Dog Shot By Cop – “Internal Investigation”|main5|dl1|sec3_lnk4%26pLid%3D470237


I mean, come on.  I’m not saying I KNOW anything, but come on…think about it.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

10/16/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – Great clip from a great movie. (housekeeping)

Chaos Theory – At Work In Daily Life

You’d be surprised (I struggled with whether to say that or not, because YOU might not be surprised, but SOME people would…but I put it anyway, forcing me to type this explanation) at how much chaos theory impacts your life.  Even with my unbelievably simplistic Ian Malcolm-explained level of understanding of the subject, it’s extremely interesting.

Here is an example from a common everyday scenario:

Note the EXTREME divergence beginning with a simple statement at 1:51.

10/16/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – Good clip from a great show. (housekeeping)

Deep Puppy Thoughts (Part 57)

1:30 onward: A still-impressive visual display that relates closely to my current dating life.

Oh shut up, I’m not feeling sorry for myself.  That was last week.  Now I’m just grinning/chuckling about how clever I am.  Even if I’m not.  Shrug…if it’s good enough for Billy…

Deep Puppy Thoughts (Part 55)

If you, like many I’ve read, admire Doc’s attitude (as portrayed by Val Kilmer below, at least) then please consider this:

“Tsunetomo believed that becoming one with death in one’s
thoughts, even in life, was the highest attainment of purity
and focus. He felt that a resolution to die gives rise to a
higher state of life, infused with beauty and grace beyond
the reach of those concerned with self-preservation.”
– Wikipedia on Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Doc WAS dying, but still, I think there’s a point there.

Try To Understand

As Buddy Ackerman might ask me:  What do you really want?

Well, this is it.  Written a bit ago.

I use Buddy because I titled this (no joke, no lie):

“What I Really Want”

and just left it there.

Company and Cuddling.

No pressure for sex or anything even sexual.

With a female.  Just my preference.

If this sounds like BS to you, ok…

If it sounds stupid to you, ok…

If it sounds nice or sweet or comforting or pleasant…let me know.

Only, don’t go letting me know if I don’t know who the hell you are.  I’m lonely, not stupid.

Well, not that stupid.

-Puppy >.<

Deep Puppy Thoughts (Part 54)

Why has NOONE thought of/followed through on a “Best Of Joe Mantegna (aka Richie “The Hammer” Ginelli) From ‘Thinner'” Youtube compilation?

I mean, it would make the mediocre full-length movie into a GREAT short film.

I mean, would I like it?  Are you KIDDING?  I’d fcken LOVE it!

Come ON, man… (JJ: LD)   <— a little rusty on that, hopefully proper form.

Mental Illness, ANY Form: One of the last disabilities it’s societally “OK” to mock/stereotype/blame

“according to Army Secretary John McHugh, the soldier saw a psychologist last month and was given Ambien for a sleeping problem.” – HuffPost Crime citing ‘USA Today’

This is about the man who recently allegedly killed people at Fort Hood.

HOW, exactly, is that a “relevant fact”?

It’s like saying, IN MY OPINION: “…the soldier saw a psychologist last month and was given a drug millions of people use with absolutely no violent side effects”.

Where’s the story, huh???

Oh, right…I forgot…HOW could *I* forget…mental illness = violent fcken psycho.  RIGGHHHHT.

Much LATER it goes on to explain how he had, according to someone quoted “behavioral…and mental health issues and was being treated for that”.

AND, according to another quotee he showed: “no sign of any likely violence either to himself or others.”

So…if you take any meds for ANYTHING, or see a psychologist for ANYTHING…like MILLIONS of other Americans…that’s pertinent information if you allegedly commit mass murder?

Of course, what’s NOT news is that the other 24,999,999 people (note: guesstimate for making a point purposes) who have seen a psychologist and take Ambien DON’T allegedly commit mass murder.

Fcken Bullsh1t.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Best Western

I enjoy parts of ‘Young Guns’ and ‘Tombstone’ (and a few others) for what they are, just like the next guy.

But then, when I want a REAL Western, I watch ‘Unforgiven’.

10/16/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – This is a good clip – which precedes a GREAT clip – from a very-good-to-great movie. (housekeeping)

Science: Blinded Like A Douche

HAHA! I don’t give a sh1t, it’s funny.

Ok, so there’s some CA/A’s that believe fervently and dogmatically that SCIENCE is the ultimate answer to life, the universe, and everything.
Including why Doug Adams is overrated.

Personally, I hope to GOD (or lack of GOD) they’re wrong. Sometimes dispelling the mystery around something is BAD…I mean, really…leave some wonder alone you brilliant fcken morons.

To the guy that told me science is blameless for bad things done using/in the name of it, but completely responsible for good things done using/in the name of it…you’re a moron.

Anyways, here’s a little bit to show you I don’t “dislike” science, nor do I in any way “object” to science, nor am I COMPLETELY ignorant about science. Just mostly ignorant.

As with almost EVERYTHING in life, it has good and bad. The following is good:

“Joanne Milne suffers from Usher syndrome and was deaf from birth.
Jo underwent a life-changing operation to have cochlear implants
fitted. On March 24, Jo’s bilateral implants were switched on,
allowing the 41-year-old to hear for the first time ever. Jo’s
mother recorded the video that shows her daughter overcome with
emotion as she listens to her doctor as he recites the days of
the week.” –, BBC

-Puppy >.< Yip!

