Why ALL Bullying Is Bad – A Crash Course For The CI

NOTE: This is not an “anti-intellectual” post.

Intellectual is great.

Smug, arrogant, rude intellectual is NOT.

A lot of today’s crusading intellectuals seem to me – in an Einstein-ian “rebel against religious indoctrination” sense – to be compensating for the fact that they were picked on and made fun of in the not-too-distant past for being geeky, dorky, nerdy, and/or smart.

In the not-too-distant past when they were kids, that is, and being geeky/dorky/nerdy/smart was NOT considered “cool”.

Now, was it ABSURD and HORRIBLE that people were made fun of for these reasons?

YES. No qualifications. YES. I WAS ONE OF THEM.

Does it therefore make it justifiable for the people who still harbor resentment over these childhood slights to act EXACTLY THE SAME WAY towards people they consider stupid?

NO. No qualifications. NO. I’m NOT one of them, TG/TloG.

When I make fun of someone for being stupid, it’s because they’re an a$$hole – who also happens to be stupid. But “a$$hole” is the key to the equation, not “stupid”.

Some people are less smart than others.

Doesn’t make them “less” of a person any more than being less: attractive, “cool”, popular, fashionable, successful, rich, famous…

I mean, it’s sad really: I see groups of “intellectuals” gather together at the metaphorical school lunch table and trade smart comments and make fun of all the not-as-cool “dumb” people…

And it’s DEJA VU…of the groups of jocks and preps gathered together at the school lunch table (really) trading sports and fashion comments and making fun of all the not-as-cool “geeky/dorky/nerdy/smart” people.

Everyone is ignorant of something. A true intellectual seeks to teach those that wish to learn, not mock those that haven’t yet.

The Crusading Intellectual – as the CA/A – seeks not to educate for the sake of educating. They seek to insult and degrade, for the purpose of inflating their own feelings of self-worth.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

So What?

I like to think I have something that most CA/A’s lack: a sense of humor.

So what’s the big deal with NdT’s tweets?

He spent maybe a grand total of 15 minutes of his life conceiving, composing, and posting them.

Get over it, people…at least he doesn’t spend his LIFE ranting on and on about something he considers so trivial – which is what separates him from CA/A’s.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

OK, OK…Just ONE More…

I KNOW, I KNOW…but they’re such EASY targets.

The most fervent/insane Crusading Atheists/Antitheists (in their various splinter groups, as they refuse to be defined; much like the group in the video below) love to say that religion “has never done any good” and “is responsible for all the world’s problems”.

These statements are both false and COMPLETELY illogical.

Statistically speaking, to suggest NO good has EVER come from religion is a VIRTUAL IMPOSSIBILITY, even by PURE CHANCE.

Statistically speaking, to suggest ALL problems have as their SOLE CAUSE “religion” is a VIRTUAL IMPOSSIBILITY as well.

Therefore, the most fervent of the “pro-logic” CA/A’s are, by definition, ILLOGICAL. It’s a simple formula, really. Even *I* understand it!

10/16/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – Good clip from a decent, overrated movie. (housekeeping)

No Offense, But…

“Is it my misperception, or are 99% of those arguing for the absolute right of Americans to see #TheInterview rich white straight males?”

Just a factual analysis of the four demographics mentioned in this statement, taking it purely at face value:

Rich: Incorrect and extremely inaccurate. If, by rich, you mean rich for a U.S. citizen; which I assume you mean when you say “Americans”. I don’t think the VAST majority of the people complaining are rich. I think the vast majority are low-to-middle-income…you know, the TARGET DEMOGRAPHIC of the movie.

White: Much more accurate, certainly, since there are lots of white people in the U.S…and since it features white people as the “stars”, probably the target demographic. So…”99 percent”? I don’t think so. Incorrect, but not nearly as inaccurate as “rich”.

Straight: ABSOLUTELY no idea. I wasn’t aware that sexual preference had anything to do with liking or not liking mediocre lowbrow slapstick satires where lots of sh1t blows up. I wasn’t aware of it probably because there is little relation, and CERTAINLY not enough of a relation to make it “99 percent” a “straight” movie. This is more mind-boggling that it’s even mentioned than anything else.

