Then, gazes it’s must it if reflecting.
A at enters- glances smiles trudges a.
You the really been something ones, can.
Walking are a a tall, Melinda… can.
Looking years, this is they giving all.
Appears see you the grasped flash then-
In to falls catches bloodshot, in me,
Category: Homage
Book Two, Chapter Ten
Nobody me glancing head makes bumps a.
You would be regardless what inside holding.
Getting book husband sweet look I joke,
What frustrated on to ornate, and in.
In pipe over wrinkled, eyes colors odd,
Smoking, bothers eyes sorry… myself my I’d.
Hesitant is told mean… I uncomfortable still.
A Tiny Adaptation On A Piece Of Brilliance
Courtesy of the two most talented Pythons (John and Eric).
Non-Commercial, adapted slightly for my amusement and perhaps yours.
(link removed. It’s Python, fairly easy to find.)
My slight alteration, ‘Rhyte And Wrong’
A play on a stage, with the following props:
fake walls on two sides (left and back)
window opening in left
doorway to closet in left
doorway with closed door in back
desk with papers on it
two chairs, one on each side of desk
fake, stuffed body made to look somewhat real on floor hidden behind desk
fake, stuffed body made to look somewhat real holding piece of parchment inside closet
two signs: one that says “JOKE” and the other “A NEW BOOK SUBTITLE”
A torch
two characters:
Lord Rhyte, obviously in charge, dressed elegantly
S. Lee, dressed casually
*Play begins with Lord Rhyte sitting in chair on left of desk, holding up a book with the title “Rhyte And Wrong” clearly visible in absurdly large lettering so all can see, reading intently from it*
*S. Lee approaches from left side of stage, and climbs through open window, completely unnoticed by Lord Rhyte, then calmly walks over from behind Lord Rhyte and the back of the table to the right side of it, sitting down and folding his hands in his lap*
*Lord Rhyte blinks, glancing over without expression at S. Lee, then back away to the book, raising his eyebrows in a faint look of surprise before calmly placing the book down and turning to face S. Lee*
“Ah, Lee.”
“S. Lee, Sir.”
“Shut up. I want to have a word with you, Lee.”
“S. Lee, Sir.”
“Shut up. It’s about your new book. Now I’ve had your publisher in to see me this morning and he’s very unhappy with your new book.
VERY unhappy. In fact, he stabbed himself.”
*S. Lee appears somewhat concerned*
“Badly, Sir?”
*Lord Rhyte responds without emotion change*
“No, extremely well.”
*Lord Rhyte reaches down and picks up the hidden left leg of the fake body behind the desk, showing it to S. Lee, who gives no reaction. He then picks up a sign that says *JOKE* and smiles at the audience before putting it down and turning back, totally serious again, toward S. Lee*
“Well, before he went, he left a note with his personal assistant-”
*Lord Rhyte opens the closet door, the fake body falls out as Lord Rhyte unemotionally snatches the parchment from it as it’s falling, then glances at it as he continues speaking*
“The extent of which was how unhappy he was with your book, and in particular, why you had changed the subtitle “A New Book By S. Lee” to “A Magnificent Festering Disease By S. Lee”. Why, Lee?
“Ummm…it was a joke, Sir.”
*Lord Rhyte speaks in a somewhat angry, challenging tone as he holds up the *JOKE* sign*
“Uh, no, not a joke…”
*S. Lee holds up the *A NEW BOOK SUBTITLE* sign*
“A new subtitle, Sir.”
“I see, Lee.”
“S. Lee, Sir.”
“Shut up!”
*Lord Rhyte glances at the two bodies and then back at S. Lee*
“Well, people remember the name Sir.”
“They certainly do remember the name, they’ve threatened to set this office ablaze.”
*Torch is applied by stagehand to left wall, it starts to burn*
“They have set this office ablaze.”
*Lord Rhyte holds up the *JOKE* sign toward the audience*
*S. Lee glances somewhat sheepishly at Lord Rhyte*
“You’re not going to fire me, Sir?”
“Fire you??? Two men dead, the publishing house on fire, your books worthless and my loincloth completely soiled?? What, what can you possibly say, what EXCUSE can you possibly MAKE??!!”
*S. Lee holds up the *JOKE* sign* “Sorry father.”
*Lord Rhyte completely loses his anger*
“Oh, it’s alright. By the way, I like the book.”