An Honest Desire, And Why It Won’t Happen – By Puppy

Well quite frankly I’d LOVE to review sh1t and have lots of people give a d@mn.

I guess that’s sorta true now to a limited extent, but I dunno if it’s more as an oddity or a critic.

There are two ways to figure:

1) I’ve gotten a lot of hits, relatively, as a simple blog by a no-name.

2) Noone’s asked me to review anything for them, at all, that they’ve done OR like, in a very long time.

And re: number 2, given my tendency to give what I consider fair grades but many might not, it shouldn’t really come as any surprise.  And it doesn’t, now…but it’s still slightly annoying and quite wistful-inducing.

I’m being serious.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Accusation: You’re getting lazy…you’re not putting as much effort into it.

Reply: Perhaps.  Give me back my fcken hits.

Find The Connection, If Any – Have Fun!

Psssssst…. 2:03-2:24

“Aaron’s pro tips: 2. Assume that ignorance is a valid excuse for being a white racist.”

(WAIT A MINUTE! You said “white racist”. Why did you say that?
Since, according to everything you’ve said before, ONLY whites can
be racist. Therefore, to say “white racist” is, by your own
definition, redundant. Unless of course you mean there can be
other types of racists…but that goes against everything you’ve said previously. You SEEM too eloquent to be TOTALLY redundant…Hmmmm…)”
– Excerpt from a previous discussion

10/16/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – Good clip from a very good movie featuring a usually not-very-good actor. (housekeeping)

Bad Mathematical News For CA/A’s

Ok, so let’s assume that everything you say is right, and everything any religion says is wrong.

IMPO it isn’t/it isn’t/you’re mostly a bunch of conceited wankers, BUT let’s assume those things for this.

How strategically sound is it to pick a fight with an opponent that has MANY times what you have in terms of: money, power, influence, manpower, consolidation…?

It’s like, for example, an independent political candidate that was NOT independently wealthy.

That candidate could have the greatest ideas and be able to magically fix the world (well, not really, but EVEN IF they could)…and they’d still lose.

How do I know this?  HISTORY.  FACT.  You know…the truth.

You might not LIKE it, but it is the truth. 

You’re fcked.  You cannot win.  Your zeal is matched by MANY independents that have gone down to defeat, year after year after year, since the beginnings of this country.

But hey, good luck. HAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA.  Ahem.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Maternal Instinct


This following a tearful, heart-rending promise that even going there would never happen.

PUPPY EDIT: This will remain here, the latest entry, until it reaches a certain number of hits.  Then, stuff that I’ve been working on during this/that time will be posted.

Thank you for your cooperation.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

3/23/14:  Good enough.

…And The Rest. Phew…Good Thing That’s Over With

“Adam Terman  Aaron, thanks for being one of the 40 trolls a day.”

Personally, I think you should try to get either DOWN to 6.9 a day or UP to 69 a day.

“The fact that you took the time says a lot.”

Not really.  My life’s not particularly exciting, and you guys make great satire fodder.  Not to mention what you do for my hit total.

“But if you got up from your laptop”

Why would I be sitting on my laptop?

“feeling a little more superior”

How can you feel “more” superior?  Superior does not equal large.  So “more” superior is just a dumb statement…but it’s ok, I still love you.  And so does God.

“I guess that’s the goal.”

No, my goal was to provide satirical amusement to my readers, get a few laughs or at least chuckles for myself, and possibly convert someone to NON-crusading Atheism.  Two out of three ain’t bad.

“And googling past posts? Nice, you are a sophisticated troll.”

Using google is a sign of sophistication?  Oh, right, yeah…that’s a dismissive insult masquerading as a compliment.  Well done.
Part Two:

“Bella Wilfer-Rokesmith I’m pretty sure he can tell us himself if he wants us to know something. What are you, some kind of groupie wannabe?”

Bella, at the end of this y’all gonna be wearing gold-plated diapers. (?)
QUOTE: “I don’t have the time, the interest, the energy…” – Neil deGrasse Tyson on CA/Aing

“Bella Wilfer-Rokesmith Maybe he will send you an autographed picture after you send him your fictional stories about him.”

Bella, you are a Godsend…

What the fck are you talking about? Ummm…sorry, but:

To/From Some CA/As

You’re a loony. You’re also reported for trolling and spam.

Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam *Wonderful spam, wonderful spam!* spam, spam…

Great lead-in JW, I’ll take it from here.

*Me talking to everyone reading as if JW isn’t here*

“So the people in this group put up with my rampant posting without a single word of complaint to me for over a week.  The group leader actually “LIKE”s at least 3 of them.  Then, suddenly, instead of ASKING for more posts, because they thought they were “winning”, they basically raise the white flag and hide behind “you’re reported!”.  Intellectual Cowards, eh?”

You guys say trolling a lot…can you go back to the logical fallacy obsession?  I think that one was slightly more sophisticated and thus worthy of you.

BUT, as to your FIRST point, I must respond thusly:

AND    1:19-2:02

-Puppy >.< Yip!