Males: Again, as with “white”, much more accurate than “rich” or “straight”. Because, AGAIN, the target demographic for mediocre lowbrow slapstick satires with lots of sh1t blowing up IS male. I’ve heard it called Three Stooges-ish, and if that’s correct, then CERTAINLY male is the demographic from my experience. And I LOVE the Stooges. But they were funny, this probably not nearly as much. But even here, “99 percent” is incorrect, if LESS inaccurate than “rich” or “straight”.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

I Am Puppy Hear Me Degrade – Sensitive Antitheist Post Of The Day (12/14/14)

Concerning a woman who was burned to death, in the comments section after someone made a well-meaning (whether you believe in God or not) comment praying for her and her family:

“Prayers to a god who just sat there and let this happen. If her dying that way was a part of your god’s plan, then it was as he meant it to be and you should stop nagging him with your silly prayers. More likely though, there is no god and prayer is a waste of time.”

DTPLAPB – A Pupdate

Maybe the reason he said “I can’t breathe” when he COULD is because it would have taken a bit longer to say “Excuse me officer but I’m having a very difficult time breathing here, so could you kindly remove me from the chokehold/headlock before it comes to the point where I actually technically precisely CANNOT breathe? Thank you.”

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Heated Discussions Over Trivial Matters OR Talking To A CA/A – By Puppy

It’s like the great “Oxford Comma” debate.

I have a clip that displays the usefulness and necessity of any such arguments.

NOTE: This is NOT meant IN ANY WAY to insult people with autism or ANY OTHER mental illness. It’s called satire…mental illness is real and people with it deserve sympathy, not mockery. The satire is directed at CA/A’s and other people who spend hard time on pointless trivialities.

If you watch it and laugh at CA/A’s, great. If you watch it and don’t care, fine. If you are ignorant and think I’m a jerk, I don’t care. And if you watch it to make fun of people with mental illness, I kindly invite you to go f@ck yourself. Vis:

10/16/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – Good clip from a good movie. (housekeeping)

Dismissing The Pure Logic As Pure Bullsh1t

Now, I’m not coming down on either “side” here…I’m not saying anymore than I’m saying:

To suggest that because a man in a headlock/chokehold – who is vastly overweight and has major medical problems – CAN say “I can’t breathe”, that it therefore means he CAN breathe…

Is a dumb oversimplification from people supposedly trying to make people look at ALL the facts.

The FACT is, if such a man says that, he probably is having a pretty d@mn hard time breathing. Could he be faking it, as has been suggested? Sure…but since he’s surrounded by cops, has no weapons, and is on the ground…the idea that he was faking it to try to escape or attack the cops is pretty far-fetched, to me.

I’m not talking about every situation…I’m talking about this one. And if you want people to consider all the facts/possibilities, well, there’s more to consider.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Deep Puppy Thoughts (Part 74)

Having no parents is better than having sh1tty parents.

To J.C. and L.C., as N.Y. would say it: THAT one’s for YOU…

It’s also, while admittedly NOT ideal, a whole lot better than a wide-awake rat.

And now, on a different note, three quotes:

“Two two two two? What are you doin’, playin’ trains??” – Moe Howard

“Eight two eight two? What are you doin’, eatin’ trains??” – Puppy

“Eight two eight two? Who are you bein’, Julius Caesar??” – Puppy

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Interesting To Watch Before (Or After) ‘Glory’

SPOILER: Movie Quote Below The Clip.

“Tell your men to set torches and prepare to fire the buildings.
I will not.
That is an order. You will do it or face charges for disobeying your superior officer.
It is an immoral order, and by articles of war I am not bound to obey it.
Well, you can just explain that at your court-martial…after your men are placed under my command.”

So learn some history, Shaw-haters.

The Death Of Era Nocturna


I can almost imagine D. Noctem thinking along the lines of D. Velvet, who also didn’t get a beautiful death:

“This is…wrong…I’m supposed to have something, more cinematic…”

11/5/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – Really good song by a dead band. It actually gets better the more you listen to it; at first it’s secondary to “If Only I Could”, then it’s about as good, then it’s clearly superior. Also, update: signature removed.

Puppy For Non-Religious Anti-Propaganda

Fact: I am pro-choice.


I’ve seen a sign twice, maybe it was the same deluded (or wanna-be-deluDING) woman both times, at rallies concerning abortion rights.

The sign says “Women For Religious Freedom”.

Which is a load of propagandic sh1t.

Plenty of Theists are pro-choice.