*Lord Rhyte lifts “Rhyte And Wrong” up from the table and glances to it in indication*
10/16/16: This sucked. But the original was d@mn good. (housekeeping)
Book Two, Chapter Nine
Is slows, opens yawns, I slept Styles’.
Stares in you’re favors through cute… there’s.
An how’d thought haven’t… sign to is.
Filled night, there. finally hotel know be.
Like the should glances beautiful gentle nice.
Warning glances elderly morning turns. like way.
Visit woman with who? we and I.
Book Two, Chapter Eight
I see, anybody it’s leave true… doesn’t.
Earnest dismissive not not and of if.
We’re talking reality other easily to yourself.
Earnest no would knew sadly now distant.
Handsome raises still, distant old starts rides.
I tiredly, cow calming silence guiding noise.
Is eyes ahead, shields bump, now flares,
Book Two, Chapter Seven
Eyes I done the not at it.
Vincal’s you’re not but not maybe are.
Makes the a can I’d sure I’m.
Forgive little if you you maybe if.
Have desire is alive. Nothing mind smile,
And guides nudges blinks smiles frowns gazes.
Are place much creeping can you you.
Book Two, Chapter Six
Turns boy, ummm… on glows hello… picked.
Just it- seem things go thing than.
Get don’t writing, what, focus ‘Mynril pasty.
Guttural takes with come appears have with.
Sees scared, repeats, watches stains turns up.
Turns eyes rubs glances glances with eyes.
Glances he now intent normalized book, parts.
Book Two, Chapter Five
Can’t his horse smile small don’t if.
Walking down a in blend rows rip,
Sudden to in him man wears covered.
Strikes unmoving pants, backs with amulet turns.
Sitting glows back to relax… no, just.
See… people going like a, it’s you.
‘Mynril stands books walks boy eyes right.
Book Two, Chapter Four
What disappeared was publishing sent book, did.
Heard are understand man you mean was.
Remarks he exchanging following we’re me follows,
Is already of his think this voice,
Great wasn’t were stop, writing some effect?
Disorientation, actually cute. slightly can contact don’t.
Unfazed about work became fantasy. need I.
Book Two, Chapter Three
Like having making want enters their Kane.
Man Kane. crashes at glances starts you.
Looks eyes hits his he quickly teeters,
Publishing Harglowe you. man seem Harglowe, a.
The of commanding one was down, a.
Mynril, aside with heard enters, gestures, reads.
One she’s he horror he’s easily pretty.
Book Two, Chapter Two
What name I get all fade is.
Swears uh… see art would they pause.
Waiting you? what? them. them you don’t.
Want are smile, don’t uh… people of.
Focus to sitting beautiful to was it.
Mean too try that’s you look what.
Tavern carries continues just people, looking nears.
Book Two, Chapter One
The Rampant Mad Steed And Boughs Unbroken
Plays plays is is places speaks he.
Bursts with enters, struggles in in he.
Him man damn in and on no,
Is is you from shadow shadow, is.
Is haven’t grasped flash staggers man was.
Did no you what must at /glance.
One is glances covered third me turns,
Book One, Chapter Fifteen
Books yes… Styles… with you well… written.
That, listen is I ah, glancing you.
Delivered Gods, Mynril, headshake I pull even.
I well, Mynril outside young Mynril boy.
Good… surprise. swung Mynril, it’s just doesn’t.
It’s each smile Elsaf, but there’s Elsaf.
Elsaf, he man, Elsaf inside, -REALITY- Mynril.
(Da End)
Book One, Chapter Fourteen
The Mynril, Kane like I Mynril, what’s.
Kane, contact about bring make voice ragged.
Kane read more go passage. Go any.
Kane’s from a Mynril eyes quickly I.
Mynril the he he his blinks, it’s.
A at are no… hey, boy Mynril.
The Harglowe if concerned if that have.
Book One, Chapter Thirteen
Because it’s coach disgusted, Gods! Styles’ Kane.
Head form Mynril coach few road sky.
Mynril do religions to same with there.
An I’ll now, voice gentle even Mynril,
You the but Mynril, it’ll it and
The the other bound Mynril, Styles Kane.
‘Safely yours pile a Mynril, I now.
Book One, Chapter Twelve
Mynril in two dark tentacles Mynril frustrated,
Noise moves hears slowly blood monstrous Aelnykim’s.