10/16/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – Both clips are good parts from a great show. (housekeeping)

How You Know You’ve Won Against A CA/A – Opinion Piece by Puppy

Well, it’s simple really.  Just like any other group, their first response to dissidents is to attempt to overpower them/their arguments with sh1t that comes naturally to them.  You know, the basics…the sh1t they’ve said so many times they’ve got it memorized, down cold. 
Like:  “Ok, this person is *insert suspected flaw in belief structure here*.  So let’s go after that…Ok, that’s a number 23A.  Roll it out”.

If that fails, more will join with different but very similar sh1t.  It’s a pack effect…they’re not doing it to educate, they’re doing it because their rep isn’t doing so well (rep: first person spoken to regarding a given subject).  Then the rep shuts the fck up cuz they realize they weren’t good enough, and the real heavy-hitters come in. (I know, I know…sometimes it’s “the closest they have to-“, but still).

Different methods are employed: The “talking to someone else who feels exactly the same as if dissident isn’t even there”.  The purpose of this is to insult said dissident for being “left out” or “ignored” so they will get angsty and say something stupid.  Also, talking to a fellow tends to give you a bit of renewed confidence: “No, I am NOT wrong…”, etc…

If THIS doesn’t work, maybe their ultra-super-high-mucky-muck comes in and slams the door shut with their best outro.  Or maybe they just completely ignore you…but they still know you’re there, so don’t give up hope.  They’re reading every word you type.

Then there’s the optional “send in a rational neutralish guy”…this is where someone talks to dissident with at least SOME degree of respect, in an attempt to shut them up.  May turn swiftly into step one if they sense imminent failure.

THEN…and ONLY then, do they call upon outside powers.  Why?  Because that makes them feel weak…to NEED someone else to defend you from words.  It’s absolutely INFURIATING to a self-styled educated person to feel like they’re LOSING to some random loser on the net. :)


At least in some cases, repetition is not the key to comedy.  It’s quoting angsty CA/A’s as they bleat about “logical fallacies” and attempt intellectual, “superior” insults.  Because everyone knows if your insult sounds smart, it must be.  And also funny.

Soooo…given recent readings, it would appear my initial statement was imprecise.  Let’s say repetition and/or angsty CA/A’s is the key to comedy.  Preferably both…and they do oblige.


Martine Atherton
“not really any insight there, just a bit butthurt.”

Puppy Response: Well, the insight to me is “Even people that are 6.9 sure about something will read a post if it’s the only way to honestly say ‘Sorry, honey, I don’t want to create anymore revolting offspring.'”  Also, when you say “butthurt” do you mean anal sex, painful rectal itch, a good spanking?  Can’t figure out if you have an anal fixation, an anal fixation, or…hmmm.


“Joseph Waldman That’s nice. Now run along, Bergoglioite troll.”

Puppy Response: Wow…you really like that word. Google overload.  You need to, IMPO, expand your horizons on the insult front.  I mean, change it up a little, man.

“Don Taylor Jr. So you decided to expend time and energy to use the argument from authority to declare that it’s a waste of time and energy… o_0”

Puppy Response: So you decided to expend time and energy pointing out that I was wasting time and energy using (OMG/OMLG no, I will not repeat your bleated logical fallacy) to declare that something is a waste of time and energy?

4/15/16: “This is gettin monotonous!” – Curly Howard

And finally, just for fun:

“…presents Richard Dawkins at in Des Moines, Iowa…”

Puppy Response: This could have used at in an editor.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Possible Relative Of Lothar – SATIRE…SATIRE…SATIRE

Latham Conger III:  “What’s your point, mouthbreather with an ego?”

Oh, paaaahhhhdon me.  I shall henceforth refer to him as “Latham, of the Shrill People”.

But…how can I analyze this?  He says nothing…it’s purely an insult.  I think he’s just really angsty-pissed, and he’s trying to find out how best to get under my craw.  Well, sorry LotSP, but third-rate demand/insults aren’t quite good enough.

Why do I quote/comment on these weirdos so much?  Doesn’t that make me as redundant as they are?  Well, not really…because since this is satire, I’m not so much responding as I am mocking.  And there are endless variations on a mock.  AND it’s d@mn good for hits!!!

But…let’s try: “What’s your point,” – Now, this makes sense by itself, if he didn’t understand what I was trying to say. 

“mouthbreather with an ego?”

Now this is interesting…he called me a “mouthbreather”, which I admit I had to look up because that’s a fairly rare insult…at least, *I* have never gotten called that before.  So I looked it up, and now I’m less ignorant!  Should I thank him?

And “with an ego?”.  Ummm…everyone has an ego.  You needed to add something to that, LotSP…like “inflated”, or “extreme”, or “Dawkins-esque”.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

The Most Ambivalent CA/A Support I’ve Ever Seen

“Agnostic Atheist Anti-Theist Foundation Sometimes Bill Maher hits the nail on the head. – JC”

Let’s break this down logically.

JC, apparently the (or one of the) head of AAATF, watches a long Bill Maher rant about religion being horrible, I point out how unbelievably redundant Maher is, and that’s the best support JC can respond with?

I mean, that’s approaching Das But territory: “If you go somewhere else, someone besides me…”

Really ummm…emotionally involved.  And intellectually committed.

Because the statement “Sometimes Bill Maher hits the nail on the head” could mean anything.