Plenty of Atheists are pro-life.

Those are facts.

To insinuate, quite blatantly, that atheism = pro-choice is absurd and misleading at best, an outright propagandic agenda at worst.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Almost Forgotten

Bri said: 3/14/2012 12:59:02 AM (GMT)

Awesome site! I love the puppy and LOLcat pictures! Your reviews are very useful! Just wanted to say hi!

stacy said: 9/12/2011 11:05:37 PM (GMT)

nice work, lets do this! :) Stacy

Puppy said: 1/15/2011 2:12:35 AM (GMT)

If Puppy’s favorite Pixies song = “Rock Music”, and Puppy = Great, then “Rock Music” = Great. Yay! :)

Bunny said: 11/11/2010 5:42:14 AM (GMT)

You Rock!

God said: 10/17/2010 3:29:05 AM (GMT)

You sir, are going to Hell.

Goodbye Everyone

Pending some unforeseen actual help from GD in transferring my blog without getting carpal tunnel syndrome, this blog will disappear on 6/25/14.

Oh, I’ll have all the posts…but they won’t be here.

Doesn’t help you much, does it?

Basically on the 25th this blog will vanish and I will cancel all GD products.

Have fun!  And F GD.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

6/19/14: Pupdate – I will risk carpal tunnel syndrome.  Oh, the Humanity.

French And Saunders – A Ponderance

Until I actually went ahead and REVIEWED F+S, I thought the show was pretty funny.  Because that’s how I remembered it.

But I think, given the some hits/many misses nature of the show, that my memory of F+S was in fact a composite of my memory of ‘Absolutely Fabulous’ (which was quite good at times – Saunders), ‘Murder Most Horrid’ (ditto – French), and the F+S theme song (which is a catchy little ditty).

Also, ‘The Vicar Of Dibley’ is so pleasantly inoffensive and cute – if not very funny – that it makes it difficult to have a really “negative” view of ANYTHING French.

Dawn French, that is; who is by nature adorable.  Plus ROWR…but that’s beside the point.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

CA/A Or Not CA/A? YOU Make The Call!

Excerpt from a recent discussion (not about religion…it doesn’t matter what it’s ABOUT, you see):

“…Here I thought it was because of hundreds of thousands of years of evolution driving men to sow their seed with as many partners as possible and women to be as picky as possible during the same age period. I never could have guessed that physiology would lie to me. Thank you for opening my eyes…”

Now, I don’t KNOW this…but I’d say I’m a solid 6.2534422 that this person is a CA/A.

Why?  Because, even while educating, they can’t resist being an insulting, snide a$$hole.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Equality WOW…and thank God (For the Equality, That is)


“Equality: The quality or state of being equal: the quality or state of having the same rights, social status, etc.” – Merriam-Webster.com

I mean, it’s such horsesh1t, the lawyer’s statement.  Here’s an equivalent argument:



10/16/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – Good clip from a great movie. (housekeeping)

Giving Liberals A Bad Name

‘Teacher Fired After Asking 4th Graders For Dating Advice’ – Title of recent online article

And she’s appealing. She’s also an “actress”, supposedly, I think…sad.
Great PR move. Maybe you’ll actually be in a movie soon.

Her cinematography clock is definitely ticking. Of course if it was a male plenty of people would be screaming bloody murder. But it’s a female, so it’s sort of “laughably naughty but no harm done” to a lot of those same people. I mean, come on…sexism goes both ways.

You know…”equality” contains the word “equal”.

The sign for equal is… =
1=1.  1+1=2.

Simple math…you CAN’T GET more basic.  So how do
crusading, science-worshipping Dawkian “intellectuals” miss this?

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Thoughts While Watching The Very End Of ‘NHL Top 10: Goalies’

Well, they got number one right.

It’s obviously Hasek, if you go by the only stat that really matters for a goalie (Save Percentage).

Admittedly, even that stat can be misleading (some shots are harder to stop, some defenses lead to more of these, etc) but here’s a stat that immediately convinced me (and yes, I’ve seen Hasek play in his prime, and LOTS of other goalies in their primes…and without stats I’d say he’s the best.  The stats confirm, not make):

Dominik Hasek was born in 1965.  Career save percentage: .922

Don’t know if you’ve noticed, but even a BACKUP goalie in today’s game has to have at least a .900 save percentage to be considered good.  There are lots of arguments about the reason for that, but consider this:

Going by the FACT that save percentages have gotten better and better in recent years (and even not THAT recent years), to have a high SV% is more impressive for Hasek’s era.