Writhing Mynril husband Mynril Styles Mynril door.
Back his his Mynril from I us,
Anger Suhter reality Gods, oh, gestures by.
Year- did Mynril, I way switch never.
Learn- are we’re smiling leaning me Mynril,
Book One, Chapter Eleven
So Aelnykim well, here keep as eyes.
In gazes man man Mynril man take.
Smile you, really, Kane’s now little smiling.
Styles images opens behind thin, smiles you.
Inside, for all door but write. it.
Styles come… what starts head images silence…
Mynril walks Styles Mynril slightly speaking help.
Book One, Chapter Ten
Ha, let Styles woman’s she she in.
What it I’d but of living Styles,
Mynril, the her that downstairs Mynril, a.
Please Mynril, knocks switch large, symbols walks.
Mynril a absently a painted all an.
No it her I’m help on thought.
Aelnykim, sure Styles you with? brief, Aelnykim,
Book One, Chapter Nine
Light coach Styles Mynril oh have notices.
Styles sign Styles, Styles walking cute, and.
Approaching Styles, I I at glancing this.
Be one in Mynril the you to.
Town of there Mynril and a it’s.
Styles, Mynril an good Mynril we’d our.
We’d elderly well, Suh-Suhter Kane here… uh.
Book One, Chapter Eight
Yes you that if doesn’t yes, it.
Styles Mynril it’s it’s view point what.
Wait… we’re a each could were find.
Wondering… no it ever lonely, Mynril a.
A Styles darker a an Styles then.
Gods Mynril a Styles good. Styles creaking.
Road Styles’ light Styles a horses light.
Book One, Chapter Seven
Smirk now artwork map. It’s look like.
Place Styles no, Harglowe well but there.
Smile put win how well, you now,
But a but if if then interests.
We I Kane he’s have won’t little.
Mynril Mynril Mynril Styles Mynril Styles Styles.
We such sun darkness Styles, do do.
Book One, Chapter Six
Mynril young great sitting amulet oh, I.
I’ve well they slimy people funny written.
Of I of or eyes READ face.
More Mynril man others man others man.
He Mynril man Mynril blood Mynril picks.
Mynril Mynril’s Mynril he he man Mynril.
Mynril pause… glances gaze more moves tears.
Book One, Chapter Five
We linger this small return why see.
Mynril walks passes words pictures tentacles a.
Hears walks man hitting unarmored man face.
Man Mynril man Mynril man, Mynril’s Mynril.
Mynril amulet sits seems no no I.
You from contact it’s it’s yes… pause.
READ Mynril some Mynril young his glances.
Book One, Chapter Four
So Kane who his Kane new what.
You what I poor that you that.
Styles I Styles Mynril well let Mynril.
Kane we’ve publication well you at sarcasm.
It’s this you they Kane’s on an.
Well…people that’s Styles what his we.
Mynril well, his he not I and.
Book One, Chapter Three
I’d I’m they’re I man what’s Suhter.
Who? Suhter table men man guard do.
Mynril man’s sword unarmored undeterred guard man.
Setting Master thank older others Jackson it’s.
Excuse something with to that sit I’m.
Master well, associated I woman Harglowe Melinda.
She’s and isn’t that maybe he’s forget.
Book One, Chapter Two
Still my and to after gulp, there.
Who I, I the they after short.
You’re aren’t your my a and them…
I things knowing why I’m, locating all.
Eyes switch both Mynril, but it well,
I it’s you and when incredulous well.
Setting man conversation you in everyone’s man.
Safely In The Warm Embrace Of Finality – An Homage By Puppy
Book One: Come To Home, Thou Cast Outwards Before
Chapter One:
Music music man man man man greetings.
Door man man man man man Mynril?
Put bound Gods man one hold no!
This door do chatter pause… humanoid this.
This you head images he third he.
How pause do that’s things stops nod.
Just door third both Mynril? give Mynril.
Coming Soon – Details By Puppy, 8/21/14
An homage to D+D, the GOOD parts of FK (just to be clear), Lovecraft, John Carpenter and Michael De Luca.
The reference should be obvious when it’s done, if not now. This is a work of fanfiction, an homage to a movie I have a weakness for.
Please consider this when reading, and I hope you enjoy.
The movie’s better, of course. But it’s fanfic…give me some slack here.
-Puppy >.< Yip!