Sometimes = more than 1 time
Bill Maher = some garden variety CA/A.  Please…stop planting them.
hits the nail on the head = figuratively, of course.  Meaning “gets something right”

So, the real statement being made (since they don’t believe in empathy, reading emotions, tone, context) is “At least 2 times in his life, a CA/A gets something completely right.”

PUPPY NOTE: “Correct” not used for possible further post advancement reasons.

I mean, I know he CAN’T (well…this is NOT strictly logical, so I dunno, but…) mean that, literally.  He can’t mean “Bill Maher has gotten something totally right at least twice in his life”.

Because that would be stupid, not to mention imprecise.  I mean, I’m sure Bill got a few questions right on his 4th grade math exam.

So what he’s REALLY saying is (in my subjective Puppy opinion) either: “I don’t believe anything he says here is right, but I want to support him anyway, so I’ll say something completely ambiguous”.

OR: “I believe some things he says here are right, but not others, and I don’t want to insult a fellow CA/A, so I’ll vaguely support him in a completely non-binding manner.”

OR: “I believe this entire video is absolutely correct and gets everything totally right.”

OR: “I believe Bill Maher gets things totally right sometimes, but I either haven’t watched the video or I’m too lazy to point out a thing in particular, so I’ll just use an ambiguous figure of speech.”


-Puppy >.< Yip!

Bill Maher Speaks, Fewer and Fewer People Care

Bill Maher says everything that’s been said by hundreds of CA/A’s already, in every possible form, against religion. Dick Dawk pats him on the head…who gives a sh1t? I mean, the only insult word that comes to mind regarding Maher’s commentary (and usually Maher himself) is “redundant”.

Maher knows about redundancy, Mr. Hunter.

And if you’re gonna invent a religion, and call it “Apatheist”…that means you’re “apathetic”. Apathetic people don’t go ON and ON
and ON and ON about things they’re apathetic about. THAT’S THE
DEFINITION OF APATHETIC you redundant Dick. Dawk follower, that is.

And come ON…”apatheist”? “religulous”?? I’ve done better wordplay sh1t than that and dismissed it as unworthy of my standard. Get some new material, man…this God thing has been done to death.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

P.S. – Spoiler: The next book on non-belief you read will conclude that God does not exist. Sorry…I know how much you were wanting to read it for the 100th time, slightly altered.

Redundancy is Propaganda.

See Hitler’s quote. And yes, I am PROUDLY making a Hitler
reference. Why? To piss off the slave-to-the-new-chains (Thank you, A.E.) logical fallacy hipsters.

“The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success
unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly – it
must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over…”
– Adolf Hitler

4/22/16: Man, I’ve GOT to stop talking about redundancy…hmmmmmmmm…

Bobbing Low’s Guide To Life – Part 12

Screw it…it’s just a dog.  Save that 5 bucks a month.  That’s at LEAST 2 beers. *SATIRE*

The rest is NOT satire.

“Sent: 9/2/2010 4:23:04 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj: Hi

I just checked again…Bobby switched it to “Energy Saver – Fan”.  I said it should be on “Cool”, because that helps more with humidity.  Bobby … refused to listen to me.  He’s already threatened to kill me, so I didn’t argue with him.  X is your dog, X.  If you want the AC on a certain setting, it should be.  Talk to Bobby.  If he says he won’t do it, talk to X.  If she says she won’t do it, pay the extra 10 bucks a month to cover the cost difference.  At least, that’s what I would do.  Me saying anything is pointless, I would be ignored.”

1) Of course it’s real.  Edited only for name purposes. (X’s) and once for subjectivity purposes (removing something (…) that might be construed as subjective)
2) Yes, this is the guy that’s not paid taxes on a LOT of income for a LONG time, as of mid 2011.
3) No, I don’t think I’m being a rat or a snitch.  He threatened to kill me.  Fck him.
4) *shrug* Not a big dog fan, maybe?  Just a possibility (there was a dog trapped in that virtual fcken greenhouse WITHOUT proper ventilation…to save money, of course)
5) Well that’s plannin, isn’t it?  Forethought.  This isn’t even the best of his worst.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

P.S. – A movie quote to the IRS if they haven’t talked to this…person yet.

“Variable, this is Knife: Where the Hell are you???”

To My Listeners – A Sincere Thank You

To all those that have been listening to my station for a while, I’m sorry to have it go away so suddenly (or go away at all).  Sincere thanks to everyone who helped make it a (at least limited) success.

Not sucking up or anything, I just feel more than a “thanks, bye” is in order.

The reason I decided to end the station is based on commercials, I’ll just leave it at that.

Special thanks…well, special thanks to everyone that listened the most.  This means you, Alabama.

You’ve got until the 5th to get any songs you REALLY like from ITunes.  But in the case of the bands I play the most (Nirvana and Temple of the Dog’s one album especially) I’d recommend buying the whole album…definitely worth it.

Anyways that’s about it.  Happy listening.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

PUPDATE 3/4/14: My station, ‘Semper Puppy’ no longer exists on 3/5/14.  If you see another station calling itself that, it ain’t mine.