And, if the stats I looked at are correct, Hasek has the highest save percentage in the history of the NHL.

And here’s the sealer: NO OTHER GOALIE born before 1970 is in the TOP THIRTY-TWO all time in save percentage.

The closest?  Patrick Roy, born in 1965: 33rd all-time at .910

Good For Her


For a quick summary on how I feel about bullying, see ‘Bullying – A Short Commentary’ and the guest review for ‘Fight Club’.

A bully in his natural environment:


10/16/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – Typical of this movie, this is a good clip surrounded by a lot of mediocrity. (housekeeping)

Deep Puppy Thoughts (Part 60)

This Would Make A REALLY Cool Concoction, If Done Properly…

This song: (X)

Plus sampling the words and perhaps sound FX from this: (Y)

Just the first minute or so, the “deserve” lines, maybe the others, the sound of the gunshot at the end perhaps?

Great contrast, the words fit, could be epic.

If you do it, at least give me a heads up, huh?

Make sure it’s legal first too.

4/22/16: Linksdead. A great idea forever lost.

Hockey – A Clarification

Just to be clear, I stand by my previous post, but at the same time…

Doesn’t the whole thing seem just a bit fcken silly?

Every team in the NHL pulls dirty/cheap sh1t at one time or another.  This annoying back-and-forth whining nonsense about “Who is worse than Who” is just sad.  I mean, I could post a lengthy list of dirty sh1t Canadiens players have done in the past.  I could probably post a lengthy list for EVERY TEAM (including the Bruins)…so enough with the self-righteous cr@p already.

Every team plays dirty.  Sometimes.  No, your team is not the exception.  Sorry.

Accept…get over…move on.

Oh, to end, a guest prediction for game seven (an encore, like the Canadiens’ opening Deja Vu):

*DING* “Round One!” – Carla Tortelli

Oh, P.S. – The same goes for football, baseball, basketball, and every other sport ever played.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Thoughts While Watching The Bruins – 5/12/14

I’m a big fan of “Bruins” hockey.  To me, that’s playing hard, tough, hitting but staying clean, sticking up for your teammates, and never quitting on the game.

It is NOT getting frustrated at the end of a game and punching another team’s players in the face repeatedly (Lucic, Krug, Iginla from what I saw).

The guy whacked Chara, Chara shoved him, another guy shoved Chara, he shoved back.


Even in the sense of “evening things up”, it was over.  It was even.  Chara didn’t need any help.

So I guess my reaction, as a Bruins fan, is most accurately described as shock.  I mean, it wasn’t a two-way brawl like you sometimes see.  It was Lucic, Krug, and Iginla just punching Canadiens over and over while the Canadiens were covering up, doing nothing, or skating away.

And the looks on their faces pretty much mirrored my reaction – I think they just couldn’t believe what the Bruins were doing.  Whether they were intimidated or not, set up for game seven, whatever…I really don’t know or care.

Just win or lose with class, guys.  Like a Bruins team should.

P.S. – WIN with class!!!

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Deep Puppy Thoughts (Part 59)

It’s too bad Cannibal Corpse didn’t put out an album about ‘Ravenous’, then the morons could have dedicated it to another fcken lunatic.  I mean, D@MN…

Simply amazing how many of those that worship the ultra-macabre/evil never do anything remotely macabre/evil in their pathetic little lives.  Pathetic because of the worship, not the lack of action. 

The lack of action just makes them laughable posers rather than influenced scumbags.

This is about how smart they are…the fakes are the ones that run, the “true” follower is the one left with Samuel:


Further Site Reading: ‘Gore Film…’, Vampirefreaks, VF, etc…

4/22/16: I have no idea what this is talking about at the end.

Thoughts While Watching The Bruins – 5/1/14

Just one thought of note I can remember before OT:

I wonder if I’d be better off if I DIDN’T care about sports.

I DO, but since the odds are against my team in any sport any year (parity and luck make it impossible, in my eyes, for any team to ever claim even or better odds…except maybe in basketball) the likely outcome each year is painful, depressing disappointment.

But it’s too fun to watch (playoff hockey, at least) to yield to that “logic”.

-Puppy >.< Yip!