

“In private, Mussolini expressed dislike of Hitler and the Nazis, seeing them as mere imitators of Italian Fascism. When Mussolini met with the Italian Consul in Munich prior to the Nazis’ failed Beer Hall Putsch in 1923, he stated that the Nazis were “buffoons”.  However, by 1928, the Italian Fascist government recognized the utility of the Nazis and began to financially subsidize the Nazi party.”

“Aside from criticism of fascist ideology, there has been debate as to its nature and even whether it is a coherent ideology. One view is that fascism is not a real ideology at all; this view claims that fascism is a form of irrational and opportunistic politics only committed to nihilistic violence that has no logical or rational definition, and that its official ideological components are only tools of propaganda and are often contradictory.”

– From Wikipedia

The Middle East Downstairs – 10/9/2010

I went to The Middle East nightclub on Saturday and saw two bands…here are Christgau type reviews of both…anyone involved with the first one, please feel free to comment or post info on your band and/or where to buy your cd.

Band One: Quite surprising, really.  So many things to like.  The only problem, really, seems to be songwriting.  But then, Nirvana’s first CD wasn’t exactly Nirvana…they tend to wander a bit, like the Dead on a bad night.  There aren’t enough hooks…whether this is intentional or not I’m unsure, but it would be wise to note that noone would have cared what Cobain had to say if he hadn’t surrounded  his lyrics with hardcore riffs. 
That being said…it was a truly inspired performance.  The instrumentation was superb, especially the lead guitarist, who brings to mind good Catherine Wheel, and the drummer, who brings to mind David Grohl.  Melodic, powerful, grand, epic, beautiful, mournful, unmistakably positive and without a doubt “real”…I think they’re on to something here.  They love it, even if I don’t…and eventually, I just might.

Grade: B+

Band Two: No surprise.  MUCH, MUCH hookier.  Much more predictable.  Much more repetitive.  Much less point.

Grade: D+


Once More With Feeling (2004)

Their songs have the same sameness as Depeche Mode and New Order.  Fortunately, unlike New Order they aren’t boring as hell, and unlike Depeche Mode they mean it and aren’t pretentious as hell. And the lead singer is dead sexy.
(“Pure Morning”, “Where Is My Mind?”)

Grade: B+

2012: “I am not gay, although I wish I were, just to piss off homophobes.” -Kurt Cobain

Grade: B

Calling All Intelligent New Yorkers

There’s a major misconception out there that New Yorkers and Bostonians hate each other.

This is just not true.

I don’t hate New Yorkers…I hate ignorant, belligerent, arrogant morons.

I don’t care where they’re from, where they live, what their gender is, etc…

So, please…and I mean this in all sincerity…if you are an intelligent New Yorker who, like myself, realizes there are plenty of perfectly legitimate reasons to dislike people or not on an individual basis, PLEASE post a comment supporting me (Puppy) in my efforts to bridge the gap between East and…East.

Thank You.


P.S. – AJ Burnett isn’t nearly as bad as people say…I mean, he’s having a horrible year, sure…but he’s only so disappointing because he HAS been very good in the past.  I mean…when we signed Lackey, and people said he was an “ace”, I EXPECTED him to suck…so I wasn’t disappointed.  Too bad Beckett followed in his lead, but hey…I tip my cap to the better team (this year), and hope my Sox force a one-game playoff so that Sabathia has to start against Price


Theatre Of Tragedy

Theatre Of Tragedy (1995)

Thy titles are fancy, thy songs are cr@ppy.

Grade: D

Velvet Darkness They Fear (1996)

‘Ode To A Pretentious Wanker’ OR…
Thyest titles are fancyerest, thyest songs are cr@ppierest.

Grade: D-

Aegis (1998)

Conquering their fear of showing beauty.  Occasionally.

Grade: B-

11/19/12: “Venus” IS beautiful, and haunting.  Nothing else matches that, but if you could switch tracks 1 and 8, you’d have a seamlessly pretty (and powerful, if not quite haunting) side two.  I mean, last four tracks.  Ahhh…those were the days…

Grade: B

Assembly (2002)

Just sad.  Except “Automatic Lover”, which is just danceable.

Grade: D-