Suck It Trebek

To all those who said/thought my online radio station would fail miserably, before it potentially goes away (quit, not fired), here’s my failure:

24 Overall Favorite Station selections
1 VIP Favorite Station selection
602 Presets
3465 listening hours in the last 30 days
Rating: 5 out of 5 (4 Votes)
95 Facebook likes
5 Google shares
2 Tweets
1 Pinit

Live365 – A Plea And Explanation

While I understand the…well, not really “need”, since you get money from other sources…but while I understand the need to put ads wherever you can to stay profitable, there is a point where that becomes too much.

I don’t mind the silent, still ads that cover the entire right side of my screen when I’m checking out “Semper Puppy” (which I happen to pay for, every month).

But when, as happens VERY often now, an ad PLAYS while a song is playing, completely RUINING the song and doing nothing but make me say “Well, fck that product, I’m never buying it now…”, that’s too much.

So are the FULL-PAGE ads I have to click out of after stealthily moving my screen to the correct position before I can even SEE the “X” to stop them.

It’s reminiscent of Neopets’ “Advert Attack”…quite similar actually, thus eerie.

It’s also making me think VERY seriously about dropping my membership.  So do with that what you will…I mean, I don’t want to drop it, but I’m not gonna PAY to be SHOWN ads.  Especially when they interfere with the normal broadcast of a radio program.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Self-Preservation Is The Opiate Of The Masses

Truly, truly sad that some people believe it’s the “Highest Law”.

I mean, if being a groveling, sniveling, cowardly piece of rat sh1t is cool with you, here’s what you look like: (2:27-2:41)

FAIR USE: CRITICISM – Good clip from great movie. Also fits for the purpose stated above.

Absence Of LaVeyan Powers Of Car Movement Costly

“…The cops then checked the block for cameras before arresting
Jackson and charging him with destruction of city property, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. Fortunately for Jackson, the officers missed a security camera on the home of Jackson’s neighbor. That camera captured the whole bizarre incident.”

Once again, innocent until proven guilty, police or non-police just the same.


Checked the block for cameras before arresting him? Is there any way something could be more obvious? “Ummm…well, you’re under arrest if we can’t find anything to make your “one civilian” be worth more than our “two police officers”…so just hold on a second…” -PUPPY NOTE: those were fake quotes. This is satire. So Nyah!

Maybe they were just doing a routine drive-the-wrong-way-down-a-one-way-and-smash-into-a-car-and-then-realize-it’s-the-annual-camera-operations-check check?

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Sincere Advice – Freedom Of Religion/Non-Religion

Both must be respected, in my opinion.

There is…as I’d sort of felt before, and know now…a very dangerous trend in existence.

The fact of the matter is…if you put two sides against each other, and both have hundreds of thousands of “members”…mathematically speaking, each side is going to have a LOT of extremists.

Personally, I find atheists in general far more likely to incite than theists…but that’s just my own experience.

Whatever the state of “which side” is “winning”…given the EXTREME emotion and conviction on BOTH SIDES by some, it is EXTREMELY dangerous to continue on this path.

The inevitable conclusion to this path of viciously attacking the “other side” is conflict.  Physical conflict is inevitable (it’s happening already, actually).  Because the extremists on one side will do something, the ones on the other will respond, there will be a response to that…

A logical mind sees this.  A logical mind wishes to avert this.  A logical mind yields to common sense and peace over pride and anger.

The Wiccan Rede is easy enough to follow.  “An ye harm none, do as ye will.”

That is the logical course of action.

Re: Title: Militant Atheist Brutally Beats Pastor

Title of recent online op piece: ‘Militant Atheist Brutally Beats Pastor’

Response from (I assume) a CA/A: “…I finally saw an atheist worthy of his name…No point talking to slobbering, snivelling neanderthals. We must speak their language to get our points finally across.”

Innocent until proven guilty, but if he IS guilty:

That’s violence against someone BECAUSE OF their freedom of
religion. That’s an atheist, advocating violence. The group
that is the “only one with true morality” and prefers “reason
and logic” because violence is the tool of the stupid and
ignorant. I mean, come on…I’m not the greatest writer in the
world so I can’t put it perhaps exactly the way I FEEL it, but come on…EVERYONE knew this was going to happen, eventually. And where there’s ONE example, there’s usually two. And when…etc, etc.

Even further, how STUPID is it for a group to incite/insult (per
Dick Dawk) and ASSAULT a group of people (theists) that VASTLY
outnumber them? I mean, what are you people, morons?

CA/A’s are constantly saying how they’re NOT violent, how that is a horrible consequence of RELIGION, blah blah blah…and then this?

It was inevitable, because people are people. It’s so incredibly stupid because if atheists REALLY want to get into a physical confrontation with theists, they 1) are acting against their prop argument, 2) are totally without any of the “moral high ground” they claim, and 3) are idiots, since in “militaristic” terms they’re VASTLY outnumbered.

I do not moralize, I do not condone…in Spock’s words: “I do NOT approve…I understand.”

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Pondering The Logic (SATIRE…SATIRE…SATIRE)

Ok, so if so many people love Dick Dawk, and if he SAYS to mock/ridicule theists in public, here’s the billion dollar question:

Why do almost ALL CA/A’s turn into cowards the moment the chance comes to do that to…oh, I don’t know…let’s say anyone that looks in the least bit physically imposing?

You know…not an 80 year old in a wheelchair or a double amputee.

To anyone that says they WOULD, I will allow Jack to speak for me: “*with fake pouty lips* I don’t think that’s true…”

Very brave of you. Really…it’s just…revelatory how strongly you follow your convictions.

– Puppy

P.S. “There are no atheists in foxholes” is an inaccurate statement. I mean, ABSOLUTELY it applies to some…but not to all. I’m sure plenty of atheists in the military would fight (and risk dying) without converting.

HOWEVER…there are no CA/A’s in prison is a much more accurate, almost completely precise statement. I’m not talking about atheists…I’m talking about people that “mock/ridicule” believers. CA/A’s simply don’t exist in that situation. Why? Because they’re scared, that’s why. I mean, come on…it’s so obvious. Another brilliant example of CA/A pride.

As to CA/A’s being “civil” and “polite”, I submit that most want to do a great deal more…IN MY OPINION…but, of course, there’s that old cowardice thing again.

Oh, and about that “Theists only follow the (God’s) law because they’re afraid of punishment” cr@p (I think Penn Jillette said that, not sure…I was too busy reading his climate change denial)…

What would that say about the CA/A’s mentioned above, then? I mean, if you’re gonna live by the rampant generalization, you’ve gotta be prepared to be mocked/ridiculed by the rampant generalization.


Ok, these people make my brain hurt…

Not because I don’t understand what they’re saying…more of in a Jerry Springer “Are you KIDDING me???” combination of disbelief and morbid fascination.

So here’s a quick one while he’s away:

Dawk on God: “Bully”

Dawk on Intellectual Bullying: “Mock them.  Ridicule them in public.”

Enough said, my ears are starting to bleed.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

The CA/A Method – A Serious Critique (By Puppy)

“Mock them…ridicule them in public.” – Dick Dawk.

How anyone could espouse this, as a strategy to get people to change beliefs that cause no harm, is…well let me speak off the top of my head: this is a bully’s strategy, this is a dishonorable strategy, this is an amazingly antagonistic and fcked up strategy.  I’ve been dealing with bullies most of my life.  The idea that a RESPECTED PUBLIC FIGURE would advocate bullying is absolutely incredible.  Not to mention reprehensible.

So I posted something like that, only maybe 1/100th as strong, believing, as any sane man would, that NOONE would be callous, nasty and just plain stupid enough to SUPPORT it…and I got this:

“Agnostic Atheist Anti-Theist Foundation: Yes, once someone admits they do not use positive evidence and reasoned logic, mocking and ridiculing their ideas and thought processes(es) is the next best way to get people to change their minds. If people used positive evidence and reasoned logic equally in all areas of their lives there would be no need for ridicule.”

I am, quite honestly, in shock. I can’t believe, fully, that you are actually endorsing this.

You’re saying…basically…that you should try to convince someone logically, BUT if that fails, feel absolutely no qualms about ceasing that, and begin insulting them. That…is just plain wrong. It’s intellectual bullying.

It’s also completely illogical. I don’t know if you realize this, but a person’s first response to ridicule is NOT “change”…you’re advocating (potential) Assault, sir (IMPO), and (potential) Disorderly Conduct (IMPO) and for that you should feel ashamed.

“Assault is an act that creates an apprehension in another of an imminent, harmful, or offensive contact.” NOTE:  Definition varies, but this is basically the crux of it.

I’ve been dealing with bullies all my life. This is no longer amusing. I am leaving this page, and PLEASE do not contact me, or I shall be invoking the definition above…I don’t like bullies.

Same-Day Edit:  Just to be COMPLETELY clear, I am apprehensive that you will send another message (supposedly) “backing up” this one, or ANYONE on your page will do so for you, etc, etc…and such contact I would find offensive.  I’m stating that because I want there to be absolutely no doubt as to my feelings on possible contact.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Random Naughty Bits

Ok, so, in accordance with my previous post re: logical fallacies, I think from now on whenever ANYONE uses the phrase “logical fallacy” in a “I win!” fashion, I will dedicate the next ten posts I make to be in some way related to Nazi Germany.

It’s like the sign-in-the-lawn theory. 

Oh, and here’s why Pride is a “sin”:

10/16/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – A good clip from a very good movie. (housekeeping)

The Delusion Delusion

A logical fallacy and an incorrect conclusion are completely separate. A statement could have a million logical fallacies and be correct, a statement could have zero logical fallacies and be incorrect. The very term “logical fallacy” has become a piece of propagandic nonsense, designed to mentally intimidate and, in fact, becoming a “logical fallacy” in itself.

To quote a famous theist: “This is a soulless society, Captain. It has no spirit, no spark. All is indeed peace and tranquility: the peace of the factory, the tranquility of the machine.”

Do you want that?  As tempting as it may be at times, I do not.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

GOOD Debater…

PUPPY NOTE: Name(s) hidden to protect the non-angsty.

Ok, so I forget what EXACTLY I said, and my brain hurts too much
now to go back there. But basically, I asked what the point of the Creationism/Evolution debate was. Noone that believes strongly is
going to just “suddenly” have an epiphany and convert/unconvert.
I suppose that, yes, there are some that are just SO undecided and
non-guided (that’s not an insult) that they could “become” one of
either side by watching…but…that hardly seems likely and even
if they did, it would be just as easy for them to switch back,
again, for any one of 6.9 reasons. So I was left with…people
watch debates because they, through a debater, feel they have a “voice”…that so-and-so is speaking for them, in a way. Like an
us Vs. them mentality, not unlike the mentality of fans of Boxing,
MMA, etc…they watch in order to see their man (or woman) DEMOLISH (intellectually speaking) the other person. Not to learn.
And there’s NOTHING wrong with that (seriously). I mean,
everyone wants to win, right?

Anyways, that’s just a partial approximation of my thoughts…may
have missed some, included a few new ones, but that was the basic framework. And, after posting, I received these messages:

– “I did enjoy watching Nye’s arguments, though. He did quite well explaining why the creation model is not viable. I hope he reached
at least one creation believer and opened some eyes about the lack of scientific education in X.”

Puppy: Interesting idea. And yes, if you want to recruit to the
side you believe in, one is better than none…and it all starts with one. And again, I have no problem with intellectual boxing (which is exactly what debates are: the weapons are words, not gloves…otherwise it’s mostly the same). On a PP note, I in fact BELIEVE in
evolution, because it seems much more plausible, given the evidence.
But I didn’t watch the debate…because I KNEW what would
happen. There would be no revelations, it’d be a rather dull boxing
match because Nye (from what I’ve seen in the past) is very
articulate and I never heard of the other guy, and unless I COMPLETELY hated every other comedy possibility out there, it wouldn’t be funny enough.
I’ve heard all the CA/A jokes before. They’re repetitive. They’re repetitive. They’re repetitive. They’re repetitive. And of course,
they’re repetitive. And most of ’em just AREN’T funny.
I mean, I LIKE funny.

– “I watched it for the same reason I watch any debate. To see two
(or more) arguments and hopefully learn something from at least
one side. It might not be a couple of prize fighters, but that doesn’t
make the ‘fight’ any less interesting.”

Puppy: Agreed. Also, I was a bit snarky here to you, I admit freely.
And for that, I am sorry. I think it was the near-certain revelation that someone would just randomly flame/trash me.

– “You asked and I answered based on my reasoning. I can agree
with your ‘my guy vs. yours’ mentality that some may have, and I
concede that I also wanted to see Nye pick his arguments apart, mercilessly. However, there is really no reason to watch a debate if you are close minded. You need to critically think about both sides and take in all of the arguments to understand their platforms and ultimately take your own stance…I learned from Nye’s arguments. I have watched a lot of religion vs. science debates and know how they go. It doesn’t mean I don’t learn anything from them. I have also learned a lot about many religious views. You can’t have personal discussions with anyone without knowledge of their world views.”

Agreed, and in retrospect, I was a bit snarky here too. My
apologies. After that, there was a seemingly genuine emotional tangent that I do not have. I think it was an over-reaction, perhaps to my snarkiness (to an extent deserved, then) or perhaps just to get some anger and frustration out. And it is something that I am not prepared to respond to.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

5/25/16: If debates aren’t intellectual boxing, why do they ALWAYS – before anything else – ask who analysts think “won” the debate? I mean…they go to the judge’s score cards. Any questions about “Hey, I learned X…” or “Do you think the American people know more now about X?” are totally secondary to “Who won???”

10/16/16: Just some basic format edits, content unchanged. (housekeeping)

I have a feeling of Deja Vu…

If theists are sheep, then CA/A’s are Borg.

I’ll take organic, thanks.

Question I asked AT LEAST half a dozen times on Atheist Group Pages and received only one response, which was worthy of (see below): What exactly does Wicca support/do that is harmful to the world in general?  Or to anyone, at all, individually?   *Crickets*

“If it harms none then do as you will.”

That is really, really funny…because it’s basically The Wiccan Rede.  Wicca is a religion.  This is in the mission statement of a CA/A group.  So…they want to do away with Wicca, even though they agree with it?  I…can’t wrap my mind around that logically.  Unless it’s a hidden appeal to Wiccans, or a softening of the hard-line stance that has been softening actually for quite some time:  Most anger dispensed with, most CA/A’s are now trying a more “friendly” MO.  Which is GOOD…but are they doing it because they’re suddenly friendly?  Or because they know it’s a good PR move?

PUPPY NOTE: Since erased.  Minitrue!

J.J.: You’re terrible at writing.
Puppy: It wasn’t all that terrible…
J.J.: “,,,Completely unreadable. Like a highschool banged it out in an hour.”
Puppy: Unreadable?  But…you read it. And how many highschools can, themselves, write?
J.J: (Edited for mistake, understandable given the angst involved (I’m not joking)):  Completely unreadable. Like a highschool girl banged it out in an hour.
Puppy: HAHAHA! A forced edit. +1 for me.

2/4/14: Puppy: Well, since I’m not smarter than a 5th grader, that’s actually somewhat flattering.  I mean, I’m writing FOUR GRADES (at least) above my potential.

Moral of the story: Never send a 9 when you need at least a 6.  (That’s not a sexual reference).

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Puppy Edit: 2/12/14 – The SCARY thing is…I have a very strong feeling that there are a considerable number of CA/A’s actively HOPING for a Wiccan to go insane and do something really evil, just so the CA/A’s can include (somewhat accurately) “Wicca” as a dangerous religion.

10/16/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – The clip I included…is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen. At no point in its rambling, incoherent playing did it approach anything resembling a rational thought. (housekeeping)

Just Wondering Here…

To whomever is in charge of that big picture of  “All the Famous Atheists In History” that you’ll meet if there is a Hell, “you’ll have great company…blah blah blah”:

Why isn’t Woody Allen on there?  He’s more famous and (supposedly) talented than a lot of them (again, supposedly…I think he’s a fcken humorless hack).

I mean, he’s OBVIOUSLY famous enough…vis:

So why is he not there?

Maybe (probably) he WAS there, but the Ministry of Truth decided he wasn’t there.  He wasn’t there and he never had been there.

And on Wikipedia, when it lists “famous” atheists, where is Benito Mussolini, among MANY others who were fcken sleazeballs?  I mean, the title of the entry is “List of Atheists”…and it has plenty that lived and died BEFORE Mussolini, and AFTER Mussolini.

But Benito apparently isn’t famous enough, as the ORIGINATOR OF FASCISM, to make the list.

But Stieg Larsson…ABSOLUTELY.

Answer?  Propaganda.  Even if your self-proclaimed purpose is to “educate” and “show the truth”, I guess lying via omission is still ok.  Cuz, you know, the “Common Good”…Mussolini’s inclusion (among many others, mind you) might turn people OFF the facts, and CA/A’s can’t have that.  Even though Mussolini IS a fact, it’s justifiable to leave him off the list, even if it is (and it IS) a lie by omission.

So screw anyone that doesn’t like the Nazi comparisons brought up, as a “logical fallacy”.

Mussolini INVENTED (with some help, but…) modern-day Fascism.  He was ADMIRED greatly by Hitler.  Pretty fcken direct reference, I think.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Quote Of The Day – Morality > Science

Spoiler Alert: From a good movie (‘Extreme Measures’). If you haven’t seen it, this quote is better experienced that way.

“Maybe they are doing a great thing for the world. Maybe they are
heroes. But they didn’t choose to be. You chose for them. You
didn’t choose your wife or your granddaughter, you didn’t ask for volunteers. You chose for them. And you can’t do that, because
you’re a doctor, and you took an oath, and you’re not God. So I
don’t care, I don’t care if you can do what you say you can. I
don’t care if you find a cure for every disease on the planet!
YOU tortured and murdered those men upstairs, and that makes you a disgrace to your profession. And I hope you go to jail for the
rest of your life.”

Bobbing Low’s Guide To Life – Part Five

The mystery limp is key to a successful non-loving, no sex, no romanticism relationship.

Just start limping one day.  Blow off any concern, cuz ya know…you’re a MANLY man.

Then, switch that limp around constantly…like Igor’s hump from ‘Young Frankenstein’, only much more prevalent.  You know, sometimes it’s in the “normal” leg, then a few days later it’s moved over to the other leg…rarely you can do both legs (not for beginners) and if you just don’t give a d@mn that day, lose it completely!   BRILLIANT!

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Video Clips On Youtube

Since I’ve noticed that many SMALL clips (less than 5 minutes of a 2+ hour movie…hardly the entire thing) on Youtube tend to eventually get “Blocked/Removed for Copyright Reasons” by extremely rich companies (subsidiaries of ConHugeCo), I suggest this:

It is (well, check first, but as far as I know) completely legal to have those clips there, and they CANNOT be removed, if they are the subjects of “critical analysis”.  I don’t remember the exact wording, but the basic point is if it’s an analysis of that clip by a critic, it’s ok.

I am a critic.  Amateur, yes…but I’ve been reviewing things here for over 3 years.  So, if you make sure it’s legal first (I BELIEVE so, but just to be sure), ask me to give a critical analysis on a clip that you want put there, and I’ll watch it, and I will give it a critical analysis.  A real one, not just “Love this” or “it stinks”…but a real review/critique just like the stuff I do here.

Attach comments to this post if you want.


-Puppy >.< Yip!

Armageddon Mud – Final Thoughts (THANK GOD)

I mean, it was REALLY fun for a while…when Inky thought I was female playing a female character.  Since then it’s just been a world of fcken annoyance.

From an Administrator:

“Given that you’ve decided to take this to your blog…”

Right…MY blog.  My blog, where I post MY opinions/jokes/sarcastic remarks/etc…not yours. 

But hey, thanks for the hit!  Every little one counts towards that million.

“and seem unwilling to discuss this with staff,…”

Unwilling to discuss with staff???  Are you high?  I traded like 6 messages back and forth with an Imm EXPLAINING the ENTIRE thing.  It got so right-adjusted that I could barely read it, like one word for each line.

“your account on the game as well as on the GDB has been temporarily banned. “

So…a ten year vet cheats (IMPO…I’m 6.9 on that), I (a newbie) complain about it, as I was ENCOURAGED to do by an Imm response…and I get banned?

“Remove your posts on your blog and we can talk then. 
ArmageddonMUD Staff”

This is my favorite, no question. 

A MUD Admin (in my subjective opinion) trying to bribe me to censor my free speech in exchange for game access.  Well…POSSIBLE game access.  That’s just…sad. 

Oh, and go fck yourself.

-Puppy >.< Yip!